1. 14 Nov, 2018 26 commits
    • [Ada] Crash on use of generic formal package · b7c34dff
      This patch fixes an issue whereby a complicated set of generic formal
      packages in conjunction with use_clauses may cause a crash during
      visibility checking due to a homonym being out of scope during the
      checking stage.
      2018-11-14  Justin Squirek  <squirek@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch8.adb (Use_One_Package): Add test for out-of-scope
      	* gnat.dg/generic_pkg.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266126
      Justin Squirek committed
    • [Ada] Compiler crash on decl. with limited aggregate and address clause · 41a59f6b
      This patch fixes a compiler abort on an object declaration whose
      expression is an aggregate, when the type of the object is limited and
      the declaration is followed by an address clause for the declared
      2018-11-14  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch3.adb: (Expand_N_Object_Declaration): If the expression
      	is a limited aggregate its resolution is delayed until the
      	object declaration is expanded.
      	* sem_ch3.adb: (Analyze_Object_Declaration): If the expression
      	is a limited aggregate and the declaration has a following
      	address clause indicate that resolution of the aggregate (which
      	must be built in place) must be delayed.
      	* gnat.dg/limited_aggr.adb, gnat.dg/limited_aggr.ads: New
      From-SVN: r266125
      Ed Schonberg committed
    • [Ada] System'To_Address not always static · 1e3c434f
      System'To_Address is supposed to be static when its parameter is static.
      This patch fixes a bug in which it is considered nonstatic when used as
      the initial value of a variable with the Thread_Local_Storage aspect, so
      the compiler incorrectly gives an error when initializing such a
      variable with System'To_Address (0).
      2018-11-14  Bob Duff  <duff@adacore.com>
      	* sem_attr.adb (To_Address): Simplify setting of
      	Is_Static_Expression. Remove second (unconditional) call to
      	Set_Is_Static_Expression -- surely it's not static if the
      	operand is not.  Initialize Static on declaration.  Do not try
      	to fold 'To_Address, even though it's static.
      	* exp_attr.adb (To_Address): Preserve Is_Static_Expression.
      	* sinfo.ads, sem_eval.ads, sem_eval.adb (Is_Static_Expression,
      	Is_OK_Static_Expression, Raises_Constraint_Error): Simplify
      	documentation.  There was too much repetition and redundancy.
      From-SVN: r266124
      Bob Duff committed
    • [Ada] Enhance constraints propagation to ease the work of optimizers · 43018f58
      This patch recognizes additional object declarations whose defining
      identifier is known statically to be valid. This allows additional
      optimizations to be performed by the front-end.
         gcc -c -gnatDG p.ads
      On the following sources:
      with G;
      With Q;
      package P is
        Val : constant Positive := Q.Config_Value ("Size");
        package My_G is new G (Val);
      end P;
        Num : Natural := 0;
      package G is
        Multi : constant Boolean := Num > 0;
        type Info is array (True .. Multi) of Integer;
        type Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Boolean;
        type Rec (D : Natural) is record
          C : character;
          I : Info;
          E : Arr (0 .. D);
        end record;
      end G;
      package Q is
        function Config_Value (S : String) return Integer;
      end Q;
      Must yield (note that variable Multi has been statically optimized to
      with g;
      with q;
      p_E : short_integer := 0;
      package p is
         p__R2s : constant integer := q.q__config_value ("Size");
         [constraint_error when
           not (p__R2s >= 1)
           "range check failed"]
         p__val : constant positive := p__R2s;
         package p__my_g is
            p__my_g__num : constant natural := p__val;
            package p__my_g__g renames p__my_g;
            package p__my_g__gGH renames p__my_g__g;
            p__my_g__multi : constant boolean := true;
            type p__my_g__info is array (true .. p__my_g__multi) of integer;
            type p__my_g__arr is array (0 .. 16#7FFF_FFFF# range <>) of
            type p__my_g__rec (d : natural) is record
               c : character;
               i : p__my_g__info;
               e : p__my_g__arr (0 .. d);
            end record;
            [type p__my_g__TinfoB is array (true .. p__my_g__multi range <>) of
            freeze p__my_g__TinfoB [
               procedure p__my_g__TinfoBIP (_init : in out p__my_g__TinfoB) is
               end p__my_g__TinfoBIP;
            freeze p__my_g__info []
            freeze p__my_g__arr [
               procedure p__my_g__arrIP (_init : in out p__my_g__arr) is
               end p__my_g__arrIP;
            freeze p__my_g__rec [
               procedure p__my_g__recIP (_init : in out p__my_g__rec; d :
                 natural) is
                  _init.d := d;
               end p__my_g__recIP;
         end p__my_g;
         package my_g is new g (p__val);
      end p;
      freeze_generic info
      [subtype TinfoD1 is boolean range true .. multi]
      freeze_generic TinfoD1
      [type TinfoB is array (true .. multi range <>) of integer]
      freeze_generic TinfoB
      freeze_generic arr
      freeze_generic rec
      2018-11-14  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch3.adb (Analyze_Object_Declaration): Use the
      	Actual_Subtype to preserve information about a constant
      	initialized with a non-static entity that is known to be valid,
      	when the type of the entity has a narrower range than that of
      	the nominal subtype of the constant.
      	* checks.adb (Determine_Range): If the expression is a constant
      	entity that is known-valid and has a defined Actual_Subtype, use
      	it to determine the actual bounds of the value, to enable
      	additional optimizations.
      From-SVN: r266123
      Ed Schonberg committed
    • [Ada] Minor reformatting · c7862167
      2018-11-14  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>
      	* back_end.adb, checks.adb, exp_ch3.adb, exp_ch4.adb,
      	exp_ch7.adb, exp_disp.adb, exp_unst.adb, exp_util.adb,
      	freeze.adb, sem_ch13.adb, sem_ch6.adb, sem_ch7.adb,
      	sem_prag.adb, sem_spark.adb, sem_util.adb: Minor reformatting.
      From-SVN: r266122
      Hristian Kirtchev committed
    • [Ada] Renamed equality leads to spurious errors · 0715a2a8
      The following patch corrects the search for the equality function to
      handle cases where the equality could be a renaming of another routine.
      No simple reproducer possible because this requires PolyORB.
      2018-11-14  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch4.adb (Find_Aliased_Equality): New routine.
      	(Find_Equality): Reimplemented.
      	(Is_Equality): New routine.
      From-SVN: r266121
      Hristian Kirtchev committed
    • [Ada] Crash on ignored Ghost assignment · b3b3ada9
      This patch modifies the way analysis determine whether an assignment is
      an ignored Ghost assignment. This is now achieved by preanalyzing a copy
      of the left hand side in order to account for potential code generated
      by the left hand side itself.
      No small reproducer possible.
      2018-11-14  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>
      	* ghost.adb (Ghost_Entity): New routine.
      	(Mark_And_Set_Ghost_Assignment): Reimplemented.
      	* sem_ch5.adb (Analyze_Assignment): Assess whether the target of
      	the assignment is an ignored Ghost entity before analyzing the
      	left hand side.
      	* sem_ch8.adb (Find_Direct_Name): Update the subprogram
      	signature. Do not generate markers and references when they are
      	not desired.
      	(Nvis_Messages): Do not execute when errors are not desired.
      	(Undefined): Do not emit errors when they are not desired.
      	* sem_ch8.ads (Find_Direct_Name): Update the subprogram
      	signature and comment on usage.
      	* sem_util.adb (Ultimate_Prefix): New routine.
      	* sem_util.ads (Ultimate_Prefix): New routine.
      From-SVN: r266120
      Hristian Kirtchev committed
    • [Ada] Visibility error on used enumerated type · 7f0f5de1
      This patch fixes an issue whereby the freezing of a nested package
      containing an enumerated type declaration would cause visibility errors
      on literals of such type when a use_all_type_clause for it appears
      within the same declarative region.
      2018-11-14  Justin Squirek  <squirek@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch7.adb (Uninstall_Declarations): Add conditional to avoid
      	uninstalling potential visibility during freezing on enumeration
      	* gnat.dg/enum5.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266119
      Justin Squirek committed
    • [Ada] Do not include crt_externs.h on iOS · 39b76371
      2018-11-14  Jerome Lambourg  <lambourg@adacore.com>
      	* env.c: Do not include crt_externs.h on iOS, as it does not
      	exist there. This is also true for the iPhone Simulator SDK.
      From-SVN: r266118
      Jerome Lambourg committed
    • [Ada] Unnesting transformations for blocks in package bodies · 302319e0
      The declarations in the package body may have created blocks with nested
      subprograms. Such a block must be transformed into a procedure followed
      by a call to it, so that unnesting can handle uplevel references within
      these nested subprograms (typically generated subprograms to handle
      finalization actions).
      2018-11-14  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch7.adb (Check_Unnesting_In_Declarations): New procedure
      	to transform blocks that appear in the declarative part of a
      	package body into subprograms if they contain generated
      	subprograms (such as finalization routines). Needed to generate
      	the proper upward references in unnesting mode.
      From-SVN: r266117
      Ed Schonberg committed
    • [Ada] Improper extension of bounds of fixed-point type · c1514eb0
      If the given Delta of an ordinariy fixed-point type is not a machine
      number and there is no specified 'Small for the type, the compiler
      chooses the actual bounds of the type using the nearest model numbers
      that include the given bounds, but it is free to exclude those bounds if
      a size clause restricts the number of bits to use for the type. This
      patch fixes an error in the case where the bounds of the type can be
      chosen to be larger than the bounds specified in the type declaration:
      prior to this patch the lower bounds could be chosen to be one delta
      smaller that the given bound, when that given bound was smaller than the
      nearest machine number,
      Compiling rep2.adb must yield:
             warning: value not in range of type "Test_Type" defined at line 4
             warning: "Constraint_Error" will be raised at run time
      with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
      procedure Rep2 is
         type    Test_Type is delta 0.1 range 0.1 .. 100.0 with Size => 16;
         subtype Next_Type is Test_Type range 0.1 .. 100.0;
         Item : Test_Type := 0.0;                        -- Why is this allowed?
         Next : Next_Type with Address => Item'Address;
         Put_Line (Item'Img & " - " & Item'Valid'Img);  -- Returns "0.0 - TRUE"
         Put_Line (Next'Img & " - " & Next'Valid'Img);  -- Returns "0.0 - FALSE"
      end Rep2;
      2018-11-14  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* freeze.adb (Freeze_Fixed_Point_Type): If the given low bound
      	of the type is less than the nearest model number, do not expand
      	the range of the type to include the model number below the
      	bound. Similar adjustment if the upper bound is larger than the
      	nearest model number.
      From-SVN: r266116
      Ed Schonberg committed
    • [Ada] Limited function violates No_Exception_Propagation · 640ad9c2
      This patch suppresses the generation of raise statements in the context
      of build-in-place and elaboration checks for primitives of tagged types
      when exceptions cannot be used.
      2018-11-14  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>
      	* checks.adb (Install_Primitive_Elaboration_Check): Do not
      	create the check when exceptions cannot be used.
      	* exp_ch6.adb (Expand_N_Extended_Return_Statement): Do not raise
      	Program_Errror when exceptions cannot be used. Analyze the
      	generated code with all checks suppressed.
      	* exp_ch7.adb (Build_Finalizer): Remove the declaration of
      	(Make_Deep_Array_Body): Remove the declaration of Exceptions_OK.
      	(Make_Deep_Record_Body): Remove the declaration of
      	(Process_Transients_In_Scope): Remove the declaration of
      	* exp_util.adb (Exceptions_In_Finalization_OK): Renamed to
      	* exp_util.ads (Exceptions_In_Finalization_OK): Renamed to
      	* gnat.dg/bip_exception.adb, gnat.dg/bip_exception.ads,
      	gnat.dg/bip_exception_pkg.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266115
      Hristian Kirtchev committed
    • [Ada] Crash on tagged equality · e1a20c09
      This patch corrects the retrieval of the equality function when it is
      inherited from a parent tagged type.
      2018-11-14  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch4.adb (Expand_N_Op_Eq): Remove duplicated code and use
      	routine Find_Equality instead.
      	(Find_Equality): New routine.
      	* gnat.dg/equal4.adb, gnat.dg/equal4.ads,
      	gnat.dg/equal4_smart_pointers.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266114
      Hristian Kirtchev committed
    • [Ada] Record components do not appear in the Global contract · cacf87ce
      In the Global contract there can be only entire objects, which are
      represented either as N_Identifier or N_Expanded_Name. The test for
      record components was dead. Now removed. Semantics unaffected.
      2018-11-14  Piotr Trojanek  <trojanek@adacore.com>
      	* sem_util.adb (First_From_Global_List): Do not expect
      	N_Selected_Component in the Global contract; simplify assertion
      	with Nam_In.
      From-SVN: r266113
      Piotr Trojanek committed
    • [Ada] Fix handling of generic actuals with default expression in SPARK · cff7b62c
      Both in the GNAT frontend and in the GNATprove backend we have
      several checks related to generic actuals of mode IN that rely on the
      Corresponding_Generic_Association flag. However, this flag was only set
      for actuals with explicit expressions from the generic instance and unset
      for actuals with implicit expressions from the generic unit.
      For example, the code from the added testcase was wrongly rejected with
      a message that Y (which is an actual with a default expression) cannot
      appear in the Initializes contract. Now this code is accepted.
      2018-11-14  Piotr Trojanek  <trojanek@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch12.adb (Instantiate_Object): Set
      	Corresponding_Generic_Association on generic actuals with
      	default expression.
      	* sinfo.ads (Corresponding_Generic_Association): Update comment.
      	* gnat.dg/generic_actuals.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266112
      Piotr Trojanek committed
    • [Ada] Lingering loop for ignored Ghost assignment · 923ecd0e
      The following patch ensures that loops generated for aggregates as part
      of ignored Ghost assignments are correctly eliminated from the generated
      -- Source --
      --  pack.ads
      package Pack is
         type addr4k is new Integer range 0 .. 100 with Size => 32;
         type Four_KB_Page_Property is record
            Is_Scrubbed : Boolean := False;
         end record with Ghost;
         type Four_KB_Page_Array is
           array (addr4k range <>) of Four_KB_Page_Property with Ghost;
         type Base_Memory is tagged record
            Four_KB_Pages : Four_KB_Page_Array (addr4k) :=
                              (others => (Is_Scrubbed => False));
         end record with Ghost;
         subtype Memory is Base_Memory with Ghost;
         Global_Memory : Memory with Ghost;
         procedure Assign;
      end Pack;
      --  pack.adb
      package body Pack is
         procedure Assign is
            Global_Memory.Four_KB_Pages := (others => (Is_Scrubbed => True));
         end Assign;
      end Pack;
      -- Compilation and output --
      $ gcc -c -gnatDG pack.adb
      $ grep -c "loop" pack.adb.dg
      2018-11-14  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch4.adb (Expand_Concatenate): Use the proper routine to
      	set the need for debug info.
      	* exp_dbug.adb (Build_Subprogram_Instance_Renamings): Use the
      	proper routine to set the need for debug info.
      	* exp_prag.adb (Expand_Pragma_Initial_Condition): Use the proper
      	routine to set the need for debug info.
      	* exp_util.adb (Build_DIC_Procedure_Declaration): Use the proper
      	routine to set the need for debug info.
      	(Build_Invariant_Procedure_Declaration): Use the proper routine
      	to set the need for debug info.
      	* ghost.adb (Record_Ignored_Ghost_Node): Add statements as a
      	whole class to the list of top level ignored Ghost nodes.
      	* sem_util.adb (Set_Debug_Info_Needed): Do not generate debug
      	info for an ignored Ghost entity.
      From-SVN: r266111
      Hristian Kirtchev committed
    • [Ada] Use Cancel_Special_Output instead of Set_Special_Output with null · e3548b69
      I believe Cancel_Special_Output is easier to read and thus preferred;
      otherwise, it wouldn't be introduced, so let's use it where possible.
      2018-11-14  Piotr Trojanek  <trojanek@adacore.com>
      	* bindgen.adb, exp_cg.adb, repinfo.adb, sprint.adb: Minor reuse
      	Cancel_Special_Output where possible.
      From-SVN: r266110
      Piotr Trojanek committed
    • [Ada] Fix parentheses in comments and "library-level" punctuation · ae93ccb2
      When acting as an adjective, it is "library-level something"; when
      acting as a noun, it is "something at the library level".
      2018-11-14  Piotr Trojanek  <trojanek@adacore.com>
      	* exp_dbug.ads, sem_util.ads: Minor fixes in comments.
      From-SVN: r266109
      Piotr Trojanek committed
    • [Ada] Handle -gx switches explicitly · fb620f0e
      2018-11-14  Arnaud Charlet  <charlet@adacore.com>
      	* adabkend.adb (Scan_Back_End_Switches): Handle -gx switches
      From-SVN: r266108
      Arnaud Charlet committed
    • re PR tree-optimization/88019 (ICE in gimplify_modify_expr, at gimplify.c:5779) · cbf9e2fe
      2018-11-14  Richard Biener  <rguenther@suse.de>
      	PR tree-optimization/88019
      	* graphite-isl-ast-to-gimple.c (ternary_op_to_tree): Rewrite
      	COND_EXPR arguments to non-trapping overflow.
      From-SVN: r266105
      Richard Biener committed
    • [ARC] Cleanup, fix and set LRA default. · 73dac59b
      LP_COUNT register cannot be freely allocated by the compiler as it
      size, and/or content may change depending on the ARC hardware
      configuration. Thus, make this register fixed.
      Remove register classes and unused constraint letters.
      Cleanup the implementation of conditional_register_usage hook by using
      macros instead of magic constants and removing all references to
      reg_class_contents which are bringing so much grief when lra is enabled.
      xxxx-xx-xx  Claudiu Zissulescu  <claziss@synopsys.com>
      	* config/arc/arc.h (reg_class): Reorder registers classes, remove
      	unused register classes.
      	(REG_CLASS_NAMES): Likewise.
      	(REG_CLASS_CONTENTS): Likewise.
      	(FIXED_REGISTERS): Make lp_count fixed.
      	(BASE_REG_CLASS): Remove ACC16_BASE_REGS reference.
      	* config/arc/arc.c (arc_conditional_register_usage): Remove unused
      	register classes, use constants for register numbers, remove
      	reg_class_contents references.
      	(arc_process_double_reg_moves): Add asserts.
      	(arc_secondary_reload): Remove LPCOUNT_REG reference, use
      	lra_in_progress predicate.
      	(arc_init_reg_tables): Remove unused register classes.
      	(arc_register_move_cost): Likewise.
      	(arc_preferred_reload_class): Likewise.
      	(hwloop_optimize): Update rtx patterns involving lp_count
      	(arc_return_address_register): Rename ILINK1, INLINK2 regnums
      	* config/arc/constraints.md ("c"): Choose between GENERAL_REGS and
      	CHEAP_CORE_REGS.  Former one will be used for LRA.
      	("Rac"): Choose between GENERAL_REGS and ALL_CORE_REGS.  Former
      	one will be used for LRA.
      	("w"): Choose between GENERAL_REGS and WRITABLE_CORE_REGS.  Former
      	one will be used for LRA.
      	("W"): Choose between GENERAL_REGS and MPY_WRITABLE_CORE_REGS.
      	Former one will be used for LRA.
      	("f"): Delete constraint.
      	("k"): Likewise.
      	("e"): Likewise.
      	("l"): Change it from register constraint to constraint.
      	* config/arc/arc.md (movqi_insn): Remove unsed lp_count constraints.
      	(movhi_insn): Likewise.
      	(movsi_insn): Update pattern.
      	(arc_lp): Likewise.
      	(dbnz): Likewise.
      	(stack_tie): Remove 'b' constraint letter.
      	(R4_REG): Define.
      	(R9_REG, R15_REG, R16_REG, R25_REG): Likewise.
      	(R32_REG, R40_REG, R41_REG, R42_REG, R43_REG, R44_REG): Likewise.
      	(R57_REG, R59_REG, PCL_REG): Likewise.
      	(ILINK1_REGNUM): Renamed to ILINK1_REG.
      	(ILINK2_REGNUM): Renamed to ILINK2_REG.
      	(Rgp): Remove.
      	(SP_REGS): Likewise.
      	(Rcw): Remove unused reg classes.
      	* config/arc/predicates.md (dest_reg_operand): Just default on
      	register_operand predicate.
      	(mpy_dest_reg_operand): Likewise.
      	(move_dest_operand): Use macros instead of constants.
      From-SVN: r266100
      Claudiu Zissulescu committed
    • re PR tree-optimization/87974 (ICE in vect_get_vec_def_for_stmt_copy) · f711908b
      2018-11-14  Richard Biener  <rguenther@suse.de>
      	PR tree-optimization/87974
      	* tree-vect-loop.c (vectorizable_reduction): When computing
      	the vectorized reduction PHI vector type ignore constant
      	and external defs.
      	* g++.dg/opt/pr87974.C: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266099
      Richard Biener committed
    • re PR tree-optimization/87977 (ICE: verify_ssa failed (error: definition in… · c4071191
      re PR tree-optimization/87977 (ICE: verify_ssa failed (error: definition in block 4 follows the use))
      	PR tree-optimization/87977
      	* tree-ssa-math-opts.c (optimize_recip_sqrt): Don't reuse division
      	stmt, build a new one and replace the old one with it.  Formatting fix.
      	Call release_ssa_name (x) if !has_other_use and !delete_div.
      	(pass_cse_reciprocals::execute): Before calling optimize_recip_sqrt
      	verify lhs of stmt is still def.
      	* gcc.dg/recip_sqrt_mult_1.c: Add -fcompare-debug to dg-options.
      	* gcc.dg/recip_sqrt_mult_2.c: Likewise.
      	* gcc.dg/recip_sqrt_mult_3.c: Likewise.
      	* gcc.dg/recip_sqrt_mult_4.c: Likewise.
      	* gcc.dg/recip_sqrt_mult_5.c: Likewise.
      From-SVN: r266098
      Jakub Jelinek committed
    • re PR rtl-optimization/87507 (IRA unnecessarily uses non-volatile registers… · 38e60111
      re PR rtl-optimization/87507 (IRA unnecessarily uses non-volatile registers during register assignment)
      	PR rtl-optimization/87507
      	* lower-subreg.c (operand_for_swap_move_operator): New function.
      	(simple_move): Strip simple operators.
      	(find_pseudo_copy): Likewise.
      	(resolve_operand_for_swap_move_operator): New function.
      	(resolve_simple_move): Strip simple operators and swap operands.
      	PR rtl-optimization/87507
      	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr87507.c: New test.
      	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr68805.c: Update expected results.
      From-SVN: r266097
      Peter Bergner committed
    • Daily bump. · 72931dea
      From-SVN: r266096
      GCC Administrator committed
    • re PR tree-optimization/87898 (ICE in separate_decls_in_region_debug, at tree-parloops.c:961) · 66146c90
      	PR tree-optimization/87898
      	* omp-simd-clone.c (ipa_simd_modify_stmt_ops): Formatting fix.
      	(ipa_simd_modify_function_body): Remove debug stmts where the first
      	argument was changed into a non-decl.
      	* gcc.dg/gomp/pr87898.c: New test.
      From-SVN: r266093
      Jakub Jelinek committed
  2. 13 Nov, 2018 14 commits
    • Fix error when selecting number of memory pools · b76a1b36
      	* src/c++17/memory_resource.cc (select_num_pools): Fix off-by-one
      	error when block_size is equal to one of the values in the array.
      From-SVN: r266092
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • Fix unused parameter warnings introduced in earlier patch · 6c4a1d38
      	* src/c++17/memory_resource.cc (_Pool::deallocate): Restore
      	attributes to parameters that are only used in assertions.
      From-SVN: r266091
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • Remove redundant loop in unsynchronized_pool_resource code · b6b18271
      	* src/c++17/memory_resource.cc (bitset::find_first_unset()): Remove
      	unused function.
      	(bitset::get_first_unset()): Remove loop, if there's are unset bits
      	then _M_next_word refers to the first one and there's no need to loop.
      	(_Pool::_Pool(size_t, size_t), _Pool::block_size()): Remove dead code.
      From-SVN: r266090
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • Improve handling of pool_options::largest_required_pool_block · f2e00585
      Make the munge_options function round the largest_required_pool_block
      value to a multiple of the smallest pool size (currently 8 bytes) to
      avoid pools with odd sizes.
      Ensure there is a pool large enough for blocks of the requested size.
      Previously when largest_required_pool_block was exactly equal to one of
      the pool_sizes[] values there would be no pool of that size. This patch
      increases _M_npools by one, so there is a pool at least as large as the
      requested value. It also reduces the size of the largest pool to be no
      larger than needed.
      	* src/c++17/memory_resource.cc (munge_options): Round up value of
      	largest_required_pool_block to multiple of smallest pool size. Round
      	excessively large values down to largest pool size.
      	(select_num_pools): Increase number of pools by one unless it exactly
      	matches requested largest_required_pool_block.
      	(__pool_resource::_M_alloc_pools()): Make largest pool size equal
      	* testsuite/20_util/unsynchronized_pool_resource/options.cc: Check
      	that pool_options::largest_required_pool_block is set appropriately.
      From-SVN: r266089
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • Fix incorrect assertion when deallocating big block · d3306a84
      Since a big_block rounds up the size to a multiple of big_block::min it
      is wrong to assert that the supplied number of bytes equals the
      big_block's size(). Add big_block::alloc_size(size_t) to calculate the
      allocated size consistently, and add comments to the code.
      	* src/c++17/memory_resource.cc (big_block): Improve comments.
      	(big_block::all_ones): Remove.
      	(big_block::big_block(size_t, size_t)): Use alloc_size.
      	(big_block::size()): Add comment, replace all_ones with equivalent
      	(big_block::align()): Shift value of correct type.
      	(big_block::alloc_size(size_t)): New function to round up size.
      	(__pool_resource::allocate(size_t, size_t)): Add comment.
      	(__pool_resource::deallocate(void*, size_t, size_t)): Likewise. Fix
      	incorrect assertion by using big_block::alloc_size(size_t).
      	* testsuite/20_util/unsynchronized_pool_resource/allocate.cc: Add
      	more tests for unpooled allocations.
      From-SVN: r266088
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • Fix overflows in std::pmr::unsynchonized_pool_resource · 6bdd58f7
      	* src/c++17/memory_resource.cc (bitset::full()): Handle edge case
      	for _M_next_word maximum value.
      	(bitset::get_first_unset(), bitset::set(size_type)): Use
      	update_next_word() to update _M_next_word.
      	(bitset::update_next_word()): New function, avoiding wraparound of
      	unsigned _M_next_word member.
      	(bitset::max_word_index()): New function.
      	(chunk::chunk(void*, uint32_t, void*, size_t)): Add assertion.
      	(chunk::max_bytes_per_chunk()): New function.
      	(pool::replenish(memory_resource*, const pool_options&)): Prevent
      	_M_blocks_per_chunk from exceeding max_blocks_per_chunk or from
      	causing chunk::max_bytes_per_chunk() to be exceeded.
      	* testsuite/20_util/unsynchronized_pool_resource/allocate-max-chunks.cc:
      	New test.
      From-SVN: r266087
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • re PR middle-end/87899 (r264897 cause mis-compiled native arm-linux-gnueabihf toolchain) · 874e50cb
      	PR rtl-optimization/87899
      	* lra-lives.c (start_living): Update white space in comment.
      	(enum point_type): New.
      	(sparseset_contains_pseudos_p): New function.
      	(update_pseudo_point): Likewise.
      	(make_hard_regno_live): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.
      	(make_hard_regno_dead): Likewise.  Remove ignore_reg_for_conflicts
      	handling.  Move early exit after adding conflicts.
      	(mark_pseudo_live): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.  Add early exit
      	if regno is already live.  Remove all handling of program points.
      	(mark_pseudo_dead): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.  Add early exit
      	after adding conflicts.  Remove all handling of program points and
      	(mark_regno_live): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.  Remove return value
      	and do not guard call to mark_pseudo_live.
      	(mark_regno_dead): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.  Remove return value
      	and do not guard call to mark_pseudo_dead.
      	(check_pseudos_live_through_calls): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.
      	(process_bb_lives): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P and HARD_REGISTER_P macros.
      	Use new function update_pseudo_point.  Handle register copies by
      	removing the source register from the live set.  Handle INOUT operands.
      	Update to the next program point using the unused_set, dead_set and
      	start_dying sets.
      	(lra_create_live_ranges_1): Use HARD_REGISTER_NUM_P macro.
      From-SVN: r266086
      Peter Bergner committed
    • Eliminate source_location in favor of location_t · 620e594b
      Historically GCC used location_t, while libcpp used source_location.
      This inconsistency has been annoying me for a while, so this patch
      removes source_location in favor of location_t throughout
      (as the latter is shorter).
      	* builtins.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* diagnostic-show-locus.c: Likewise.
      	* diagnostic.c: Likewise.
      	* dumpfile.c: Likewise.
      	* gcc-rich-location.h: Likewise.
      	* genmatch.c: Likewise.
      	* gimple.h: Likewise.
      	* gimplify.c: Likewise.
      	* input.c: Likewise.
      	* input.h: Likewise.  Eliminate the typedef.
      	* omp-expand.c: Likewise.
      	* selftest.h: Likewise.
      	* substring-locations.h (get_source_location_for_substring):
      	Rename to..
      	(get_location_within_string): ...this.
      	* tree-cfg.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* tree-cfgcleanup.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-diagnostic.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-into-ssa.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-outof-ssa.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-parloops.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-phinodes.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-phinodes.h: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa-loop-ivopts.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa-loop-manip.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa-phiopt.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa-phiprop.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa-threadupdate.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa.c: Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa.h: Likewise.
      	* tree-vect-loop-manip.c: Likewise.
      	* c-common.c (c_get_substring_location): Update for renaming of
      	get_source_location_for_substring to get_location_within_string.
      	* c-lex.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* c-opts.c: Likewise.
      	* c-ppoutput.c: Likewise.
      	* c-decl.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* c-tree.h: Likewise.
      	* c-typeck.c: Likewise.
      	* gimple-parser.c: Likewise.
      	* call.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* cp-tree.h: Likewise.
      	* cvt.c: Likewise.
      	* name-lookup.c: Likewise.
      	* parser.c: Likewise.
      	* typeck.c: Likewise.
      	* cpp.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* gfortran.h: Likewise.
      	* go-gcc-diagnostics.cc: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* go-gcc.cc: Likewise.
      	* go-linemap.cc: Likewise.
      	* go-location.h: Likewise.
      	* gofrontend/README: Likewise.
      	* jit-playback.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* g++.dg/plugin/comment_plugin.c: Replace "source_location" with
      	* gcc.dg/plugin/diagnostic_plugin_test_show_locus.c: Likewise.
      	* libcc1plugin.cc: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	(plugin_context::get_source_location): Rename to...
      	(plugin_context::get_location_t): ...this.
      	* libcp1plugin.cc: Likewise.
      	* charset.c: Replace "source_location" with "location_t".
      	* directives-only.c: Likewise.
      	* directives.c: Likewise.
      	* errors.c: Likewise.
      	* expr.c: Likewise.
      	* files.c: Likewise.
      	* include/cpplib.h: Likewise.  Rename MAX_SOURCE_LOCATION to
      	* include/line-map.h: Likewise.
      	* init.c: Likewise.
      	* internal.h: Likewise.
      	* lex.c: Likewise.
      	* line-map.c: Likewise.
      	* location-example.txt: Likewise.
      	* macro.c: Likewise.
      	* pch.c: Likewise.
      	* traditional.c: Likewise.
      From-SVN: r266085
      David Malcolm committed
    • PR middle-end/81824 - Warn for missing attributes with function aliases · f9731de3
      	* c-attribs.c (handle_copy_attribute): Exclude inlining attributes.
      	(handle_tls_model_attribute): Improve diagnostics.
      	* gcc.dg/attr-copy-5.c: New test.
      	* gcc.dg/tls/diag-6.c: Adjust expected diagnostics.
      From-SVN: r266084
      Martin Sebor committed
    • extend.texi: Fix typo in the weakref description. · ee8393f4
      2018-11-13  Michael Ploujnikov  <michael.ploujnikov@oracle.com>
      	* doc/extend.texi: Fix typo in the weakref description.
      From-SVN: r266083
      Michael Ploujnikov committed
    • Fix ChangeLog entry for r266080 · 95bdc37a
      From-SVN: r266082
      David Malcolm committed
    • re PR tree-optimization/86991 (ICE in vectorizable_reduction, at tree-vect-loop.c:6919) · 53467b55
      2018-11-13  Richard Biener  <rguenther@suse.de>
      	PR tree-optimization/86991
      	* tree-vect-loop.c (vect_is_slp_reduction): Delay reduction
      	group building until we have successfully detected the SLP
      	(vect_is_simple_reduction): Remove fixup code here.
      	* gcc.dg/pr86991.c: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r266081
      Richard Biener committed
    • Ensure that dump calls are guarded with dump_enabled_p · bbeeac91
      If called when !dump_enabled_p, the dump_* functions effectively do
      nothing, but as of r263178 this doing "nothing" involves non-trivial
      work internally.
      I wasn't sure whether the dump_* functions should assert that
        dump_enabled_p ()
      is true when they're called, or if they should bail out immediately
      for this case, so in this patch I implemented both, so that we get
      an assertion failure, and otherwise bail out for the case where
      !dump_enabled_p when assertions are disabled.
      The patch also fixes all of the places I found during testing
      (on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) that call into dump_* but which
      weren't guarded by
        if (dump_enabled_p ())
      	* dumpfile.c (VERIFY_DUMP_ENABLED_P): New macro.
      	(dump_gimple_stmt): Use it.
      	(dump_gimple_stmt_loc): Likewise.
      	(dump_gimple_expr): Likewise.
      	(dump_gimple_expr_loc): Likewise.
      	(dump_generic_expr): Likewise.
      	(dump_generic_expr_loc): Likewise.
      	(dump_printf): Likewise.
      	(dump_printf_loc): Likewise.
      	(dump_dec): Likewise.
      	(dump_dec): Likewise.
      	(dump_hex): Likewise.
      	(dump_symtab_node): Likewise.
      	* gimple-loop-interchange.cc (tree_loop_interchange::interchange):
      	Guard dump call with dump_enabled_p.
      	* graphite-isl-ast-to-gimple.c (graphite_regenerate_ast_isl): Likewise.
      	* graphite-optimize-isl.c (optimize_isl): Likewise.
      	* graphite.c (graphite_transform_loops): Likewise.
      	* tree-loop-distribution.c (pass_loop_distribution::execute): Likewise.
      	* tree-parloops.c (parallelize_loops): Likewise.
      	* tree-ssa-loop-niter.c (number_of_iterations_exit): Likewise.
      	* tree-vect-data-refs.c (vect_analyze_group_access_1): Likewise.
      	(vect_prune_runtime_alias_test_list): Likewise.
      	* tree-vect-loop.c (vect_update_vf_for_slp): Likewise.
      	(vect_estimate_min_profitable_iters): Likewise.
      	* tree-vect-slp.c (vect_record_max_nunits): Likewise.
      	(vect_build_slp_tree_2): Likewise.
      	(vect_supported_load_permutation_p): Likewise.
      	(vect_slp_analyze_operations): Likewise.
      	(vect_slp_analyze_bb_1): Likewise.
      	(vect_slp_bb): Likewise.
      	* tree-vect-stmts.c (vect_analyze_stmt): Likewise.
      	* tree-vectorizer.c (try_vectorize_loop_1): Likewise.
      	(pass_slp_vectorize::execute): Likewise.
      	(increase_alignment): Likewise.
      From-SVN: r266080
      David Malcolm committed
    • Fix ICE with -fopt-info-inline (PR ipa/87955) · 9228f64c
      PR ipa/87955 reports a problem I introduced in r265920, where I converted
      the guard in report_inline_failed_reason from using:
        if (dump_file)
      to using
        if (dump_enabled_p ()).
      without updating the calls to cl_target_option_print_diff and
      cl_optimization_print_diff, which assume that dump_file is non-NULL.
      The functions are auto-generated.  Rather than porting them to the dump
      API, this patch applies the workaround of adding the missing checks on
      dump_file before calling them.
      	PR ipa/87955
      	* ipa-inline.c (report_inline_failed_reason): Guard calls to
      	cl_target_option_print_diff and cl_optimization_print_diff with
      	if (dump_file).
      	PR ipa/87955
      	* gcc.target/i386/pr87955.c: New test.
      From-SVN: r266079
      David Malcolm committed