1. 13 Aug, 2019 22 commits
    • [Ada] Compiler may blow up on array aggregates whose size is very large · 4167b075
      The compiler may crash when compiling array aggregates where the
      computation of the size produces a very large number that overflows
      (possibly producing a small result), such as with an aggregate of a type
      that is an array of arrays, where each array range has close to
      Integer'Last elements. That can lead to Aggr_Size_OK returning
      incorrectly returning True, following on to allocating a very large
      array in function Flatten that blows the stack.  The size computation
      was being performed using type Int, so this was changed to use universal
      2019-08-13  Gary Dismukes  <dismukes@adacore.com>
      	* exp_aggr.adb (Aggr_Size_OK): Compute the aggregate size using
      	universal arithmetic, to avoid situations where the size
      	computation overflows.
      	* gnat.dg/aggr26.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274348
      Gary Dismukes committed
    • [Ada] Show Bit_Order and Scalar_Storage_Order in -gnatR4 output · 6aaab508
      This patch modifies the behavior of -gnatR4 so that representation
      information for bit and scalar storage order gets displayed in all cases
      and not just when defaults are overriden.
      -- Source --
      --  pkg.ads
      package Pkg is
         type Root is tagged record
           Data0 : Integer;
         end record;
         type Derived is new Root with record
            Data1 : Integer;
         end record;
      end Pkg;
      -- Compilation --
      $ gnatmake -gnatR4 pkg.ads
      Representation information for unit Pkg (spec)
      for Root'Size use 128;
      for Root'Alignment use 8;
      for Root use record
         Data0 at 8 range  0 .. 31;
      end record;
      for Root'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Root'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Trootc'Size use 0;
      for Trootc'Alignment use 0;
      for Trootc use record
      end record;
      for Trootc'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Trootc'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Derived'Size use 192;
      for Derived'Alignment use 8;
      for Derived use record
         Data0 at  8 range  0 .. 31;
         Data1 at 16 range  0 .. 31;
      end record;
      for Derived'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Derived'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Tderivedc'Size use 0;
      for Tderivedc'Alignment use 0;
      for Tderivedc use record
         Data0 at  8 range  0 .. 31;
         Data1 at 16 range  0 .. 31;
      end record;
      for Tderivedc'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
      for Tderivedc'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.Low_Order_First;i
      2019-08-13  Justin Squirek  <squirek@adacore.com>
      	* repinfo.adb (List_Scalar_Storage_Order): Modify conditionals
      	for displaying ordering to always be triggered when -gnatR4 is
      	in effect.
      From-SVN: r274347
      Justin Squirek committed
    • [Ada] Implement pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length · 4de811c5
      This patch implements AI12-0164-1 for the aspect/pragma
      Max_Entry_Queue_Length.  Previously, the GNAT specific pragma
      Max_Queue_Length fulfilled this role, but was not named to match the
      standard and thus was insufficent.
      -- Source --
      --  pass.ads
      with System;
      package Pass is
         SOMETHING : constant Integer := 5;
         Variable : Boolean := False;
         protected type Protected_Example is
            entry A (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 2;            --  OK
            entry B (Item : Integer);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (SOMETHING);      --  OK
            entry C (Item : Integer);                      --  OK
            entry D (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 4;            --  OK
            entry D (Item : Integer; Item_B : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => Float'Digits; --  OK
            entry E (Item : Integer);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (SOMETHING * 2);  --  OK
            entry E (Item : Integer; Item_B : Integer);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (11);             --  OK
            entry F (Item : Integer; Item_B : Integer);
            pragma Pre (Variable = True);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (11);             --  OK
            entry G (Item : Integer; Item_B : Integer)
               with Pre => (Variable = True),
                    Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 11;           --  OK
            Data : Boolean := True;
         end Protected_Example;
         Prot_Ex  : Protected_Example;
      end Pass;
      --  fail.ads
      package Fail is
         --  Not near entry
         pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (40);                                --  ERROR
         --  Task type
         task type Task_Example is
            entry Insert (Item : in Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  ERROR
            -- Entry family in task type
            entry A (Positive) (Item : in Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  ERROR
         end Task_Example;
         Task_Ex : Task_Example;
         --  Aspect applied to protected type
         protected type Protected_Failure_0
            with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 50 is                            --  ERROR
            entry A (Item : Integer);
            Data : Integer := 0;
         end Protected_Failure_0;
         Protected_Failure_0_Ex : Protected_Failure_0;
         protected type Protected_Failure is
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (10);                             --  ERROR
            --  Duplicates
            entry A (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  OK
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (4);                              --  ERROR
            entry B (Item : Integer);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (40);                             --  OK
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (4);                              --  ERROR
            entry C (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10,                           --  OK
                    Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 40;                           --  ERROR
            -- Duplicates with the same value
            entry AA (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  OK
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (10);                             --  ERROR
            entry BB (Item : Integer);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (40);                             --  OK
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (40);                             --  ERROR
            entry CC (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10,                           --  OK
                    Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  ERROR
            --  On subprogram
            procedure D (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  ERROR
            procedure E (Item : Integer);
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (4);                              --  ERROR
            function F (Item : Integer) return Integer
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 10;                           --  ERROR
            function G (Item : Integer) return Integer;
            pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (4);                              --  ERROR
            --  Bad parameters
            entry H (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 0;                            --  ERROR
            entry I (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => -1;                           --  ERROR
            entry J (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF#; --  ERROR
            entry K (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => False;                        --  ERROR
            entry L (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => "JUNK";                       --  ERROR
            entry M (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 1.0;                          --  ERROR
            entry N (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => Long_Integer'(3);             --  ERROR
            -- Entry family
            entry O (Boolean) (Item : Integer)
               with Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 5;                            --  ERROR
            Data : Integer := 0;
         end Protected_Failure;
         I : Positive := 1;
         Protected_Failure_Ex : Protected_Failure;
      end Fail;
      --  dtest.adb
      with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
      procedure Dtest is
         protected Prot is
            entry Wait;
              pragma Max_Entry_Queue_Length (2);
            procedure Wakeup;
            Barrier : Boolean := False;
         end Prot;
         protected body Prot is
            entry Wait when Barrier is
            end Wait;
            procedure Wakeup is
               Barrier := True;
            end Wakeup;
         end Prot;
         task type T;
         task body T is
            Put_Line ("Waiting...");
            when others =>
               Put_Line ("Got exception");
         end T;
         T1, T2 : T;
         delay 0.1;
         Put_Line ("Done");
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("Main got exception");
      end Dtest;
      -- Compilation and output --
      & gcc -c -g -gnatDG pass.ads
      & gcc -c -g fail.ads
      & grep -c "(2, 5, 0, 4, 6, 10, 11, 11, 11)" pass.ads.dg
      & gnatmake -g -q dtest
      fail.ads:5:04: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:12:15: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" cannot apply to task entries
      fail.ads:17:15: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" cannot apply to task entries
      fail.ads:26:12: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:36:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:42:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" duplicates aspect declared at
      line 41
      fail.ads:46:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" duplicates pragma declared at
      line 45
      fail.ads:50:15: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" for "C" previously given at
      line 49
      fail.ads:56:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" duplicates aspect declared at
      line 55
      fail.ads:60:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" duplicates pragma declared at
      line 59
      fail.ads:64:15: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" for "CC" previously given at
      line 63
      fail.ads:69:15: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:72:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:75:15: aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:78:07: pragma "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must apply to a protected entry
      fail.ads:83:35: entity for aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must be positive
      fail.ads:86:35: entity for aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" must be positive
      fail.ads:89:35: entity for aspect "Max_Entry_Queue_Length" out of range of
      fail.ads:92:35: expected an integer type
      fail.ads:92:35: found type "Standard.Boolean"
      fail.ads:95:35: expected an integer type
      fail.ads:95:35: found a string type
      fail.ads:98:35: expected an integer type
      fail.ads:98:35: found type universal real
      2019-08-13  Justin Squirek  <squirek@adacore.com>
      	* aspects.adb, aspects.ads: Register new aspect.
      	* par-prag.adb (Prag): Register new pragma
      	* sem_ch13.adb (Analyze_Aspect_Specifications): Add processing
      	for new aspect similar to Aspect_Max_Entry_Queue_Length.
      	* sem_prag.adb, sem_prag.ads (Analyze_Pragma): Register new
      	pragma and set it to use the same processing as
      	* snames.ads-tmpl: Move definition of
      	Name_Max_Entry_Queue_Length so that it can be processed as a
      	pragma in addition to a restriction and add an entry for the
      	pragma itself.
      From-SVN: r274346
      Justin Squirek committed
    • [Ada] Avoid crash in GNATprove_Mode on allocator inside type · ebad47fc
      In the special mode for GNATprove, subtypes should be declared for
      allocators when constraints are used. This was done previously but it
      does not work inside spec expressions, as the declaration is not
      inserted and analyzed in the AST in that case, leading to a later crash
      on an incomplete entity. Thus, no declaration should be created in such
      a case, letting GNATprove later reject such code due to the use of an
      allocator in an interfering context.
      2019-08-13  Yannick Moy  <moy@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch4.adb (Analyze_Allocator): Do not insert subtype
      	declaration for allocator inside a spec expression.
      	* gnat.dg/allocator2.adb, gnat.dg/allocator2.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274345
      Yannick Moy committed
    • [Ada] Avoid crash in GNATprove due to inlining inside type · 1788bf11
      The special inlining for GNATprove should not inline calls inside record
      types, used for the constraints of components.
      There is no impact on compilation.
      2019-08-13  Yannick Moy  <moy@adacore.com>
      	* sem_res.adb (Resolve_Call): Do not inline calls inside record
      From-SVN: r274344
      Yannick Moy committed
    • [Ada] Spurious error on nested instantiation · 258325dd
      This fixes a spurious error given by the compiler for a call to a
      subprogram which is the formal subprogram parameter of a generic
      package, if the generic package is instantiated in the body of an
      enclosing generic package with two formal types and two formal
      subprogram parameter homonyms taking them, and this instantiation takes
      one the two formal types as actual, and the enclosing generic package is
      instantiated on the same actual type with a single actual subprogram
      parameter, and the aforementioned call is overloaded.
      In this case, the renaming generated for the actual subprogram parameter
      in the nested instantiation is ambiguous and must be disambiguated using
      the corresponding formal parameter of the enclosing instantiation,
      otherwise a (sub)type mismatch is created and later subprogram
      disambiguation is not really possible.
      2019-08-13  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch4.adb (Analyze_One_Call): Remove bypass for type
      	mismatch in nested instantiations.
      	* sem_ch8.adb (Find_Nearer_Entity): New function.
      	(Find_Renamed_Entity): Use it to disambiguate the candidates for
      	the renaming generated for an instantiation when it is
      	* gnat.dg/generic_inst9.adb, gnat.dg/generic_inst9.ads,
      	gnat.dg/generic_inst9_pkg1.ads, gnat.dg/generic_inst9_pkg2.adb,
      	gnat.dg/generic_inst9_pkg2.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274343
      Eric Botcazou committed
    • [Ada] Do not set Back_End_Inlining in ASIS mode · 2e8362bc
      No impact on compilation.
      2019-08-13  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou@adacore.com>
      	* gnat1drv.adb (Adjust_Global_Switches): Do not set
      	Back_End_Inlining in ASIS mode either.
      From-SVN: r274342
      Eric Botcazou committed
    • [Ada] Fix incorrect binding to MapViewOfFile in s-win32.ads · 3fee1dcf
      Despite the "dw" prefix on the name, the dwNumberOfBytesToMap argument
      to MapViewOfFile was changed from DWORD to SIZE_T when 64bit Windows
      came about.
      This change adjusts the binding we have for it in System.Win32
      accordingly. For consistency with established practice, an s-win32
      specific version of size_t is introduced and g-sercom__mingw.adb is
      adjusted to disambiguate between this new size_t and the one already
      exposed in System.CRTL.
      2019-08-13  Olivier Hainque  <hainque@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/s-win32.ads: Define size_t and fix the MapViewOfFile
      	binding to use it instead of DWORD for the dwNumberOfBytesToMap
      	* libgnat/g-sercom__mingw.adb (Read): State which definition of
      	size_t to fetch in call to Last_Index.
      From-SVN: r274341
      Olivier Hainque committed
    • [Ada] Systematically pass LN_S to relevant gnatlib targets · 07c6ed01
      2019-08-13  Arnaud Charlet  <charlet@adacore.com>
      	* gcc-interface/Make-lang.in: Remove unused TRACE variable. Pass
      	LN_S to relevant gnatlib targets.
      	* gcc-interface/Makefile.in: Systematically pass LN_S to
      	relevant gnatlib targets.
      From-SVN: r274340
      Arnaud Charlet committed
    • [Ada] Avoid spurious errors on dimensionality checking in GNATprove · fa0c3ab8
      Complete the partial treatment that was started in r273405.  Instead of
      checking for the special case of nodes inside inlined bodies at the call
      site, check for this condition inside the top-level procedures called
      for dimensionality checking.
      There is no impact on compilation.
      2019-08-13  Yannick Moy  <moy@adacore.com>
      	* sem_dim.adb (Analyze_Dimension,
      	Analyze_Dimension_Array_Aggregate, Analyze_Dimension_Call,
      	Analyze_Dimension_Extension_Or_Record_Aggregate): Return
      	immediately when inside an inlined body.
      	* sem_res.adb (Resolve_Call): Remove special checking now done
      	inside Analyze_Dimension_Call.
      From-SVN: r274339
      Yannick Moy committed
    • [Ada] Disable anonymous allocator warning for library-level objects · 943c82d7
      This patch modifies the behavior of anonymous allocator warnings so that
      they no longer get triggered in the case of an object declaration at
      2019-08-13  Justin Squirek  <squirek@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch4.adb (Expand_N_Allocator): Add condition to detect
      	library-level object declarations
      	* gnat.dg/anon3.adb, gnat.dg/anon3.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274338
      Justin Squirek committed
    • [Ada] Add/fix documentation for the Double_*_Alignment parameters · 114042b8
      2019-08-13  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou@adacore.com>
      	* doc/gnat_ugn/building_executable_programs_with_gnat.rst
      	(-gnateT): Document Double_Float_Alignment parameter and fix
      	description of Double_Scalar_Alignment parameter.
      	* gnat_ugn.texi: Regenerate.
      From-SVN: r274337
      Eric Botcazou committed
    • [Ada] Fix spurious error on nested instantiation with inlining · d71e9fb2
      This prevents the compiler from issuing a spurious error in a convoluted
      case where a child generic package declared in an enclosing parent
      generic package, which contains a second child generic package, contains
      an inlined subprogram and the second child generic package contains an
      instantiation of the first, and the enclosing parent generic package is
      instantiated with inlining across units enabled (-gnatn[12]).
      The problem is that the compiler attempts to instantiate the body of the
      first child generic package in the context of the enclosing parent
      generic package, instead of doing it in the context of the instantiation
      of the parent generic package, because of the presence of the inlined
      2019-08-13  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch6.adb (Expand_Call_Helper): If back-end inlining is
      	enabled, also instantiate the body of a generic unit containing
      	a subprogram subject to aspect/pragma Inline_Always at
      	optimization level zero.
      	* sem_ch12.adb (Might_Inline_Subp): Minor tweak.
      	(Analyze_Package_Instantiation): Do not instantiate the package
      	body because of inlining considerations if the instantiation is
      	done in a generic unit.  Move around similar condition involving
      	the main unit.  Add test on Back_End_Inlining to processing for
      	front-end inlining.
      	* gnat.dg/generic_inst8.adb, gnat.dg/generic_inst8.ads,
      	gnat.dg/generic_inst8_g.adb, gnat.dg/generic_inst8_g.ads: New
      From-SVN: r274336
      Eric Botcazou committed
    • [Ada] Wrong initialization of Offset_To_Top in secondary DT · 7225a479
      The compiler does not initialize well the runtime information required
      to perform at runtime interface conversions on derivations of tagged
      types that implement interfaces and have variable size components.
      2019-08-13  Javier Miranda  <miranda@adacore.com>
      	* exp_disp.adb (Make_Secondary_DT): Handle record type
      	derivations that have interface components located at fixed
      	positions and interface components located at variable offset.
      	The offset of components located at fixed positions is computed
      	using the dummy object (similar to the case where all the
      	interface components are located at fixed positions).
      	(Make_DT): Build the dummy object for all tagged types that
      	implement interface types (that is, build it also for types with
      	variable size components), and use the dummy object to compute
      	the offset of all tag components located at fixed positions when
      	initializing the Interface_Table object.
      	* gnat.dg/tag2.adb, gnat.dg/tag2_pkg.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274335
      Javier Miranda committed
    • [Ada] Add ability to list compiler switches with gnatcmd · 4c19aa69
      This patch adds a new switch (--help-ada) to gnatcmd for displaying all
      the availible build flags as well as fixing some minor differences in
      output between implicit and explicit help for gnatcmd (e.g. "gnat" vs
      "gnat --help").
      $ gnat
      GNAT Pro 20.0w (19940713)
      Copyright 1996-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      To list Ada build switches use --help-ada
      List of available commands
      gnat bind               gnatbind
      gnat chop               gnatchop
      gnat clean              gnatclean
      gnat compile            gnatmake -f -u -c
      gnat check              gnatcheck
      gnat elim               gnatelim
      gnat find               gnatfind
      gnat krunch             gnatkr
      gnat link               gnatlink
      gnat list               gnatls
      gnat make               gnatmake
      gnat metric             gnatmetric
      gnat name               gnatname
      gnat preprocess         gnatprep
      gnat pretty             gnatpp
      gnat stack              gnatstack
      gnat stub               gnatstub
      gnat test               gnattest
      gnat xref               gnatxref
      Report bugs to report@adacore.com
      $ gnat --help
      GNAT Pro 20.0w (19940713)
      Copyright 1996-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      To list Ada build switches use --help-ada
      List of available commands
      gnat bind               gnatbind
      gnat chop               gnatchop
      gnat clean              gnatclean
      gnat compile            gnatmake -f -u -c
      gnat check              gnatcheck
      gnat elim               gnatelim
      gnat find               gnatfind
      gnat krunch             gnatkr
      gnat link               gnatlink
      gnat list               gnatls
      gnat make               gnatmake
      gnat metric             gnatmetric
      gnat name               gnatname
      gnat preprocess         gnatprep
      gnat pretty             gnatpp
      gnat stack              gnatstack
      gnat stub               gnatstub
      gnat test               gnattest
      gnat xref               gnatxref
      Report bugs to report@adacore.com
      $ gnat --help-ada
      Usage: gnat switches sfile
        sfile     Source file name
        -g            Generate debugging information
        -Idir         Specify source files search path
        -I-           Do not look for sources in current directory
        -O[0123]      Control the optimization level
        -gnata    Assertions enabled. Pragma Assert/Debug to be activated
        -gnatA    Avoid processing gnat.adc, if present file will be ignored
        -gnatb    Generate brief messages to stderr even if verbose mode set
        -gnatB    Assume no bad (invalid) values except in 'Valid attribute
        -gnatc    Check syntax and semantics only (no code generation)
        -gnatC    Generate CodePeer intermediate format (no code generation)
        -gnatd?   Compiler debug option ? ([.]a-z,A-Z,0-9), see debug.adb
        -gnatD    Debug expanded generated code (max line length = 72)
        -gnatDnn  Debug expanded generated code (max line length = nn)
        -gnateA   Aliasing checks on subprogram parameters
        -gnatec=? Specify configuration pragmas file, e.g. -gnatec=/x/f.adc
        -gnateC   Generate CodePeer messages (ignored without -gnatcC)
        -gnated   Disable synchronization of atomic variables
        -gnateD?  Define or redefine preprocessing symbol, e.g. -gnateDsym=val
        -gnateE   Generate extra information in exception messages
        -gnatef   Full source path in brief error messages
        -gnateF   Check overflow on predefined Float types
        -gnateG   Generate preprocessed source
        -gnateinn Set maximum number of instantiations to nn
        -gnateInn Index in multi-unit source, e.g. -gnateI2
        -gnatel   Turn on info messages on generated Elaborate[_All] pragmas
        -gnateL   Turn off info messages on generated Elaborate[_All] pragmas
        -gnatem=? Specify mapping file, e.g. -gnatem=mapping
        -gnatep=? Specify preprocessing data file, e.g. -gnatep=prep.data
        -gnateP   Pure/Prelaborate errors generate warnings rather than errors
        -gnateS   Generate SCO (Source Coverage Obligation) information
        -gnatet=? Write target dependent information file ?, e.g. gnatet=tdf
        -gnateT=? Read target dependent information file ?, e.g. gnateT=tdf
        -gnateu   Ignore unrecognized style/validity/warning switches
        -gnateV   Validity checks on subprogram parameters
        -gnateY   Ignore all Style_Checks pragmas in source
        -gnatE    Dynamic elaboration checking mode enabled
        -gnatf    Full errors. Verbose details, all undefined references
        -gnatF    Force all import/export external names to all uppercase
        -gnatg    GNAT implementation mode (used for compiling GNAT units)
        -gnatG    Output generated expanded code (max line length = 72)
        -gnatGnn  Output generated expanded code (max line length = nn)
        -gnath    Output this usage (help) information
        -gnatH    Legacy elaboration checking mode enabled
        -gnati?   Identifier char set (?=1/2/3/4/5/8/9/p/f/n/w)
        -gnatI    Ignore all representation clauses
        -gnatjnn  Format error and warning messages to fit nn character lines
        -gnatJ    Relaxed elaboration checking mode enabled
        -gnatk    Limit file names to nn characters (k = krunch)
        -gnatl    Output full source listing with embedded error messages
        -gnatl=f  Output full source listing to specified file
        -gnatL    List corresponding source text in -gnatG or -gnatD output
        -gnatmnn  Limit number of detected errors/warnings to nn (1-999999)
        -gnatn[?] Enable pragma Inline across units (?=1/2 for moderate/full)
        -gnato0   Disable overflow checking
        -gnato    Enable overflow checking in STRICT (-gnato1) mode (default)
        -gnato?   Enable overflow checks in STRICT/MINIMIZED/ELIMINATED (1/2/3) mode
        -gnato??  Set mode for general/assertion expressions separately
        -gnatp    Suppress all checks
        -gnatP    Generate periodic calls to System.Polling.Poll
        -gnatq    Don't quit, try semantics, even if parse errors
        -gnatQ    Don't quit, write ali/tree file even if compile errors
        -gnatr    Treat pragma Restrictions as Restriction_Warnings
        -gnatR?   List rep info (?=0/1/2/3/4/e/m for none/types/all/sym/cg/ext/mech)
        -gnatR?j  List rep info in the JSON data interchange format
        -gnatR?s  List rep info to file.rep instead of standard output
        -gnats    Syntax check only
        -gnatS    Print listing of package Standard
        -gnatt    Tree output file to be generated
        -gnatTnn  All compiler tables start at nn times usual starting size
        -gnatu    List units for this compilation
        -gnatU    Enable unique tag for error messages
        -gnatv    Verbose mode. Full error output with source lines to stdout
        -gnatVxx  Enable selected validity checking mode, xx = list of parameters:
              a    turn on all validity checking options
              c    turn on checking for copies
              C    turn off checking for copies
              d    turn on default (RM) checking
              D    turn off default (RM) checking
              e    turn on checking for elementary components
              E    turn off checking for elementary components
              f    turn on checking for floating-point
              F    turn off checking for floating-point
              i    turn on checking for in params
              I    turn off checking for in params
              m    turn on checking for in out params
              M    turn off checking for in out params
              n    turn off all validity checks (including RM)
              o    turn on checking for operators/attributes
              O    turn off checking for operators/attributes
              p    turn on checking for parameters
              P    turn off checking for parameters
              r    turn on checking for returns
              R    turn off checking for returns
              s    turn on checking for subscripts
              S    turn off checking for subscripts
              t    turn on checking for tests
              T    turn off checking for tests
        -gnatwxx  Enable selected warning modes, xx = list of parameters:
              *    indicates default setting
              +    indicates warning flag included in -gnatwa
              a    turn on all info/warnings marked below with +
              A    turn off all optional info/warnings
              .a*+ turn on warnings for failing assertion
              .A   turn off warnings for failing assertion
              _a*+ turn on warnings for anonymous allocators
              _A   turn off warnings for anonymous allocators
              b+   turn on warnings for bad fixed value (not multiple of small)
              B*   turn off warnings for bad fixed value (not multiple of small)
              .b*+ turn on warnings for biased representation
              .B   turn off warnings for biased representation
              c+   turn on warnings for constant conditional
              C*   turn off warnings for constant conditional
              .c+  turn on warnings for unrepped components
              .C*  turn off warnings for unrepped components
              d    turn on warnings for implicit dereference
              D*   turn off warnings for implicit dereference
              .d   turn on tagging of warnings with -gnatw switch
              .D*  turn off tagging of warnings with -gnatw switch
              e    treat all warnings (but not info) as errors
              .e   turn on every optional info/warning (no exceptions)
              E    treat all run-time warnings as errors
              f+   turn on warnings for unreferenced formal
              F*   turn off warnings for unreferenced formal
              .f   turn on warnings for suspicious Subp'Access
              .F*  turn off warnings for suspicious Subp'Access
              g*+  turn on warnings for unrecognized pragma
              G    turn off warnings for unrecognized pragma
              .g   turn on GNAT warnings
              h    turn on warnings for hiding declarations
              H*   turn off warnings for hiding declarations
              .h   turn on warnings for holes in records
              .H*  turn off warnings for holes in records
              i*+  turn on warnings for implementation unit
              I    turn off warnings for implementation unit
              .i*+ turn on warnings for overlapping actuals
              .I   turn off warnings for overlapping actuals
              j+   turn on warnings for obsolescent (annex J) feature
              J*   turn off warnings for obsolescent (annex J) feature
              .j+  turn on warnings for late dispatching primitives
              .J*  turn off warnings for late dispatching primitives
              k+   turn on warnings on constant variable
              K*   turn off warnings on constant variable
              .k   turn on warnings for standard redefinition
              .K*  turn off warnings for standard redefinition
              l    turn on warnings for elaboration problems
              L*   turn off warnings for elaboration problems
              .l   turn on info messages for inherited aspects
              .L*  turn off info messages for inherited aspects
              m+   turn on warnings for variable assigned but not read
              M*   turn off warnings for variable assigned but not read
              .m*+ turn on warnings for suspicious modulus value
              .M   turn off warnings for suspicious modulus value
              n*   normal warning mode (cancels -gnatws/-gnatwe)
              .n   turn on info messages for atomic synchronization
              .N*  turn off info messages for atomic synchronization
              o*   turn on warnings for address clause overlay
              O    turn off warnings for address clause overlay
              .o   turn on warnings for out parameters assigned but not read
              .O*  turn off warnings for out parameters assigned but not read
              p+   turn on warnings for ineffective pragma Inline in frontend
              P*   turn off warnings for ineffective pragma Inline in frontend
              .p+  turn on warnings for suspicious parameter order
              .P*  turn off warnings for suspicious parameter order
              q*+  turn on warnings for questionable missing parenthesis
              Q    turn off warnings for questionable missing parenthesis
              .q+  turn on warnings for questionable layout of record types
              .Q*  turn off warnings for questionable layout of record types
              r+   turn on warnings for redundant construct
              R*   turn off warnings for redundant construct
              .r+  turn on warnings for object renaming function
              .R*  turn off warnings for object renaming function
              s    suppress all info/warnings
              .s   turn on warnings for overridden size clause
              .S*  turn off warnings for overridden size clause
              t    turn on warnings for tracking deleted code
              T*   turn off warnings for tracking deleted code
              .t*+ turn on warnings for suspicious contract
              .T   turn off warnings for suspicious contract
              u+   turn on warnings for unused entity
              U*   turn off warnings for unused entity
              .u   turn on warnings for unordered enumeration
              .U*  turn off warnings for unordered enumeration
              v*+  turn on warnings for unassigned variable
              V    turn off warnings for unassigned variable
              .v*+ turn on info messages for reverse bit order
              .V   turn off info messages for reverse bit order
              w*+  turn on warnings for wrong low bound assumption
              W    turn off warnings for wrong low bound assumption
              .w   turn on warnings on pragma Warnings Off
              .W*  turn off warnings on pragma Warnings Off
              x*+  turn on warnings for export/import
              X    turn off warnings for export/import
              .x+  turn on warnings for non-local exception
              .X*  turn off warnings for non-local exception
              y*+  turn on warnings for Ada compatibility issues
              Y    turn off warnings for Ada compatibility issues
              .y   turn on info messages for why pkg body needed
              .Y*  turn off info messages for why pkg body needed
              z*+  turn on warnings for suspicious unchecked conversion
              Z    turn off warnings for suspicious unchecked conversion
              .z*+ turn on warnings for record size not a multiple of alignment
              .Z   turn off warnings for record size not a multiple of alignment
        -gnatW?   Wide character encoding method (?=h/u/s/e/8/b)
        -gnatx    Suppress output of cross-reference information
        -gnatX    Language extensions permitted
        -gnaty    Enable default style checks (same as -gnaty3abcefhiklmnprst)
        -gnatyxx  Enable selected style checks xx = list of parameters:
              1-9  check indentation
              a    check attribute casing
              A    check array attribute indexes
              b    check no blanks at end of lines
              B    check no use of AND/OR for boolean expressions
              c    check comment format (two spaces)
              C    check comment format (one space)
              d    check no DOS line terminators
              e    check end/exit labels present
              f    check no form feeds/vertical tabs in source
              g    check standard GNAT style rules, same as ydISux
              h    check no horizontal tabs in source
              i    check if-then layout
              I    check mode in
              k    check casing rules for keywords
              l    check reference manual layout
              Lnn  check max nest level < nn
              m    check line length <= 79 characters
              Mnn  check line length <= nn characters
              n    check casing of package Standard identifiers
              N    turn off all checks
              o    check subprogram bodies in alphabetical order
              O    check overriding indicators
              p    check pragma casing
              r    check casing for identifier references
              s    check separate subprogram specs present
              S    check separate lines after THEN or ELSE
              t    check token separation rules
              u    check no unnecessary blank lines
              x    check extra parentheses around conditionals
              y    turn on default style checks
              -    subtract (turn off) subsequent checks
              +    add (turn on) subsequent checks
        -gnatyN   Cancel all previously set style checks
        -gnatzc   Distribution stub generation for caller stubs
        -gnatzr   Distribution stub generation for receiver stubs
        -gnat83   Ada 83 mode
        -gnat95   Ada 95 mode
        -gnat2005 Ada 2005 mode
        -gnat2012 Ada 2012 mode (default)
        -gnat-p   Cancel effect of previous -gnatp switch
      2019-08-13  Justin Squirek  <squirek@adacore.com>
      	* gnatcmd.adb (GNATCmd): Add constant for new compiler switch
      	--help-ada, and include usage subprogram. Add line to usage help
      	explaining the new flag.
      	(GNATCmd_Usage): Rename from locally declared Usage so as not to
      	confuse with the newly imported version. Add new argument case
      	for --help-ada and add bug report email to implicit display of
      	help without the --help flag so as to unify output between the
      	two cases.
      From-SVN: r274334
      Justin Squirek committed
    • [Ada] Better exception message on Invalid_Switch exception · e0401824
      Improve the error message introduced in the recent commit for
      Invalid_Switch exception.
      2019-08-13  Dmitriy Anisimkov  <anisimko@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/g-comlin.adb (Getopt): Quote unrecognized switch in
      	Invalid_Switch exception message.
      From-SVN: r274333
      Dmitriy Anisimkov committed
    • [Ada] Complete the more extended AST traversal used in GNATprove · 96cdd379
      Following the work on the Ada 202X feature of iterated aggregates
      (AI12-061), Loop_Actions should have been listed as a semantic field of
      nodes of kind N_Iterated_Component_Association.  Fix this as well as the
      new extended AST traversal which should traverse these fields.
      There is no impact on compilation.
      2019-08-13  Yannick Moy  <moy@adacore.com>
      	* sem_util.adb (Traverse_More_Func): Take into account
      	Loop_Actions inside N_Iterated_Component_Association nodes.
      	* sinfo.ads: Document correctly Loop_Actions as a field of nodes
      	of kind N_Iterated_Component_Association.
      From-SVN: r274332
      Yannick Moy committed
    • [Ada] Extend range type in search primitives of formal vectors · dfa6d55a
      2019-08-13  Claire Dross  <dross@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/a-cfinve.adb, libgnat/a-cofove.adb (Find_Index,
      	Reverse_Find_Index): Use bigger type to avoid range check
      	failure at the last loop iteration.
      From-SVN: r274331
      Claire Dross committed
    • Simplify dump_printf in value-prof.c · b9fb922a
      2019-08-13  Martin Liska  <mliska@suse.cz>
      	* value-prof.c (gimple_ic_transform): Add new line.
      	Print details with MSG_NOTE.
      2019-08-13  Martin Liska  <mliska@suse.cz>
      	* gcc.dg/tree-prof/ic-misattribution-1.c: Use -fdump-ipa-profile-node.
      From-SVN: r274330
      Martin Liska committed
    • Automatically detect GNU jobserver with -flto. · e75c29e7
      2019-08-13  Martin Liska  <mliska@suse.cz>
      	* doc/invoke.texi: Document automatic detection of jobserver.
      	* lto-wrapper.c (run_gcc): Detect jobserver always.
      From-SVN: r274329
      Martin Liska committed
    • i386.md (ix86_expand_vector_set): Use vec_merge path for TARGET_MMX_WITH_SSE && TARGET_SSE4_1. · f15c7bd1
      	* config/i386/i386.md (ix86_expand_vector_set) <case E_V2SImode>:
      	Use vec_merge path for TARGET_MMX_WITH_SSE && TARGET_SSE4_1.
      	<case E_V8QImode>: Ditto.
      	* config/i386/mmx.md (*mmx_pinsrd): New insn pattern.
      	(*mmx_pinsrb): Ditto.
      From-SVN: r274328
      Uros Bizjak committed
    • Daily bump. · 2ad33ad7
      From-SVN: r274327
      GCC Administrator committed
  2. 12 Aug, 2019 18 commits
    • re PR fortran/91424 (Extend warnings about DO loops) · 393fdeb1
      2019-08-12  Thomas Koenig  <tkoenig@gcc.gnu.org>
      	PR fortran/91424
      	* frontend-passes.c (do_subscript): Do not warn for an
      	expression a second time.  Do not warn about a zero-trip loop.
      	(doloop_warn): Also look at contained namespaces.
      2019-08-12  Thomas Koenig  <tkoenig@gcc.gnu.org>
      	PR fortran/91424
      	* gfortran.dg/do_subscript_3.f90: New test.
      	* gfortran.dg/do_subscript_4.f90: New test.
      	* gfortran.dg/pr70754.f90: Use indices that to not overflow.
      2019-08-12  Thomas Koenig  <tkoenig@gcc.gnu.org>
      	PR fortran/91422
      	* testsuite/libgomp.oacc-fortran/routine-7.f90: Correct array
      From-SVN: r274320
      Thomas Koenig committed
    • PR libstdc++/90361 add missing macro definition · 0124d2c5
      The src/c++17/string-inst.cc file needs to override the default string
      ABI so that it still contains the expected symbols even when the library
      is configured with --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=gcc4-compatible.
      	PR libstdc++/90361
      	* src/c++17/string-inst.cc: Use _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 by default.
      From-SVN: r274314
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • re PR target/83250 (_mm256_zextsi128_si256 missing for AVX2 zero extension) · e6b2dc24
      	PR target/83250
      	PR target/91340
      	* config/i386/avxintrin.h (_mm256_zextpd128_pd256,
      	_mm256_zextps128_ps256, _mm256_zextsi128_si256): New intrinsics.
      	* config/i386/avx512fintrin.h (_mm512_zextpd128_pd512,
      	_mm512_zextps128_ps512, _mm512_zextsi128_si512, _mm512_zextpd256_pd512,
      	_mm512_zextps256_ps512, _mm512_zextsi256_si512): Likewise.
      	* gcc.target/i386/avx-typecast-1.c: New test.
      	* gcc.target/i386/avx-typecast-2.c: New test.
      	* gcc.target/i386/avx512f-typecast-2.c: New test.
      From-SVN: r274313
      Jakub Jelinek committed
    • Add noexcept-specifier to std::apply and std::make_from_tuple · 6fd4b25b
      When unpacking a std::tuple we know that the std::get calls are
      noexcept, so only the invocation (for std::apply) and construction (for
      std::make_from_tuple) can throw.
      We also know the std::get calls won't throw for a std::array, but this
      patch doesn't specialize the variable template for std::array. For an
      arbitrary tuple-like type we don't know if the std::get calls will
      throw, and so just use a potentially-throwing noexcept-specifier.
      	* include/std/tuple (__unpack_std_tuple): New variable template and
      	partial specializations.
      	(apply, make_from_tuple): Add noexcept-specifier.
      	* testsuite/20_util/tuple/apply/2.cc: New test.
      	* testsuite/20_util/tuple/make_from_tuple/2.cc: New test.
      From-SVN: r274312
      Jonathan Wakely committed
    • re PR lto/91375 (ICE on valid code in subbinfo_with_vtable_at_offset at… · b0dffed9
      re PR lto/91375 (ICE on valid code in subbinfo_with_vtable_at_offset at ipa-devirt.c:2760 since r256685)
      2019-08-12  Richard Biener  <rguenther@suse.de>
      	PR lto/91375
      	* tree.c (free_lang_data_in_type): Do not free TYPE_BINFO dependent on
      From-SVN: r274310
      Richard Biener committed
    • re PR driver/91130 (-MF clashes with -flto on aarch64) · 8508ae1d
      2019-08-12  Richard Biener  <rguenther@suse.de>
      	PR driver/91130
      	* lto-wrapper.c (get_options_from_collect_gcc_options): Remove
      	lang_mask option, always use CL_DRIVER.
      	(get_options_from_collect_gcc_options): Adjust.
      	(find_and_merge_options): Likewise.
      	(run_gcc): Likewise.
      From-SVN: r274309
      Richard Biener committed
    • [Ada] Fix IPv6 numeric address detection · 8467866f
      IPv6 numeric address can't have less than 2 colons. It fixes the error
      when Get_Host_By_Name called with hostname composed by only hexadecimal
      2019-08-12  Dmitriy Anisimkov  <anisimko@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/g-socket.adb (Is_IPv6_Address): Check that no less
      	then 2 colons in IPv6 numeric address.
      From-SVN: r274308
      Dmitriy Anisimkov committed
    • [Ada] New parameter Quiet for procedure GNAT.Command_Line.Getopt · 4a2e9be1
      Getopt procedure is parsing the command line or set of strings. If the
      command line contains unknown switch than the Getopt prints error
      message to the console and raises the exception Invalid_Switch. The
      printing can be inappropriate in some cases. The new parameter Quiet
      allows avoiding console output.
      2019-08-12  Dmitriy Anisimkov  <anisimko@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/g-comlin.ads, libgnat/g-comlin.adb (Getopt): Add
      	parameter Quiet. Need to do not output error messages to
      	console. Invalid_Switch exception generation surrounded by an
      	error message.
      From-SVN: r274307
      Dmitriy Anisimkov committed
    • [Ada] Missing check on outbound parameter of a non-null access type · 68e4cc98
      This patch adds code to generate proper post-call checks when an actual
      for an in-out or out parameter has a non-null access type. No
      constraints are applied to an inbound access parameter, but on exit a
      not-null check must be performed if the type of the actual requires it.
      2019-08-12  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch6.adb (Expand_Actuals. Add_Call_By_Copy_Code): Add code
      	to generate proper checks when an actual for an in-out or out
      	parameter has a non-null access type.  No constraints are
      	applied to an inbound access parameter, but on exit a not-null
      	check must be performed if the type of the actual requires it.
      	* gnat.dg/null_check.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274306
      Ed Schonberg committed
    • [Ada] Crash on illegal left-hand side in assignment of renamed variable · 8e4ca4fc
      This patch fixes a crash on an assignment where the left-hand side is a
      renaming of a function call that does not involve ceiling priorities.
      This avoids a compiler crash in some cases, and prevents a useless
      retrieval and compilation of run-time packages.
      2019-08-12  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* sem_util.adb (Is_Expaned_Priority_Attribute): Check whether
      	call comes from a rewritten attribute before comparing name with
      	Get_Ceiling run-time subprogram.
      	* gnat.dg/renaming15.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274305
      Ed Schonberg committed
    • [Ada] Small comment tweaks for 3 predicates on bit-aligned references · fba9fcae
      They fix a few glitches left and right.  No functional changes.
      2019-08-12  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou@adacore.com>
      	* exp_util.ads (Component_May_Be_Bit_Aligned): Small comment
      	(Possible_Bit_Aligned_Component): Likewise.
      	(Type_May_Have_Bit_Aligned_Components): Likewise.
      	* exp_util.adb (Component_May_Be_Bit_Aligned): Likewise.
      	(Possible_Bit_Aligned_Component): Likewise.
      	(Type_May_Have_Bit_Aligned_Components): Likewise.
      From-SVN: r274304
      Eric Botcazou committed
    • [Ada] Fix internal error on comparison of unaligned slices · 00907026
      This fixes an internal error in the code generator when it is trying to
      take the address of a slice which does not start on a byte boundary, in
      order to generate a comparison between slices with a dynamic length.
      This case is not supported by the code generator and comes from an
      explicit representation clause on a record type, so it must be detected
      and handled by the front-end by expanding the comparison on an
      element-by-element basis.
      2019-08-12  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou@adacore.com>
      	* exp_ch4.adb (Expand_N_Op_Eq): Expand the array equality if
      	either operand is a possibly unaligned slice.
      	* exp_ch6.adb (Expand_Simple_Function_Return): Do not generate a
      	copy for a possibly unaligned object if it is represented as a
      	* exp_util.adb (Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Slice): Do not always
      	return false if the target doesn't have strict alignment.
      	* gnat.dg/slice10.adb: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274303
      Eric Botcazou committed
    • [Ada] Do not suppress checks in instances of internal generics · ad430786
      This patch removes suppression of checks in nested instances of internal
      packages. No test.
      This was inconsistent: only for packages, not for subprograms. Only for
      nested instantiations, not library level ones. Not for GNAT units.
      Furthermore, the user should have control via pragma Suppress or
      Furthermore, without this change, there could be missing tampering
      checks in Ada.Containers.
      2019-08-12  Bob Duff  <duff@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch12.adb (Instantiate_Package_Body): Remove suppression of
      	checks in instances of internal units.
      	* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Function_Return): Do not generate a
      	constraint check on an extended_return_statement if the subtype
      	of the return object in the statement is identical to the return
      	subtype of the function.
      From-SVN: r274302
      Bob Duff committed
    • [Ada] Prevent crash in Is_Reachable · 39571eea
      This patch fixes a bug in Is_Reachable, which causes a crash when checks
      are on.
      2019-08-12  Bob Duff  <duff@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/a-cbmutr.adb (Is_Reachable): Declare Idx to be of the
      	base subtype.  Clearly it makes no sense to loop "while Idx >=
      	0", if Idx is of a nonnegative subtype.
      From-SVN: r274301
      Bob Duff committed
    • [Ada] Prevent crash in Put_Scaled · 18ba4b0d
      This patch fixes a bug in Put_Scaled, which causes a crash when checks
      are on.
      2019-08-12  Bob Duff  <duff@adacore.com>
      	* libgnat/a-tifiio.adb (Put_Scaled): Prevent AA from being
      	negative, since Field is range 0 .. something.
      From-SVN: r274300
      Bob Duff committed
    • [Ada] Remove doc for language version switches · 0e5f9f50
      Remove documentation for Ada language version switches, and note that
      they are no longer needed.  These tools now silently ignore such
      switches, and process the file correctly no matter what version of Ada
      is used.
      2019-08-12  Bob Duff  <duff@adacore.com>
      	* doc/gnat_ugn/gnat_utility_programs.rst (gnatmetric, gnatpp,
      	gnatstub): Remove documentation for Ada language version
      	switches, and note that they are no longer needed.
      From-SVN: r274299
      Bob Duff committed
    • [Ada] Hang on loop in generic with subtype indication specifying a range · ecb2f4fe
      The compiler may hang when a for loop expanded in a generic
      instantiation has a range specified by a subtype indication with an
      explicit range that has a bound that is an attribute applied to a
      discriminant-dependent array component. The Parent field of the bound
      may not be set, which can lead to endless looping when an actual subtype
      created for the array component is passed to Insert_Actions. This is
      fixed by setting the Parent fields of the copied bounds before
      Preanalyze is called on them.
      2019-08-12  Gary Dismukes  <dismukes@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch5.adb (Prepare_Param_Spec_Loop): Set the parents of the
      	copied low and high bounds in the case where the loop range is
      	given by a discrete_subtype_indication, to prevent hanging (or
      	Assert_Failure) in Insert_Actions.
      	* gnat.dg/generic_inst7.adb, gnat.dg/generic_inst7_pkg.adb,
      	gnat.dg/generic_inst7_pkg.ads, gnat.dg/generic_inst7_types.ads:
      	New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274298
      Gary Dismukes committed
    • [Ada] Improper error message on equality op with different operand types · 6ab24ed7
      2019-08-12  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
      	* sem_ch6.adb (heck_Untagged_Equality): Verify that user-defined
      	equality has the same profile as the predefined equality before
      	applying legality rule in RM 4.5.2 (9.8).
      	* gnat.dg/equal10.adb, gnat.dg/equal10.ads: New testcase.
      From-SVN: r274297
      Ed Schonberg committed