Commit 27147c54 by Zachary Snow

some tweaks to output formatting

parent 50b7bf28
......@@ -348,15 +348,19 @@ instance Show Stmt where
show (For (a,b) c (d,e) f) = printf "for (%s = %s; %s; %s = %s)\n%s" a (show b) (show c) d (show e) $ indent $ show f
show (AsgnBlk v e) = printf "%s = %s;" (show v) (show e)
show (Asgn v e) = printf "%s <= %s;" (show v) (show e)
show (If a b Null) = printf "if (%s)\n%s" (show a) (indent $ show b)
show (If a b c ) = printf "if (%s)\n%s\nelse\n%s" (show a) (indent $ show b) (indent $ show c)
show (Timing t s ) = printf "@(%s) %s" (show t) (show s)
show (If a b Null) = printf "if (%s)\n%s" (show a) (show b)
show (If a b c ) = printf "if (%s) %s\nelse %s" (show a) (show b) (show c)
show (Timing t s ) = printf "@(%s)%s" (show t) rest
rest = case s of
Block _ _ -> " " ++ (show s)
_ -> "\n" ++ (indent $ show s)
show (Null ) = ";"
type Case = ([Expr], Stmt)
showCase :: (Show x, Show y) => ([x], y) -> String
showCase (a, b) = printf "%s:\n%s" (commas $ map show a) (indent $ show b)
showCase (a, b) = printf "%s: %s" (commas $ map show a) (show b)
data Sense
= Sense LHS
......@@ -398,8 +402,8 @@ instance Show GenItem where
show (GenBlock (Just x) i) = printf "begin : %s\n%s\nend" x (indent $ unlines' $ map show i)
show (GenCase e c Nothing ) = printf "case (%s)\n%s\nendcase" (show e) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase c)
show (GenCase e c (Just d)) = printf "case (%s)\n%s\n\tdefault:\n%s\nendcase" (show e) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase c) (indent $ indent $ show d)
show (GenIf e a GenNull) = printf "if (%s)\n%s" (show e) (indent $ show a)
show (GenIf e a b ) = printf "if (%s)\n%s\nelse\n%s" (show e) (indent $ show a) (indent $ show b)
show (GenIf e a GenNull) = printf "if (%s) %s" (show e) (show a)
show (GenIf e a b ) = printf "if (%s) %s\nelse %s" (show e) (show a) (show b)
show (GenFor (x1, e1) c (x2, e2) x is) = printf "for (%s = %s; %s; %s = %s) %s" x1 (show e1) (show c) x2 (show e2) (show $ GenBlock (Just x) is)
show GenNull = ";"
show (GenModuleItem item) = show item
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