Commit 107291e7 by Zachary Snow

significant refactor of packed array flatten conversion; now supports module…

significant refactor of packed array flatten conversion; now supports module items in generate blocks
parent cf232677
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import qualified Convert.AlwaysKW
import qualified Convert.CaseKW
import qualified Convert.Logic
import qualified Convert.Typedef
import qualified Convert.PackedArrayFlatten
import qualified Convert.PackedArray
import qualified Convert.SplitPortDecl
import qualified Convert.StarPort
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type Phase = AST -> AST
phases :: Args.Target -> [Phase]
phases Args.YOSYS =
[ Convert.Typedef.convert
, Convert.PackedArrayFlatten.convert
, Convert.PackedArray.convert
, Convert.StarPort.convert
phases Args.VTR =
......@@ -3,90 +3,108 @@
- Conversion for flattening multi-dimensional packed arrays
- To simplify the code, this only removes one dimension per identifier at a
- time. Because the conversions are repeatedly applied until convergence, this
- will eventually remove all the extra packed dimensions.
- This removes one dimension per identifier at a time. This works fine because
- the conversions are repeatedly applied.
- TODO FIXME XXX: We don't actually have support for more than 2 dimensions
- right now. I don't think the parser can even handle that. This isn't
- something that should be too common, so maybe we can hold off on that for
- now.
- TODO FIXME XXX: This does not yet identify and flatten candidates that are
- themselves contained inside of generate blocks.
- TODO FIXME XXX: This actually assumes that the first range index is the upper
- bound. We could get arround this with a generate block.
- TODO: This assumes that the first range index is the upper bound. We could
- probably get arround this with some cleverness in the generate block. I don't
- think it's urgent to have support for "backwards" ragnes.
module Convert.PackedArrayFlatten (convert) where
-- Note that, for now, only wire/reg/logic/alias can have multiple packed
-- dimensions. This means all such transformations are for module items, though
-- we must of course change uses of these items in non-constant expressions,
-- which we, unfortunately, do not distinguish from constant expressions in the
-- AST.
module Convert.PackedArray (convert) where
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (partition)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type DirMap = Map.Map Identifier Direction
type DimMap = Map.Map Identifier (Type, Range)
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = map convertDescription
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription (Module name ports items) =
-- Insert the new items right after the Variable for the item to preserve
-- declaration order, which some toolchains care about.
Module name ports $ concat $ map addUnflattener items'
convertDescription description =
hoistPortDecls $
traverseModuleItems (flattenModuleItem info . convertModuleItem dimMap') description
toFlatten = mapMaybe getExtraDims items
dimMap = Map.fromList toFlatten
items' = map (convertModuleItem dimMap) items
outputs = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe getOutput items
getOutput :: ModuleItem -> Maybe Identifier
getOutput (MIDecl (Variable Output _ ident _ _)) = Just ident
getOutput _ = Nothing
getExtraDims :: ModuleItem -> Maybe (Identifier, (Type, Range))
getExtraDims (MIDecl (Variable _ t ident _ _)) =
if length rs > 1
then Just (ident, (tf $ tail rs, head rs))
else Nothing
where (tf, rs) = typeDims t
getExtraDims _ = Nothing
addUnflattener :: ModuleItem -> [ModuleItem]
addUnflattener (orig @ (MIDecl (Variable _ _ ident _ _))) =
orig :
case Map.lookup ident dimMap of
Nothing -> []
Just desc -> unflattener outputs (ident, desc)
addUnflattener other = [other]
convertDescription other = other
info = execState
(collectModuleItemsM collectDecl description)
(Map.empty, Map.empty)
dimMap' = Map.restrictKeys (fst info) (Map.keysSet $ snd info)
simplify :: Expr -> Expr
simplify (BinOp op e1 e2) =
case (op, e1', e2') of
(Add, Number "0", e) -> e
(Add, e, Number "0") -> e
(Sub, e, Number "0") -> e
(Add, BinOp Sub e (Number "1"), Number "1") -> e
(Add, e, BinOp Sub (Number "0") (Number "1")) -> BinOp Sub e (Number "1")
_ -> BinOp op e1' e2'
-- collects port direction and packed-array dimension info into the state
collectDecl :: ModuleItem -> State (DimMap, DirMap) ()
collectDecl (MIDecl (Variable dir t ident _ _)) = do
let (tf, rs) = typeDims t
if length rs > 1
then modify $ \(m, r) -> (Map.insert ident (tf $ tail rs, head rs) m, r)
else return ()
if dir /= Local
then modify $ \(m, r) -> (m, Map.insert ident dir r)
else return ()
collectDecl _ = return ()
-- VCS doesn't like port declarations inside of `generate` blocks, so we hoist
-- them out with this function. This obviously isn't ideal, but it's a
-- relatively straightforward transformation, and testing in VCS is important.
hoistPortDecls :: Description -> Description
hoistPortDecls (Module name ports items) =
Module name ports (concat $ map explode items)
e1' = simplify e1
e2' = simplify e2
simplify other = other
explode :: ModuleItem -> [ModuleItem]
explode (Generate genItems) =
portDecls ++ [Generate rest]
(wrappedPortDecls, rest) = partition isPortDecl genItems
portDecls = map (\(GenModuleItem item) -> item) wrappedPortDecls
isPortDecl :: GenItem -> Bool
isPortDecl (GenModuleItem (MIDecl (Variable dir _ _ _ _))) =
dir /= Local
isPortDecl _ = False
explode other = [other]
hoistPortDecls other = other
unflattener :: Set.Set Identifier -> (Identifier, (Type, Range)) -> [ModuleItem]
unflattener outputs (arr, (t, (majorHi, majorLo))) =
[ Comment $ "sv2v packed-array-flatten unflattener for " ++ arr
, MIDecl $ Variable Local t arrUnflat [(majorHi, majorLo)] Nothing
, Generate
[ GenModuleItem $ Genvar index
-- rewrite a module item if it contains a declaration to flatten
flattenModuleItem :: (DimMap, DirMap) -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
flattenModuleItem (dimMap, dirMap) (orig @ (MIDecl (Variable dir t ident a me))) =
-- if it doesn't need any mapping
if Map.notMember ident dimMap then
-- Skip!
-- if it's not a port
else if Map.notMember ident dirMap then
-- move the packed dimension to the unpacked side
MIDecl $ Variable dir (tf $ tail rs) ident (a ++ [head rs]) me
-- if it is a port, but it's not the typed declaration
else if typeIsImplicit t then
-- flatten the ranges
newDecl -- see below
-- if it is a port, and it is the typed declaration of that por
-- do the fancy flatten-unflatten mapping
Generate $ (GenModuleItem newDecl) : genItems
(tf, rs) = typeDims t
t' = tf $ flattenRanges rs
flipGen = Map.lookup ident dirMap == Just Input
genItems = unflattener flipGen ident (dimMap Map.! ident)
newDecl = MIDecl $ Variable dir t' ident a me
typeIsImplicit :: Type -> Bool
typeIsImplicit (Implicit _) = True
typeIsImplicit _ = False
flattenModuleItem _ other = other
-- produces a generate block for creating a local unflattened copy of the given
-- port-exposed flattened array
unflattener :: Bool -> Identifier -> (Type, Range) -> [GenItem]
unflattener shouldFlip arr (t, (majorHi, majorLo)) =
[ GenModuleItem $ Comment $ "sv2v packed-array-flatten unflattener for " ++ arr
, GenModuleItem $ MIDecl $ Variable Local t arrUnflat [(majorHi, majorLo)] Nothing
, GenModuleItem $ Genvar index
, GenModuleItem $ MIDecl $ Variable Local IntegerT (arrUnflat ++ "_repeater_index") [] Nothing
, GenFor
(index, majorLo)
......@@ -97,12 +115,11 @@ unflattener outputs (arr, (t, (majorHi, majorLo))) =
(simplify $ BinOp Add majorLo
(BinOp Mul (Ident index) size))
, GenModuleItem $ (uncurry Assign) $
if Set.notMember arr outputs
if shouldFlip
then (LHSBit arrUnflat $ Ident index, IdentRange arr origRange)
else (LHSRange arr origRange, IdentBit arrUnflat $ Ident index)
startBit = prefix "_tmp_start"
arrUnflat = prefix arr
......@@ -115,9 +132,32 @@ unflattener outputs (arr, (t, (majorHi, majorLo))) =
(BinOp Sub size (Number "1")))
, Ident startBit )
-- basic expression simplfication utility to help us generate nicer code in the
-- common case of ranges like `[FOO-1:0]`
simplify :: Expr -> Expr
simplify (BinOp op e1 e2) =
case (op, e1', e2') of
(Add, Number "0", e) -> e
(Add, e, Number "0") -> e
(Sub, e, Number "0") -> e
(Add, BinOp Sub e (Number "1"), Number "1") -> e
(Add, e, BinOp Sub (Number "0") (Number "1")) -> BinOp Sub e (Number "1")
_ -> BinOp op e1' e2'
e1' = simplify e1
e2' = simplify e2
simplify other = other
-- prefix a string with a namespace of sorts
prefix :: Identifier -> Identifier
prefix ident = "_sv2v_" ++ ident
-- TODO FIXME XXX: There is a huge opportunity here to simplify the code after
-- this point in the module. Each of these mappings have a bit of their own
-- quirks. They cover all LHSs, expressions, and statements, at every level.
rewriteRange :: DimMap -> Range -> Range
rewriteRange dimMap (a, b) = (r a, r b)
where r = rewriteExpr dimMap
......@@ -143,7 +183,7 @@ rewriteExpr dimMap = rewriteExpr'
case Map.lookup i dimMap of
Nothing -> IdentRange (ri i) (rewriteRange dimMap r)
Just (t, _) ->
IdentRange i (s', e')
IdentRange i (simplify s', simplify e')
(a, b) = head $ snd $ typeDims t
size = BinOp Add (BinOp Sub a b) (Number "1")
......@@ -159,6 +199,7 @@ rewriteExpr dimMap = rewriteExpr'
rewriteExpr' (Bit e n) = Bit (re e) n
rewriteExpr' (Cast t e) = Cast t (re e)
-- combines (flattens) the bottom two ranges in the given list of ranges
flattenRanges :: [Range] -> [Range]
flattenRanges rs =
if length rs >= 2
......@@ -222,16 +263,10 @@ rewriteStmt dimMap orig = rs orig
convertModuleItem :: DimMap -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem dimMap (MIDecl (Variable d t x a me)) =
if Map.member x dimMap
then MIDecl $ Variable d t' x a' me'
else MIDecl $ Variable d t x a' me'
MIDecl $ Variable d t x a' me'
(tf, rs) = typeDims t
t' = tf $ flattenRanges rs
a' = map (rewriteRange dimMap) a
me' = fmap (rewriteExpr dimMap) me
convertModuleItem dimMap (Generate items) =
Generate $ map (convertGenItem dimMap) items
convertModuleItem dimMap (Assign lhs expr) =
Assign (rewriteLHS dimMap lhs) (rewriteExpr dimMap expr)
convertModuleItem dimMap (AlwaysC kw stmt) =
......@@ -244,22 +279,7 @@ convertModuleItem dimMap (Instance m params x ml) =
convertPortBinding :: PortBinding -> PortBinding
convertPortBinding (p, Nothing) = (p, Nothing)
convertPortBinding (p, Just e) = (p, Just $ rewriteExpr dimMap e)
convertModuleItem _ (Comment x) = Comment x
convertModuleItem _ (Genvar x) = Genvar x
convertModuleItem _ (MIDecl x) = MIDecl x
convertGenItem :: DimMap -> GenItem -> GenItem
convertGenItem dimMap item = convertGenItem' item
f :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
f = convertModuleItem dimMap
convertGenItem' :: GenItem -> GenItem
convertGenItem' (GenBlock x items) = GenBlock x $ map convertGenItem' items
convertGenItem' (GenFor a b c d items) = GenFor a b c d $ map convertGenItem' items
convertGenItem' (GenIf e i1 i2) = GenIf e (convertGenItem' i1) (convertGenItem' i2)
convertGenItem' (GenNull) = GenNull
convertGenItem' (GenModuleItem moduleItem) = GenModuleItem $ f moduleItem
convertGenItem' (GenCase e cases def) = GenCase e cases' def'
cases' = zip (map fst cases) (map (convertGenItem' . snd) cases)
def' = fmap convertGenItem' def
convertModuleItem _ (Comment x) = Comment x
convertModuleItem _ (Genvar x) = Genvar x
convertModuleItem _ (MIDecl x) = MIDecl x
convertModuleItem _ (Generate x) = Generate x
......@@ -69,8 +69,11 @@ traverseModuleItemsM mapper (Module name ports items) =
i2' <- genItemMapper i2
return $ GenIf e i1' i2'
genItemMapper (GenNull) = return GenNull
genItemMapper (GenModuleItem moduleItem) =
fullMapper moduleItem >>= return . GenModuleItem
genItemMapper (GenModuleItem moduleItem) = do
moduleItem' <- fullMapper moduleItem
return $ case moduleItem' of
Generate subItems -> GenBlock Nothing subItems
_ -> GenModuleItem moduleItem'
genItemMapper (GenCase e cases def) = do
caseItems <- mapM (genItemMapper . snd) cases
let cases' = zip (map fst cases) caseItems
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ executable sv2v
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