Commit 33dc4b3f by Zachary Snow

conversions are applied per-file

- NestTF refactored to cover all package items
- fixed issue where type traverse skipped typedefs
parent da38776d
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import qualified Convert.Interface
import qualified Convert.KWArgs
import qualified Convert.Logic
import qualified Convert.NamedBlock
import qualified Convert.NestTF
import qualified Convert.NestPI
import qualified Convert.PackedArray
import qualified Convert.Return
import qualified Convert.StarPort
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import qualified Convert.Typedef
import qualified Convert.UnbasedUnsized
import qualified Convert.Unique
type Phase = AST -> AST
type Phase = [AST] -> [AST]
phases :: [Job.Exclude] -> [Phase]
phases excludes =
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ phases excludes =
, Convert.Typedef.convert
, Convert.UnbasedUnsized.convert
, Convert.Unique.convert
, Convert.NestPI.convert
, selectExclude (Job.Interface, Convert.Interface.convert)
, selectExclude (Job.Always , Convert.AlwaysKW.convert)
, Convert.NestTF.convert
selectExclude :: (Job.Exclude, Phase) -> Phase
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ module Convert.AlwaysKW (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems replaceAlwaysKW
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems replaceAlwaysKW
replaceAlwaysKW :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
replaceAlwaysKW (AlwaysC AlwaysComb stmt) =
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ module Convert.AsgnOp (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert =
traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems $
map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems $
( traverseStmts convertStmt
. traverseGenItems convertGenItem
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ module Convert.Assertion (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem
convertModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem (AssertionItem item) =
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Info = Map.Map Identifier (Type, [Range])
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription =
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ type Enums = Set.Set EnumInfo
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
type EnumItem = ((Range, Identifier), Expr)
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
defaultType :: Type
defaultType = IntegerVector TLogic Unspecified [(Number "31", Number "0")]
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ module Convert.FuncRet (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertFunction
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertFunction
convertFunction :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertFunction (MIPackageItem (Function ml t f decls stmts)) =
......@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ type Interfaces = Map.Map Identifier Interface
type Modports = Map.Map Identifier [ModportDecl]
type Modules = Map.Map (Identifier, Identifier) Type
convert :: AST -> AST
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert descriptions =
filter (not . isInterface) $
traverseDescriptions (convertDescription interfaces modules) $
map (
filter (not . isInterface) .
traverseDescriptions (convertDescription interfaces modules)
) descriptions
(interfaces, modules) =
execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM collectDesc descriptions
execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM collectDesc $ concat descriptions
-- we can only collect/map non-extern interfaces
collectDesc :: Description -> Writer (Interfaces, Modules) ()
collectDesc (orig @ (Part False kw _ name ports items)) = do
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type TFs = Map.Map Identifier [Identifier]
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription description =
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
type Ports = Map.Map (Identifier, Identifier) Direction
convert :: AST -> AST
convert ast =
traverseDescriptions (convertDescription ports) ast
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
map (traverseDescriptions $ convertDescription ports) asts
ports = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM collectPortsM ast
ports = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM collectPortsM $ concat asts
collectPortsM :: Description -> Writer Ports ()
collectPortsM (orig @ (Part _ _ _ name portNames _)) =
collectModuleItemsM collectPortDirsM orig
......@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
convert :: AST -> AST
convert ast =
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
-- we collect all the existing blocks in the first pass to make sure we
-- don't generate conflicting names on repeated passes of this conversion
evalState (runner collectStmtM ast >>= runner traverseStmtM) Set.empty
where runner = traverseDescriptionsM . traverseModuleItemsM . traverseStmtsM
evalState (runner collectStmtM asts >>= runner traverseStmtM) Set.empty
where runner = mapM . traverseDescriptionsM . traverseModuleItemsM . traverseStmtsM
collectStmtM :: Stmt -> State Idents Stmt
collectStmtM (Block (Just x) decls stmts) = do
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Conversion for moving top-level package items into modules
module Convert.NestPI (convert) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type PIs = Map.Map Identifier PackageItem
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
map (filter (not . isPI) . nest) asts
nest :: AST -> AST
nest curr =
if next == curr
then curr
else nest next
next = evalState (traverseM curr) Map.empty
traverseM = traverseDescriptionsM traverseDescriptionM
isPI :: Description -> Bool
isPI (PackageItem item) = piName item /= Nothing
isPI _ = False
-- collects and nests in tasks and functions missing from modules
traverseDescriptionM :: Description -> State PIs Description
traverseDescriptionM (PackageItem item) = do
() <- case piName item of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ident -> modify $ Map.insert ident item
return $ PackageItem item
traverseDescriptionM (orig @ (Part extern kw lifetime name ports items)) = do
tfs <- get
let newItems = map MIPackageItem $ Map.elems $
Map.restrictKeys tfs neededPIs
return $ Part extern kw lifetime name ports (items ++ newItems)
existingPIs = execWriter $ collectModuleItemsM collectPIsM orig
runner f = execWriter $ collectModuleItemsM f orig
usedPIs = Set.unions $ map runner $
[ collectStmtsM collectSubroutinesM
, collectTypesM collectTypenamesM
, collectExprsM $ collectNestedExprsM collectIdentsM
neededPIs = Set.difference usedPIs existingPIs
traverseDescriptionM other = return other
-- writes down the names of package items
collectPIsM :: ModuleItem -> Writer Idents ()
collectPIsM (MIPackageItem item) =
case piName item of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ident -> tell $ Set.singleton ident
collectPIsM _ = return ()
-- writes down the names of subroutine invocations
collectSubroutinesM :: Stmt -> Writer Idents ()
collectSubroutinesM (Subroutine f _) = tell $ Set.singleton f
collectSubroutinesM _ = return ()
-- writes down the names of function calls and identifiers
collectIdentsM :: Expr -> Writer Idents ()
collectIdentsM (Call x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectIdentsM (Ident x ) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectIdentsM _ = return ()
-- writes down aliased typenames
collectTypenamesM :: Type -> Writer Idents ()
collectTypenamesM (Alias x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM (Enum (Just t) _ _) = collectTypenamesM t
collectTypenamesM (Struct _ fields _) = do
_ <- mapM collectTypenamesM $ map fst fields
return ()
collectTypenamesM _ = return ()
-- returns the "name" of a package item, if it has one
piName :: PackageItem -> Maybe Identifier
piName (Function _ _ ident _ _) = Just ident
piName (Task _ ident _ _) = Just ident
piName (Typedef _ ident ) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Parameter _ ident _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Localparam _ ident _)) = Just ident
piName (Import _ _) = Nothing
piName (Comment _) = Nothing
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Conversion for moving top-level tasks and functions into modules
module Convert.NestTF (convert) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type TFs = Map.Map Identifier PackageItem
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
convert :: AST -> AST
convert ast =
filter (not . isTF) $ nest $ ast
nest :: AST -> AST
nest curr =
if next == curr
then curr
else nest next
next = evalState (traverseM curr) Map.empty
traverseM = traverseDescriptionsM traverseDescriptionM
isTF :: Description -> Bool
isTF (PackageItem (Function _ _ _ _ _)) = True
isTF (PackageItem (Task _ _ _ _)) = True
isTF _ = False
-- collects and nests in tasks and functions missing from modules
traverseDescriptionM :: Description -> State TFs Description
traverseDescriptionM (PackageItem item) = do
() <- case item of
Function _ _ ident _ _ -> modify $ Map.insert ident item
Task _ ident _ _ -> modify $ Map.insert ident item
_ -> return ()
return $ PackageItem item
traverseDescriptionM (orig @ (Part extern kw lifetime name ports items)) = do
tfs <- get
let newItems = map MIPackageItem $ Map.elems $
Map.restrictKeys tfs neededTFs
return $ Part extern kw lifetime name ports (items ++ newItems)
existingTFs = execWriter $ collectModuleItemsM collectTFsM orig
usedTFs = Set.union
(execWriter $ collectModuleItemsM (collectStmtsM collectSubroutinesM) orig)
(execWriter $ collectModuleItemsM (collectExprsM $ collectNestedExprsM collectCallsM) orig)
neededTFs = Set.difference usedTFs existingTFs
traverseDescriptionM other = return other
-- writes down the names of tasks and functions
collectTFsM :: ModuleItem -> Writer Idents ()
collectTFsM (MIPackageItem item) =
case item of
Function _ _ ident _ _ -> tell $ Set.singleton ident
Task _ ident _ _ -> tell $ Set.singleton ident
_ -> return ()
collectTFsM _ = return ()
-- writes down the names of subroutine invocations
collectSubroutinesM :: Stmt -> Writer Idents ()
collectSubroutinesM (Subroutine f _) = tell $ Set.singleton f
collectSubroutinesM _ = return ()
-- writes down the names of function calls
collectCallsM :: Expr -> Writer Idents ()
collectCallsM (Call f _) = tell $ Set.singleton f
collectCallsM _ = return ()
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ data Info = Info
{ sTypeDims :: DimMap
} deriving (Eq, Show)
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription =
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ module Convert.Return (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertFunction
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertFunction
convertFunction :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertFunction (MIPackageItem (Function ml t f decls stmts)) =
......@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert descriptions =
traverseDescriptions (traverseModuleItems mapInstance) descriptions
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
map (traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems mapInstance) asts
modulePorts = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM getPorts descriptions
modulePorts = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM getPorts $ concat asts
getPorts :: Description -> Writer (Map.Map Identifier [Identifier]) ()
getPorts (Part _ _ _ name ports _) = tell $ Map.singleton name ports
getPorts _ = return ()
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ module Convert.StmtBlock (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem
convertModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem (MIPackageItem packageItem) =
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ type Structs = Map.Map TypeFunc StructInfo
type Types = Map.Map Identifier Type
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ _ _ _ _)) =
......@@ -562,8 +562,8 @@ traverseExprsM' strat exprMapper = moduleItemMapper
return $ MIPackageItem $ Typedef t x
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Comment c)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Comment c
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Import imports)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Import imports
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Import x y)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Import x y
moduleItemMapper (AssertionItem (mx, a)) = do
a' <- traverseAssertionStmtsM stmtMapper a
a'' <- traverseAssertionExprsM exprMapper a'
......@@ -792,6 +792,8 @@ traverseTypesM mapper item =
fullMapper t >>= \t' -> return $ Localparam t' x e
declMapper (Variable d t x a me) =
fullMapper t >>= \t' -> return $ Variable d t' x a me
miMapper (MIPackageItem (Typedef t x)) =
fullMapper t >>= \t' -> return $ MIPackageItem $ Typedef t' x
miMapper (MIPackageItem (Function l t x d s)) =
fullMapper t >>= \t' -> return $ MIPackageItem $ Function l t' x d s
miMapper (MIPackageItem (other @ (Task _ _ _ _))) =
......@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Types = Map.Map Identifier Type
convert :: AST -> AST
convert descriptions =
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map convertFile
convertFile :: AST -> AST
convertFile descriptions =
traverseDescriptions removeTypedef $
traverseDescriptions (convertDescription types) $
......@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ module Convert.UnbasedUnsized (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert =
map $
traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems $
traverseExprs $ traverseNestedExprs convertExpr
......@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ module Convert.Unique (convert) where
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems $ traverseStmts convertStmt
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert =
map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems $ traverseStmts convertStmt
convertStmt :: Stmt -> Stmt
convertStmt (If (Just _) cc s1 s2) =
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ data PackageItem
= Typedef Type Identifier
| Function (Maybe Lifetime) Type Identifier [Decl] [Stmt]
| Task (Maybe Lifetime) Identifier [Decl] [Stmt]
| Import [(Identifier, Maybe Identifier)]
| Import Identifier (Maybe Identifier)
| Decl Decl
| Comment String
deriving Eq
......@@ -71,11 +71,7 @@ instance Show PackageItem where
printf "task %s%s;\n%s\n%s\nendtask"
(showLifetime ml) x (indent $ show i)
(indent $ unlines' $ map show b)
show (Import imports) =
printf "import %s;"
(commas $ map showImport imports)
showImport (x, y) = printf "%s::%s" x (fromMaybe "*" y)
show (Import x y) = printf "import %s::%s;" x (fromMaybe "*" y)
show (Decl decl) = show decl
show (Comment c) =
if elem '\n' c
......@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ NonGenerateModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] }
| "initial" Stmt { [Initial $2] }
| "genvar" Identifiers ";" { map Genvar $2 }
| "modport" ModportItems ";" { map (uncurry Modport) $2 }
| NonDeclPackageItem { [MIPackageItem $1] }
| NonDeclPackageItem { map MIPackageItem $1 }
| NInputGateKW NInputGates ";" { map (\(a, b, c) -> NInputGate $1 a b c) $2 }
| NOutputGateKW NOutputGates ";" { map (\(a, b, c) -> NOutputGate $1 a b c) $2 }
| AttributeInstance ModuleItem { map (MIAttr $1) $2 }
......@@ -570,12 +570,12 @@ PackageItems :: { [PackageItem] }
PackageItem :: { [PackageItem] }
: DeclTokens(";") { map Decl $ parseDTsAsDecls $1 }
| ParameterDecl(ParameterDeclKW, ";") { map Decl $1 }
| NonDeclPackageItem { [$1] }
NonDeclPackageItem :: { PackageItem }
: "typedef" Type Identifier ";" { Typedef $2 $3 }
| "function" opt(Lifetime) FuncRetAndName TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endfunction" opt(Tag) { Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) (map defaultFuncInput $ (map makeInput $4) ++ fst $5) (snd $5) }
| "task" opt(Lifetime) Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endtask" opt(Tag) { Task $2 $3 (map defaultFuncInput $ $4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5) }
| "import" PackageImportItems ";" { Import $2 }
| NonDeclPackageItem { $1 }
NonDeclPackageItem :: { [PackageItem] }
: "typedef" Type Identifier ";" { [Typedef $2 $3] }
| "function" opt(Lifetime) FuncRetAndName TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endfunction" opt(Tag) { [Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) (map defaultFuncInput $ (map makeInput $4) ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "task" opt(Lifetime) Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endtask" opt(Tag) { [Task $2 $3 (map defaultFuncInput $ $4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "import" PackageImportItems ";" { map (uncurry Import) $2 }
PackageImportItems :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Identifier)] }
: PackageImportItem { [$1] }
......@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ main = do
let includePaths = incdir job
let defines = map splitDefine $ define job
asts <- mapM (parseFile includePaths defines) (files job)
let ast = concat asts
-- convert the file
let ast' = convert (exclude job) ast
let asts' = convert (exclude job) asts
-- print the converted file out
hPrint stdout ast'
hPrint stdout $ concat asts'
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ executable sv2v
......@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ function baz;
input [2:0] n;
baz = n * 2;
localparam PARAM = 37;
module top;
initial foo();
initial $display("bar(0) = %d", bar(0));
initial $display("PARAM = %d", PARAM);
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module top;
input [2:0] n;
baz = n * 2;
localparam PARAM = 37;
initial foo();
initial $display("bar(0) = %d", bar(0));
initial $display("PARAM = %d", PARAM);
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