Commit 05cafc3d by Zachary Snow

scope bit-indexed modport binding

parent 7a7482c9
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ jobs:
- macOS-13
needs: build
IVERILOG_REF: f31d0dcbc5ddcd97e1e2e6f7bc7eb0f5a547fe16
IVERILOG_REF: ef7f0a8f38782dfc0872b1e352ccf32343c10bb8
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Dependencies (macOS)
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
* Fixed unconverted multidimensional struct fields within dimension queries
* Fixed non-typenames (e.g., from packages or subsequent declarations)
improperly shadowing the names of `struct` pattern fields
* Fixed shadowing of interface array indices passed to port connections
* Fixed failure to resolve typenames suffixed with dimensions in contexts
permitting both types and expressions, e.g., `$bits(T[W-1:0])`
* Fixed errant constant folding of shadowed non-trivial localparams
......@@ -222,7 +222,10 @@ convertDescription tops parts (Part att ext Module lif name ports items) =
then Nothing
else Just (portName, modportBinding)
modportBinding = (substitutions, replaceBit modportE)
modportBinding =
( substitutions
, scopeExprWithScopes modports $ replaceBit modportE
substitutions =
genSubstitutions modports base instanceE modportE
maybeInfo =
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ module Convert.Scoper
, replaceInExpr
, scopeExpr
, scopeType
, scopeExprWithScopes
, scopeTypeWithScopes
, insertElem
, removeElem
, injectItem
......@@ -209,6 +211,12 @@ scopeType = traverseNestedTypesM $ traverseTypeExprsM scopeExpr
{-# INLINABLE scopeExpr #-}
{-# INLINABLE scopeType #-}
scopeExprWithScopes :: Scopes a -> Expr -> Expr
scopeExprWithScopes scopes = flip evalState scopes . scopeExpr
scopeTypeWithScopes :: Scopes a -> Type -> Type
scopeTypeWithScopes scopes = flip evalState scopes . scopeType
class ScopePath k where
toTiers :: Scopes a -> k -> [Tier]
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