Commit 4de585ec by Zachary Snow

initial parameter type conversion

parent 73e961d7
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Convert.NamedBlock
import qualified Convert.NestPI
import qualified Convert.Package
import qualified Convert.PackedArray
import qualified Convert.ParamType
import qualified Convert.RemoveComments
import qualified Convert.Return
import qualified Convert.StarPort
......@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ phases excludes =
, Convert.KWArgs.convert
, Convert.Mux.convert
, Convert.PackedArray.convert
, Convert.ParamType.convert
, Convert.StarPort.convert
, Convert.StmtBlock.convert
, Convert.Stream.convert
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Conversion for `parameter type` in module instantiations
module Convert.ParamType (convert) where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type MaybeTypeMap = Map.Map Identifier (Maybe Type)
type Info = Map.Map Identifier ([Identifier], MaybeTypeMap)
type Instance = Map.Map Identifier Type
type Instances = [(Identifier, Instance)]
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert files =
concatMap (map explodeDescription) files'
info = execWriter $
mapM (collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM) files
(files', instancesRaw) = runWriter $ mapM
(mapM $ traverseModuleItemsM $ mapInstance info) files
instances = reverse $ uniq [] instancesRaw
-- TODO: use the unique package
uniq curr [] = curr
uniq curr (x : xs) =
if elem x curr
then uniq curr xs
else uniq (x : curr) xs
explodeDescription :: Description -> [Description]
explodeDescription (part @ (Part _ _ _ name _ _)) =
if null theseInstances
then [part]
else map (rewriteModule part) theseInstances
where theseInstances = map snd $ filter ((== name) . fst) instances
explodeDescription other = [other]
-- TODO FIXME: Need to keep around the default instance and not perform
-- substitutions in it.
-- substitute in a particular instance's paramter types
rewriteModule :: Description -> Instance -> Description
rewriteModule part typeMap =
Part extern kw ml m' p items'
Part extern kw ml m p items = part
m' = renameModule info m typeMap
items' = map rewriteDecl items
rewriteDecl :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
rewriteDecl (MIPackageItem (Decl (ParamType Parameter x _))) =
MIPackageItem $ Typedef (typeMap Map.! x) x
rewriteDecl other = other
-- TODO FIXME: Typedef conversion must be made to handle
-- ParamTypes!
-----items' = map (traverseDecls rewriteDecl) items
-----rewriteDecl :: Decl -> Decl
-----rewriteDecl (ParamType Parameter x _) =
----- ParamType Localparam x (Just $ typeMap Map.! x)
-----rewriteDecl other = other
-- write down module parameter names and type parameters
collectDescriptionM :: Description -> Writer Info ()
collectDescriptionM (part @ (Part _ _ _ name _ _)) =
tell $ Map.singleton name (paramNames, maybeTypeMap)
params = execWriter $
collectModuleItemsM (collectDeclsM collectDeclM) part
paramNames = map fst params
maybeTypeMap = Map.fromList $
map (\(x, y) -> (x, fromJust y)) $
filter (isJust . snd) params
collectDeclM :: Decl -> Writer [(Identifier, Maybe (Maybe Type))] ()
collectDeclM (Param Parameter _ x _) = tell [(x, Nothing)]
collectDeclM (ParamType Parameter x v) = tell [(x, Just v )]
collectDeclM _ = return ()
collectDescriptionM _ = return ()
-- produces the default type mapping of a module, if there is one
defaultInstance :: MaybeTypeMap -> Maybe Instance
defaultInstance maybeTypeMap =
if any isNothing maybeTypeMap
then Nothing
else Just $ fromJust maybeTypeMap
-- generate a "unique" name for a particular module type instance
renameModule :: Info -> Identifier -> Instance -> Identifier
renameModule info m inst =
if defaultInstance maybeTypeMap == Just inst
then m -- default instances keep the original module name
else m ++ "_" ++ shortHash (m, inst)
where maybeTypeMap = snd $ info Map.! m
mapInstance :: Info -> ModuleItem -> Writer Instances ModuleItem
mapInstance info (orig @ (Instance m bindings x r p)) =
if Map.notMember m info then
return orig
else if any (isLeft . snd) bindings' then
error $ "param type resolution left type params: " ++ show orig
++ " converted to: " ++ show bindings'
else do
tell [(m, resolvedTypes)]
let m' = renameModule info m resolvedTypes
return $ Instance m' bindings' x r p
(paramNames, maybeTypeMap) = info Map.! m
-- attach names to unnamed parameters
bindingsNamed =
if all (== "") (map fst bindings) then
zip paramNames (map snd bindings)
else if any (== "") (map fst bindings) then
error $ "instance has a mix of named and unnamed params: "
++ show orig
else bindings
-- determine the types corresponding to each type parameter
bindingsMap = Map.fromList bindingsNamed
resolvedTypes = Map.mapWithKey resolveType maybeTypeMap
resolveType :: Identifier -> Maybe Type -> Type
resolveType paramName defaultType =
case (Map.lookup paramName bindingsMap, defaultType) of
(Nothing, Just t) -> t
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
error $ "instantiation " ++ show orig ++
" is missing a type parameter: " ++ paramName
(Just (Left t), _) -> t
(Just (Right e), _) ->
-- TODO: Some types could have been parsed as an expression
-- (i.e. aliases). Ideally we should have any such aliases
-- resolved before applying this conversion.
error $ "instantiation " ++ show orig ++ " has expr "
++ show e ++ " for type param: " ++ paramName
-- leave only the normal expression params behind
isParamType = flip Map.member maybeTypeMap
bindings' = filter (not . isParamType . fst) bindingsNamed
mapInstance _ other = return other
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ executable sv2v
module m_def #(
parameter type T = logic
T x = 0;
initial begin
$display("m_def %b %b %d", x, x+1, $bits(T));
module m_nodef #(
parameter type T
T x = 0;
initial begin
$display("m_nodef %b %b %d", x, x+1, $bits(T));
module n_nodef #(
parameter type T,
parameter type U
T x = 0;
U y = 1;
initial begin
$display("n_nodef %b %b %d", x, x+1, $bits(T));
$display("n_nodef %b %b %d", y, y+1, $bits(U));
module n_def #(
parameter type T = logic,
parameter type U = logic
T x = 0;
U y = 1;
initial begin
$display("n_def %b %b %d", x, x+1, $bits(T));
$display("n_def %b %b %d", y, y+1, $bits(U));
module n_tdef #(
parameter type T,
parameter type U = logic
T x = 0;
U y = 1;
initial begin
$display("n_tdef %b %b %d", x, x+1, $bits(T));
$display("n_tdef %b %b %d", y, y+1, $bits(U));
// TODO Add support for parameters without default values.
module o_nodef #(
parameter a = 0,
parameter type T,
parameter type U,
parameter b = 0
T x = a;
U y = b;
initial begin
$display("n_nodef a=%d %b %b %d", a, x, x+1, $bits(T));
$display("n_nodef b=%d %b %b %d", b, y, y+1, $bits(U));
module top; endmodule
// Top level modules appear to be generally instantiated in lexicographic order,
// but instances within a module do not. This silliness helps produce more
// consistent output.
module a_1; m_def x(); endmodule
module a_2; m_def #(logic [1:0]) x(); endmodule
module a_3; m_def #(.T(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module b_1; m_nodef #(logic [1:0]) x(); endmodule
module b_2; m_nodef #(.T(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module c_1; n_nodef #(logic [1:0], logic [2:0]) x(); endmodule
module c_2; n_nodef #(.T(logic [1:0]), .U(logic)) x(); endmodule
module c_3; n_nodef #(.U(logic), .T(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module d_1; n_def #(logic [1:0], logic [2:0]) x(); endmodule
module d_2; n_def #(.T(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module d_3; n_def #(.U(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module d_4; n_def #(.U(logic), .T(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module e_1; n_tdef #(logic [1:0], logic [2:0]) x(); endmodule
module e_2; n_tdef #(.T(logic [1:0]), .U(logic)) x(); endmodule
module e_3; n_tdef #(.U(logic), .T(logic [1:0])) x(); endmodule
module f_1; o_nodef #(1, logic [1:0], logic [2:0], 0) x(); endmodule
module f_2; o_nodef #(.T(logic [1:0]), .U(logic), .b(1), .a(0)) x(); endmodule
module f_3; o_nodef #(0, logic [1:0], logic [2:0], 1) x(); endmodule
module f_4; o_nodef #(.T(logic [1:0]), .U(logic), .b(0), .a(1)) x(); endmodule
module top;
initial begin
// generated by running a commercial simulator
$display("m_def 0 00000000000000000000000000000001 1");
$display("m_def 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("m_def 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("m_nodef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("m_nodef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_nodef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_nodef 001 00000000000000000000000000000010 3");
$display("n_nodef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_nodef 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_nodef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_nodef 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_def 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_def 001 00000000000000000000000000000010 3");
$display("n_def 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_def 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_def 0 00000000000000000000000000000001 1");
$display("n_def 01 00000000000000000000000000000010 2");
$display("n_def 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_def 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_tdef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_tdef 001 00000000000000000000000000000010 3");
$display("n_tdef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_tdef 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_tdef 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_tdef 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_nodef a= 1 01 00000000000000000000000000000010 2");
$display("n_nodef b= 0 000 00000000000000000000000000000001 3");
$display("n_nodef a= 0 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_nodef b= 1 1 00000000000000000000000000000010 1");
$display("n_nodef a= 0 00 00000000000000000000000000000001 2");
$display("n_nodef b= 1 001 00000000000000000000000000000010 3");
$display("n_nodef a= 1 01 00000000000000000000000000000010 2");
$display("n_nodef b= 0 0 00000000000000000000000000000001 1");
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