Commit 04337988 by Zachary Snow

standardized handling of resolution across source files

parent d2c06b58
......@@ -21,14 +21,12 @@ type Modports = Map.Map Identifier [ModportDecl]
type Modules = Map.Map (Identifier, Identifier) Type
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert descriptions =
map (
filter (not . isInterface) .
traverseDescriptions (convertDescription interfaces modules)
) descriptions
convert =
traverseFiles (collectDescriptionsM collectDesc) converter
(interfaces, modules) =
execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM collectDesc $ concat descriptions
converter (interfaces, modules) =
filter (not . isInterface) .
map (convertDescription interfaces modules)
-- we can only collect/map non-extern interfaces
collectDesc :: Description -> Writer (Interfaces, Modules) ()
collectDesc (orig @ (Part False kw _ name ports items)) = do
......@@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
type Ports = Map.Map (Identifier, Identifier) Direction
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
map (traverseDescriptions $ convertDescription ports) asts
convert =
(collectDescriptionsM collectPortsM)
(traverseDescriptions . convertDescription)
ports = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM collectPortsM $ concat asts
collectPortsM :: Description -> Writer Ports ()
collectPortsM (orig @ (Part _ _ _ name portNames _)) =
collectModuleItemsM collectPortDirsM orig
......@@ -21,12 +21,6 @@
- * If there is an explicit import of that identifier, the identifier refers to
- the imported declaration.
- * Usages of conflicting wildcard imports are not allowed.
- If a package cannot be found within a file that references it (including
- through files it imports), we fall back to an arbitrary package with the
- given name, if it exists. While this isn't foolproof, some projects do rely
- on their toolchain to locate their packages in other files, much like modules
- or interfaces.
module Convert.Package (convert) where
......@@ -43,8 +37,7 @@ type PackageItems = Map.Map Identifier PackageItem
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
step asts
convert = step
step :: [AST] -> [AST]
step curr =
......@@ -52,12 +45,12 @@ convert asts =
then curr
else step next
packages = execWriter $
collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM $ concat curr
next = map (convertFile packages) curr
next = traverseFiles
(collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM)
convertFile curr
convertFile :: Packages -> AST -> AST
convertFile globalPackages ast =
convertFile packages ast =
(++) globalItems $
filter (not . isCollected) $
traverseDescriptions (traverseDescription packages) $
......@@ -65,11 +58,8 @@ convertFile globalPackages ast =
globalItems = map PackageItem $
concatMap (uncurry globalPackageItems) $ Map.toList packages
localPackages = execWriter $
collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM ast
packages = Map.union localPackages globalPackages
isCollected :: Description -> Bool
isCollected (Package _ name _) = Map.member name localPackages
isCollected (Package _ name _) = Map.member name packages
isCollected _ = False
globalPackageItems :: Identifier -> PackageItems -> [PackageItem]
......@@ -12,28 +12,31 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Ports = Map.Map Identifier [Identifier]
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert asts =
map (traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems mapInstance) asts
modulePorts = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM getPorts $ concat asts
getPorts :: Description -> Writer (Map.Map Identifier [Identifier]) ()
getPorts (Part _ _ _ name ports _) = tell $ Map.singleton name ports
getPorts _ = return ()
convert =
(collectDescriptionsM collectPortsM)
(traverseDescriptions . traverseModuleItems . mapInstance)
mapInstance :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
mapInstance (Instance m p x r bindings) =
Instance m p x r $ concatMap expandBinding bindings
alreadyBound :: [Identifier]
alreadyBound = map fst bindings
expandBinding :: PortBinding -> [PortBinding]
expandBinding ("*", Nothing) =
case Map.lookup m modulePorts of
Just l ->
map (\port -> (port, Just $ Ident port)) $
filter (\s -> not $ elem s alreadyBound) $ l
-- if we can't find it, just skip :(
Nothing -> [("*", Nothing)]
expandBinding other = [other]
mapInstance other = other
collectPortsM :: Description -> Writer Ports ()
collectPortsM (Part _ _ _ name ports _) = tell $ Map.singleton name ports
collectPortsM _ = return ()
mapInstance :: Ports -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
mapInstance modulePorts (Instance m p x r bindings) =
Instance m p x r $ concatMap expandBinding bindings
alreadyBound :: [Identifier]
alreadyBound = map fst bindings
expandBinding :: PortBinding -> [PortBinding]
expandBinding ("*", Nothing) =
case Map.lookup m modulePorts of
Just l ->
map (\port -> (port, Just $ Ident port)) $
filter (\s -> not $ elem s alreadyBound) $ l
-- if we can't find it, just skip :(
Nothing -> [("*", Nothing)]
expandBinding other = [other]
mapInstance _ other = other
......@@ -76,9 +76,11 @@ module Convert.Traverse
, traverseScopesM
, scopedConversion
, stately
, traverseFiles
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type MapperM m t = t -> m t
......@@ -1009,3 +1011,27 @@ stately :: (Eq s, Show s) => (s -> Mapper a) -> MapperM (State s) a
stately mapper thing = do
s <- get
return $ mapper s thing
-- In many conversions, we want to resolve items locally first, and then fall
-- back to looking at other source files, if necessary. This helper captures
-- this behavior, allowing a conversion to fall back to arbitrary global
-- collected item, if one exists. While this isn't foolproof (we could
-- inadvertently resolve a name that doesn't exist in the given file), many
-- projects rely on their toolchain to locate their modules, interfaces,
-- packages, or typenames in other files. Global resolution of modules and
-- interfaces is more commonly expected than global resolution of typenames and
-- packages.
:: Monoid w
=> CollectorM (Writer w) AST
-> (w -> Mapper AST)
-> Mapper [AST]
traverseFiles fileCollectorM fileMapper files =
map traverseFile files
globalNotes = execWriter $ mapM fileCollectorM files
traverseFile file =
fileMapper notes file
localNotes = execWriter $ fileCollectorM file
notes = localNotes <> globalNotes
......@@ -18,15 +18,11 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Types = Map.Map Identifier Type
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map convertFile
convertFile :: AST -> AST
convertFile descriptions =
traverseDescriptions removeTypedef $
traverseDescriptions (convertDescription types) $
convert =
(collectDescriptionsM getTypedef)
(\a -> traverseDescriptions $ removeTypedef . convertDescription a)
types = execWriter $ collectDescriptionsM getTypedef descriptions
getTypedef :: Description -> Writer Types ()
getTypedef (PackageItem (Typedef a b)) = tell $ Map.singleton b a
getTypedef _ = return ()
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