Commit 24a79ffe by Zachary Snow

support multi-dimensional modports

parent e0e29634
......@@ -302,12 +302,12 @@ convertDescription parts (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name ports items) =
collectDecl _ = return ()
extractModportInfo :: Type -> Maybe (Identifier, Identifier)
extractModportInfo (InterfaceT "" "" []) = Just ("", "")
extractModportInfo (InterfaceT interfaceName modportName []) =
extractModportInfo (InterfaceT "" "" _) = Just ("", "")
extractModportInfo (InterfaceT interfaceName modportName _) =
if isInterface interfaceName
then Just (interfaceName, modportName)
else Nothing
extractModportInfo (Alias interfaceName []) =
extractModportInfo (Alias interfaceName _) =
if isInterface interfaceName
then Just (interfaceName, "")
else Nothing
......@@ -496,15 +496,17 @@ inlineInstance global ranges modportBindings items partName
Variable d t x a e
else if makeBindingBaseExpr modportE == Nothing then
CommentDecl $ "removed modport instance " ++ x
else if null a then
else if null modportDims then
localparam (modportBaseName x) bindingBaseExpr
localparam (modportBaseName x) $
BinOp Sub bindingBaseExpr (sliceLo NonIndexed $ head a)
BinOp Sub bindingBaseExpr (sliceLo NonIndexed modportDim)
maybeModportBinding = lookup x modportBindings
Just (_, modportE) = maybeModportBinding
bindingBaseExpr = Ident $ bindingBaseName ++ x
modportDims = a ++ snd (typeRanges t)
[modportDim] = modportDims
removeModportInstance other = other
......@@ -29,25 +29,25 @@ convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ Module _ _ _ _)) =
convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ Module _ _ ports _)) =
evalState (operation description) Set.empty
operation =
partScoperT traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM noop traverseStmtM >=>
operation = partScoperT
(traverseDeclM ports) traverseModuleItemM noop traverseStmtM >=>
partScoperT rewriteDeclM noop noop noop
noop = return
convertDescription other = other
-- tracks multi-dimensional unpacked array declarations
traverseDeclM :: Decl -> ST Decl
traverseDeclM (decl @ (Variable _ _ _ [] _)) = return decl
traverseDeclM (decl @ (Variable dir _ x _ e)) = do
traverseDeclM :: [Identifier] -> Decl -> ST Decl
traverseDeclM _ (decl @ (Variable _ _ _ [] _)) = return decl
traverseDeclM ports (decl @ (Variable _ _ x _ e)) = do
insertElem x decl
if dir /= Local || e /= Nil
if elem x ports || e /= Nil
then flatUsageM x
else return ()
return decl
traverseDeclM other = return other
traverseDeclM _ other = return other
-- pack decls marked for packing
rewriteDeclM :: Decl -> ST Decl
interface Interface;
logic [0:1][0:2] arr;
module Module(intf);
Interface intf [3:3][1:2];
assign intf[3][2].arr[1] = 1;
assign intf[3][2].arr[0][0] = 0;
initial $display("2: %b", intf[3][2].arr);
module top;
Interface intf [1:1][1:2] ();
Module mod (intf);
assign intf[1][1].arr[1] = 6;
assign intf[1][1].arr[0][0] = 1;
initial $display("1: %b", intf[1][1].arr);
module top;
if (1) begin : intf1
wire [0:1][0:2] arr;
if (1) begin : intf2
wire [0:1][0:2] arr;
assign intf2.arr[1] = 1;
assign intf2.arr[0][0] = 0;
initial $display("2: %b", intf2.arr);
assign intf1.arr[1] = 6;
assign intf1.arr[0][0] = 1;
initial $display("1: %b", intf1.arr);
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