Commit f84d510d by Paul Thomas

char_pointer_assign.f90: Test character-pointerassignments and pointer assignments.

2005-05-29 Paul Thomas  <>

	* gfortran.dg/char_pointer_assign.f90:
	Test character-pointerassignments and pointer assignments.
	* gfortran.dg/char_pointer_dummy.f90:
	Test character-pointer dummy arguments.
	* gfortran.dg/char_pointer_func.f90:
	Test character-pointer function returns.
	* gfortran.dg/char_pointer_dependency.f90:
	Test character-pointer functions with dependencies.

From-SVN: r100325
parent 72caba17
! { dg-do run }
program char_pointer_assign
! Test character pointer assignments, required
! to fix PR18890 and PR21297
! Provided by Paul Thomas
implicit none
character*4, target :: t1
character*4, target :: t2(4) =(/"lmno","lmno","lmno","lmno"/)
character*4 :: const
character*4, pointer :: c1, c3
character*4, pointer :: c2(:), c4(:)
allocate (c3, c4(4))
! Scalars first.
c3 = "lmno" ! pointer = constant
t1 = c3 ! target = pointer
c1 => t1 ! pointer =>target
c1(2:3) = "nm"
c3 = c1 ! pointer = pointer
c3(1:1) = "o"
c3(4:4) = "l"
c1 => c3 ! pointer => pointer
if (t1 /= "lnmo") call abort ()
if (c1 /= "onml") call abort ()
! Now arrays.
c4 = "lmno" ! pointer = constant
t2 = c4 ! target = pointer
c2 => t2 ! pointer =>target
const = c2(1)
const(2:3) ="nm" ! c2(:)(2:3) = "nm" is still broken
c2 = const
c4 = c2 ! pointer = pointer
const = c4(1)
const(1:1) ="o" ! c4(:)(1:1) = "o" is still broken
const(4:4) ="l" ! c4(:)(4:4) = "l" is still broken
c4 = const
c2 => c4 ! pointer => pointer
if (any (t2 /= "lnmo")) call abort ()
if (any (c2 /= "onml")) call abort ()
deallocate (c3, c4)
end program char_pointer_assign
\ No newline at end of file
! { dg-do run }
! Test assignments from character pointer functions with dependencies
! are correctly resolved.
! Provided by Paul Thomas
program char_pointer_dependency
implicit none
character*4, pointer :: c2(:)
allocate (c2(2))
c2 = (/"abcd","efgh"/)
c2 = afoo (c2)
if (c2(1) /= "efgh") call abort ()
if (c2(2) /= "abcd") call abort ()
deallocate (c2)
function afoo (ac0) result (ac1)
integer :: j
character*4 :: ac0(:)
character*4, pointer :: ac1(:)
allocate (ac1(2))
do j = 1,2
ac1(j) = ac0(3-j)
end do
end function afoo
end program char_pointer_dependency
! { dg-do run }
program char_pointer_dummy
! Test character pointer dummy arguments, required
! to fix PR16939 and PR18689
! Provided by Paul Thomas
implicit none
character*4 :: c0
character*4, pointer :: c1
character*4, pointer :: c2(:)
allocate (c1, c2(1))
! Check that we have not broken non-pointer characters.
c0 = "wxyz"
call foo (c0)
! Now the pointers
c1 = "wxyz"
call sfoo (c1)
c2 = "wxyz"
call afoo (c2)
deallocate (c1, c2)
subroutine foo (cc1)
character*4 :: cc1
if (cc1 /= "wxyz") call abort ()
end subroutine foo
subroutine sfoo (sc1)
character*4, pointer :: sc1
if (sc1 /= "wxyz") call abort ()
end subroutine sfoo
subroutine afoo (ac1)
character*4, pointer :: ac1(:)
if (ac1(1) /= "wxyz") call abort ()
end subroutine afoo
end program char_pointer_dummy
\ No newline at end of file
! { dg-do run }
program char_pointer_func
! Test assignments from character pointer functions, required
! to fix PR17192 and PR17202
! Provided by Paul Thomas
implicit none
character*4 :: c0
character*4, pointer :: c1
character*4, pointer :: c2(:)
allocate (c1, c2(1))
! Check that we have not broken non-pointer characters.
c0 = foo ()
if (c0 /= "abcd") call abort ()
! Value assignments
c1 = sfoo ()
if (c1 /= "abcd") call abort ()
c2 = afoo (c0)
if (c2(1) /= "abcd") call abort ()
deallocate (c1, c2)
! Pointer assignments
c1 => sfoo ()
if (c1 /= "abcd") call abort ()
c2 => afoo (c0)
if (c2(1) /= "abcd") call abort ()
deallocate (c1, c2)
function foo () result (cc1)
character*4 :: cc1
cc1 = "abcd"
end function foo
function sfoo () result (sc1)
character*4, pointer :: sc1
allocate (sc1)
sc1 = "abcd"
end function sfoo
function afoo (c0) result (ac1)
character*4 :: c0
character*4, pointer :: ac1(:)
allocate (ac1(1))
ac1 = "abcd"
end function afoo
end program char_pointer_func
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