Commit 4026ae8f by Zachary Snow

interface conversion respects shadowed variables

parent 4bebb85c
......@@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ module Convert.Interface (convert) where
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
type Interface = ([Identifier], [ModuleItem])
type Interfaces = Map.Map Identifier Interface
type Module = ([Identifier], [(Identifier, Type)])
......@@ -72,11 +74,8 @@ convertDescription :: Interfaces -> Modules -> Description -> Description
convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name ports items) =
Part attrs extern Module lifetime name ports' items'
items' =
map (traverseNestedModuleItems $ traverseExprs' ExcludeTFs (traverseNestedExprs $ convertExpr instances modports)) $
map (traverseNestedModuleItems $ traverseLHSs' ExcludeTFs (traverseNestedLHSs $ convertLHS instances modports)) $
map (traverseNestedModuleItems mapInterface) $
items' = map (flattenInstances instances modports) $
map (traverseNestedModuleItems expandInterface) items
ports' = concatMap convertPort ports
-- collect the interface type of all interface instances in this module
......@@ -106,8 +105,8 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
else return ()
collectInstanceM _ = return ()
mapInterface :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
mapInterface (orig @ (MIPackageItem (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)))) =
expandInterface :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
expandInterface (orig @ (MIPackageItem (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)))) =
-- expand instantiation of a modport
if Map.member ident modports
then Generate $ map GenModuleItem $
......@@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
where port' = if null modportName
then port
else ident ++ '_' : port
mapInterface (Instance part params ident [] instancePorts) =
expandInterface (Instance part params ident [] instancePorts) =
-- expand modport port bindings
case Map.lookup part interfaces of
Just interface ->
......@@ -150,23 +149,7 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
if null addedParams
then params
else paramsNamed ++ addedParams
mapInterface (orig @ (MIPackageItem (Function _ _ _ decls _))) =
convertTF decls orig
mapInterface (orig @ (MIPackageItem (Task _ _ decls _))) =
convertTF decls orig
mapInterface other = other
convertTF :: [Decl] -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertTF decls =
traverseExprs (traverseNestedExprs $ convertExpr its mps) .
traverseLHSs (traverseNestedLHSs $ convertLHS its mps)
locals = Set.fromList $ map declVarIdent decls
its = Map.withoutKeys instances locals
mps = Map.withoutKeys modports locals
declVarIdent :: Decl -> Identifier
declVarIdent (Variable _ _ x _ _) = x
declVarIdent _ = ""
expandInterface other = other
expandPortBinding :: Identifier -> PortBinding -> Int -> ([ParamBinding], [PortBinding])
expandPortBinding moduleName ("", binding) idx =
......@@ -272,31 +255,69 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
where d' = if d == Local then Inout else d
collectModportDecls _ = return ()
convertExpr :: Instances -> Modports -> Expr -> Expr
convertExpr its mps (orig @ (Dot (Ident x) y)) =
if Map.member x mps || Map.member x its
then Ident (x ++ "_" ++ y)
else orig
convertExpr _ _ other = other
convertLHS :: Instances -> Modports -> LHS -> LHS
convertLHS its mps (orig @ (LHSDot (LHSIdent x) y)) =
if Map.member x mps || Map.member x its
then LHSIdent (x ++ "_" ++ y)
else orig
convertLHS _ _ other = other
convertPort :: Identifier -> [Identifier]
convertPort ident =
case Map.lookup ident modports of
Nothing -> [ident]
Just (interfaceName, modportName) ->
map (\(_, x, _, _) ->
ident ++ "_" ++ x) modportDecls
map (\(_, x, _, _) -> ident ++ "_" ++ x) modportDecls
interfaceItems = snd $ lookupInterface interfaceName
modportDecls = lookupModport interfaceItems modportName
interfaceItems = snd $ lookupInterface interfaceName
modportDecls = lookupModport interfaceItems modportName
convertDescription _ _ other = other
-- replaces accesses of interface or modport members with their corresponding
-- flattened (exploded) data declarations
flattenInstances :: Instances -> Modports -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
flattenInstances instances modports =
\item -> evalState (rewriter item) Set.empty
rewriter = traverseScopesM traverseDeclM
(traverseNestedModuleItemsM traverseModuleItemM) traverseStmtM
traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> State Idents ModuleItem
traverseModuleItemM =
traverseExprsM traverseExprM >=>
traverseLHSsM traverseLHSM
traverseStmtM :: Stmt -> State Idents Stmt
traverseStmtM =
traverseStmtExprsM traverseExprM >=>
traverseStmtLHSsM traverseLHSM
traverseDeclM :: Decl -> State Idents Decl
traverseDeclM decl = do
item <- traverseModuleItemM (MIPackageItem $ Decl decl)
let MIPackageItem (Decl decl') = item
case decl' of
Variable _ _ ident _ _ -> modify $ Set.insert ident
Param _ _ ident _ -> modify $ Set.insert ident
ParamType{} -> return ()
CommentDecl{} -> return ()
return decl'
traverseExprM = traverseNestedExprsM convertExprM
traverseLHSM = traverseNestedLHSsM convertLHSM
convertExprM :: Expr -> State Idents Expr
convertExprM (orig @ (Dot (Ident x) y)) = do
substituteNonLocal orig repl x
where repl = Ident (x ++ "_" ++ y)
convertExprM other = return other
convertLHSM :: LHS -> State Idents LHS
convertLHSM (orig @ (LHSDot (LHSIdent x) y)) = do
substituteNonLocal orig repl x
where repl = LHSIdent (x ++ "_" ++ y)
convertLHSM other = return other
substituteNonLocal :: a -> a -> Identifier -> State Idents a
substituteNonLocal orig repl ident = do
locals <- get
return $ if Map.member ident modports || Map.member ident instances
then if Set.notMember ident locals
then repl
else orig
else orig
-- add a prefix to all standard identifiers in a module item
prefixModuleItems :: (Identifier -> Identifier) -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
interface I;
task x;
input logic [31:0] i;
$display("I x(%0d)", i);
module top;
I i();
logic [31:0] w = 31;
logic [31:0] y = 42;
typedef struct packed { logic [31:0] x, y; } E;
task x;
input E i;
$display("x('{%0d, %0d})", i.x, i.y);
task automatic z;
input E t;
begin : foo
E i = t;
$display("z('{%0d, %0d})", i.x, i.y);
initial begin
x({w, y});
z({w, y});
module top;
task i_x;
input reg [31:0] i;
$display("I x(%0d)", i);
wire [31:0] w = 31;
wire [31:0] y = 42;
task x;
input reg [31:0] a, b;
$display("x('{%0d, %0d})", a, b);
task automatic z;
input reg [31:0] a, b;
$display("z('{%0d, %0d})", a, b);
initial begin
x(w, y);
z(w, y);
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