Commit 31ebf181 by Zachary Snow

improved parse errors for certain unmatched tokens

parent 77b2f8b6
......@@ -438,9 +438,9 @@ Descriptions :: { [Description] }
| Descriptions Description { $1 ++ $2 }
Description :: { [Description] }
: Part(ModuleKW , "endmodule" ) { [$1] }
| Part(InterfaceKW, "endinterface") { [$1] }
| PackageDeclaration { [$1] }
: Part(ModuleKW , endmodule ) { [$1] }
| Part(InterfaceKW, endinterface) { [$1] }
| PackageDeclaration { [$1] }
| PackageItem { map PackageItem $1 }
OptAsgn :: { Expr }
......@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ InterfaceKW :: { PartKW }
: "interface" { Interface }
PackageDeclaration :: { Description }
: "package" Lifetime Identifier ";" PackageItems "endpackage" opt(Tag) { Package $2 $3 $5 }
: "package" Lifetime Identifier ";" PackageItems endpackage opt(Tag) { Package $2 $3 $5 }
Tag :: { Identifier }
: ":" Identifier { $2 }
......@@ -677,9 +677,9 @@ ModuleItems :: { [ModuleItem] }
ModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] }
: NonGenerateModuleItem { $1 }
| ConditionalGenerateConstruct { [Generate [$1]] }
| LoopGenerateConstruct { [Generate [$1]] }
| "generate" GenItems "endgenerate" { [Generate $2] }
| ConditionalGenerateConstruct { [Generate [$1]] }
| LoopGenerateConstruct { [Generate [$1]] }
| "generate" GenItems endgenerate { [Generate $2] }
NonGenerateModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] }
-- This item covers module instantiations and all declarations
: DeclTokens(";") { parseDTsAsModuleItems $1 }
......@@ -844,9 +844,9 @@ PackageItem :: { [PackageItem] }
NonDeclPackageItem :: { [PackageItem] }
: "typedef" Type Identifier ";" { [Decl $ ParamType Localparam $3 $2] }
| "typedef" Type Identifier DimensionsNonEmpty ";" { [Decl $ ParamType Localparam $3 (UnpackedType $2 $4)] }
| "function" Lifetime FuncRetAndName TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endfunction" opt(Tag) { [Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) (map defaultFuncInput $ (map makeInput $4) ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "function" Lifetime "void" Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endfunction" opt(Tag) { [Task $2 $4 (map defaultFuncInput $ $5 ++ fst $6) (snd $6)] }
| "task" Lifetime Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts "endtask" opt(Tag) { [Task $2 $3 (map defaultFuncInput $ $4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "function" Lifetime FuncRetAndName TFItems DeclsAndStmts endfunction opt(Tag) { [Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) (map defaultFuncInput $ (map makeInput $4) ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "function" Lifetime "void" Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts endfunction opt(Tag) { [Task $2 $4 (map defaultFuncInput $ $5 ++ fst $6) (snd $6)] }
| "task" Lifetime Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts endtask opt(Tag) { [Task $2 $3 (map defaultFuncInput $ $4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "import" PackageImportItems ";" { map (uncurry Import) $2 }
| "export" PackageImportItems ";" { map (uncurry Export) $2 }
| "export" "*" "::" "*" ";" { [Export "" ""] }
......@@ -995,10 +995,10 @@ StmtAsgn :: { Stmt }
| Identifier "::" Identifier ";" { Subroutine (PSIdent $1 $3) (Args [] []) }
| Identifier "::" Identifier CallArgs ";" { Subroutine (PSIdent $1 $3) $4 }
StmtNonAsgn :: { Stmt }
: StmtBlock(BlockKWSeq, "end" ) { $1 }
| StmtBlock(BlockKWPar, "join") { $1 }
| StmtNonBlock { $1 }
| Identifier ":" StmtNonBlock { Block Seq $1 [] [$3] }
: StmtBlock(BlockKWSeq, end ) { $1 }
| StmtBlock(BlockKWPar, join) { $1 }
| StmtNonBlock { $1 }
| Identifier ":" StmtNonBlock { Block Seq $1 [] [$3] }
StmtBlock(begin, end) :: { Stmt }
: begin StrTag DeclsAndStmts end StrTag { uncurry (Block $1 $ combineTags $2 $5) $3 }
| Identifier ":" begin DeclsAndStmts end StrTag { uncurry (Block $3 $ combineTags $1 $6) $4 }
......@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ LoopGenerateConstruct :: { GenItem }
: "for" "(" GenvarInitialization ";" Expr ";" GenvarIteration ")" GenItem { $3 $5 $7 $9 }
GenBlock :: { (Identifier, [GenItem]) }
: "begin" StrTag GenItems "end" StrTag { (combineTags $2 $5, $3) }
: "begin" StrTag GenItems end StrTag { (combineTags $2 $5, $3) }
GenCases :: { [GenCase] }
: GenCase { [$1] }
......@@ -1379,6 +1379,15 @@ Trace :: { String }
position :: { Position }
: {- empty -} {% gets fst }
end : "end" {} | error {% missingToken "end" }
endfunction : "endfunction" {} | error {% missingToken "endfunction" }
endgenerate : "endgenerate" {} | error {% missingToken "endgenerate" }
endinterface : "endinterface" {} | error {% missingToken "endinterface" }
endmodule : "endmodule" {} | error {% missingToken "endmodule" }
endpackage : "endpackage" {} | error {% missingToken "endpackage" }
endtask : "endtask" {} | error {% missingToken "endtask" }
join : "join" {} | error {% missingToken "join" }
type ParseState = StateT (Position, [Token]) (ExceptT String IO)
......@@ -1399,7 +1408,9 @@ positionKeep cont = do
parseError :: Token -> ParseState a
parseError a = case a of
TokenEOF -> throwError $ "Parse error: no tokens left to parse."
TokenEOF -> do
p <- gets fst
throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: unexpected end of file."
Token t s p -> throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: unexpected token '"
++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ")."
......@@ -1474,4 +1485,9 @@ addMIAttr :: Attr -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
addMIAttr _ (item @ (MIPackageItem (Decl CommentDecl{}))) = item
addMIAttr attr item = MIAttr attr item
missingToken :: String -> ParseState a
missingToken expected = do
p <- gets fst
throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: missing expected `" ++ expected ++ "`"
// pattern: missing expected `end`
module top;
// pattern: missing expected `endfunction`
module top;
function automatic foo;
input inp;
foo = inp;
// pattern: missing expected `endgenerate`
module top;
initial $display("FOO");
// pattern: missing expected `endinterface`
interface foo;
// pattern: missing expected `endinterface`
interface foo;
module bar;
// pattern: missing expected `endmodule`
module foo;
// pattern: missing expected `endmodule`
module foo;
module bar;
// pattern: missing expected `endpackage`
package foo;
// pattern: missing expected `endtask`
module top;
task automatic foo;
input inp;
// pattern: missing expected `join`
module top;
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