Commit 3b2a55a6 by Zachary Snow

better error message for indexed atoms

parent c103d0cb
......@@ -214,18 +214,20 @@ typeof (Number n) =
typeof (Call (Ident x) args) = typeofCall x args
typeof orig@(Bit e _) = do
t <- typeof e
let t' = popRange t
case t of
TypeOf{} -> lookupTypeOf orig
TypeOf{} -> return $ TypeOf orig
Alias{} -> return $ TypeOf orig
_ -> return $ typeSignednessOverride t' Unsigned t'
_ -> do
t' <- popRange orig t
return $ typeSignednessOverride t' Unsigned t'
typeof orig@(Range e NonIndexed r) = do
t <- typeof e
let t' = replaceRange r t
return $ case t of
TypeOf{} -> TypeOf orig
Alias{} -> TypeOf orig
_ -> typeSignednessOverride t' Unsigned t'
case t of
TypeOf{} -> return $ TypeOf orig
Alias{} -> return $ TypeOf orig
_ -> do
t' <- replaceRange orig r t
return $ typeSignednessOverride t' Unsigned t'
typeof (Range expr mode (base, len)) =
typeof $ Range expr NonIndexed $
endianCondRange index (base, end) (end, base)
......@@ -398,23 +400,31 @@ injectRanges (UnpackedType t rs) unpacked = UnpackedType t $ unpacked ++ rs
injectRanges t unpacked = UnpackedType t unpacked
-- removes the most significant range of the given type
popRange :: Type -> Type
popRange (UnpackedType t [_]) = t
popRange (IntegerAtom TInteger sg) =
IntegerVector TLogic sg []
popRange t =
tf rs
where (tf, _ : rs) = typeRanges t
popRange :: Expr -> Type -> ST Type
popRange _ (UnpackedType t [_]) = return t
popRange _ (IntegerAtom TInteger sg) =
return $ IntegerVector TLogic sg []
popRange e t =
case typeRanges t of
(tf, _ : rs) -> return $ tf rs
_ -> indexedAtomError e t
-- replaces the most significant range of the given type
replaceRange :: Range -> Type -> Type
replaceRange r (UnpackedType t (_ : rs)) =
UnpackedType t (r : rs)
replaceRange r (IntegerAtom TInteger sg) =
IntegerVector TLogic sg [r]
replaceRange r t =
tf (r : rs)
where (tf, _ : rs) = typeRanges t
replaceRange :: Expr -> Range -> Type -> ST Type
replaceRange _ r (UnpackedType t (_ : rs)) =
return $ UnpackedType t (r : rs)
replaceRange _ r (IntegerAtom TInteger sg) =
return $ IntegerVector TLogic sg [r]
replaceRange e r t =
case typeRanges t of
(tf, _ : rs) -> return $ tf (r : rs)
_ -> indexedAtomError e t
-- readable error message when looking up the type of a portion of an atom
indexedAtomError :: Expr -> Type -> ST a
indexedAtomError e t =
scopedErrorM $ "can't determine the type of " ++ show e ++ " because the"
++ " inner type " ++ show t ++ " can't be indexed"
-- checks for a cast type which already trivially matches the expression type
typeCastUnneeded :: Type -> Type -> Bool
// pattern: can't determine the type of x\[1\] because the inner type reg can't be indexed
// location:
module top;
reg x;
initial $display($bits(x[1]));
// pattern: can't determine the type of x\[1:0\] because the inner type reg can't be indexed
// location:
module top;
reg x;
var type(x[1:0]) y;
initial $display(y);
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