Package.hs 6.77 KB
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{- sv2v
 - Author: Zachary Snow <>
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
 - Conversion for packages, exports, and imports
 - TODO: We do not yet handle exports.
 - TODO: The scoping rules are not being entirely followed yet.
 - TODO: Explicit imports may introduce name conflicts because of carried items.
 - The SystemVerilog scoping rules for exports and imports are not entirely
 - trivial. We do not explicitly handle the "error" scenarios detailed Table
 - 26-1 of Section 26-3 of IEEE 1800-2017. Users generally shouldn't be relying
 - on this tool to catch and report such wild naming conflicts that are outlined
 - there.
 - Summary:
 - * In scopes which have a local declaration of an identifier, that identifier
 -   refers to that local declaration.
 - * If there is no local declaration, the identifier refers to the imported
 -   declaration.
 - * If there is an explicit import of that identifier, the identifier refers to
 -   the imported declaration.
 - * Usages of conflicting wildcard imports are not allowed.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

module Convert.Package (convert) where

import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST

type Packages = Map.Map Identifier PackageItems
type PackageItems = [(Identifier, PackageItem)]
37 38 39
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier

convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = step
41 42 43 44 45 46 47
        step :: [AST] -> [AST]
        step curr =
            if next == curr
                then curr
                else step next
48 49 50
                next = traverseFiles
                    (collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM)
                    convertFile curr
51 52

convertFile :: Packages -> AST -> AST
convertFile packages ast =
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
    (++) globalItems $
    filter (not . isCollected) $
    traverseDescriptions (traverseDescription packages) $
        globalItems = map PackageItem $
             concatMap (uncurry globalPackageItems) $ Map.toList packages
        isCollected :: Description -> Bool
        isCollected (Package _ name _) = Map.member name packages
        isCollected _ = False
64 65 66

globalPackageItems :: Identifier -> PackageItems -> [PackageItem]
globalPackageItems name items =
    map (prefixPackageItem name (packageItemIdents items)) (map snd items)
68 69 70 71

packageItemIdents :: PackageItems -> Idents
packageItemIdents items =
72 73
        (Set.fromList $ map fst items)
        (Set.unions $ map (packageItemSubIdents . snd) items)
74 75 76 77 78
        packageItemSubIdents :: PackageItem -> Idents
        packageItemSubIdents (Typedef (Enum _ enumItems _) _) =
            Set.fromList $ map fst enumItems
        packageItemSubIdents _ = Set.empty
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

prefixPackageItem :: Identifier -> Idents -> PackageItem -> PackageItem
prefixPackageItem packageName idents item =
        prefix :: Identifier -> Identifier
        prefix x =
            if Set.member x idents
                then packageName ++ "_" ++ x
                else x
        item' = case item of
            Function       a b x c d  -> Function       a b (prefix x) c d
            Task           a   x c d  -> Task           a   (prefix x) c d
            Typedef          a x      -> Typedef          a (prefix x)
            Decl (Variable a b x c d) -> Decl (Variable a b (prefix x) c d)
94 95
            Decl (Param    a b x c  ) -> Decl (Param    a b (prefix x) c  )
            Decl (ParamType  a x b  ) -> Decl (ParamType  a (prefix x) b  )
            other -> other
        convertType (Alias Nothing x rs) = Alias Nothing (prefix x) rs
98 99 100 101
        convertType (Enum mt items rs) = Enum mt items' rs
                items' = map prefixItem items
                prefixItem (x, me) = (prefix x, me)
        convertType other = other
103 104
        convertExpr (Ident x) = Ident $ prefix x
        convertExpr other = other
105 106
        convertLHS (LHSIdent x) = LHSIdent $ prefix x
        convertLHS other = other
        converter =
            (traverseTypes $ traverseNestedTypes convertType) .
109 110
            (traverseExprs $ traverseNestedExprs convertExpr) .
            (traverseLHSs  $ traverseNestedLHSs  convertLHS )
111 112 113 114 115 116
        MIPackageItem item'' = converter $ MIPackageItem item'

collectDescriptionM :: Description -> Writer Packages ()
collectDescriptionM (Package _ name items) =
    if any isImport items
        then return ()
        else tell $ Map.singleton name itemList
119 120 121
        itemList = concatMap toPackageItems items
        toPackageItems :: PackageItem -> PackageItems
        toPackageItems item =
            case piName item of
123 124
                Nothing -> []
                Just x -> [(x, item)]
125 126 127 128 129 130 131
        isImport :: PackageItem -> Bool
        isImport (Import _ _) = True
        isImport _ = False
collectDescriptionM _ = return ()

traverseDescription :: Packages -> Description -> Description
traverseDescription packages description =
132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
    traverseModuleItems (traverseModuleItem existingItemNames packages)
        existingItemNames = execWriter $
            collectModuleItemsM writePIName description
        writePIName :: ModuleItem -> Writer Idents ()
        writePIName (MIPackageItem item) =
            case piName item of
                Nothing -> return ()
                Just x -> tell $ Set.singleton x
        writePIName _ = return ()

144 145
traverseModuleItem :: Idents -> Packages -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
traverseModuleItem existingItemNames packages (MIPackageItem (Import x y)) =
146 147 148 149 150
    if Map.member x packages
        then Generate $ map (GenModuleItem . MIPackageItem) items
        else MIPackageItem $ Import x y
        packageItems = packages Map.! x
151 152 153
        filterer itemName = case y of
                Nothing -> Set.notMember itemName existingItemNames
                Just ident -> ident == itemName
        items = map snd $ filter (filterer . fst) $ packageItems
traverseModuleItem _ _ item =
    (traverseExprs $ traverseNestedExprs traverseExpr) $
    (traverseTypes $ traverseNestedTypes traverseType) $
159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168

        traverseExpr :: Expr -> Expr
        traverseExpr (PSIdent x y) = Ident $ x ++ "_" ++ y
        traverseExpr other = other

        traverseType :: Type -> Type
        traverseType (Alias (Just ps) xx rs) =
            Alias Nothing (ps ++ "_" ++ xx) rs
        traverseType other = other
169 170 171 172 173 174 175

-- returns the "name" of a package item, if it has one
piName :: PackageItem -> Maybe Identifier
piName (Function _ _ ident _ _) = Just ident
piName (Task     _   ident _ _) = Just ident
piName (Typedef    _ ident    ) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)) = Just ident
176 177
piName (Decl (Param    _ _ ident   _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (ParamType  _ ident   _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (CommentDecl          _)) = Nothing
179 180 181
piName (Import  _ _) = Nothing
piName (Export    _) = Nothing
piName (Directive _) = Nothing