Commit f2f5814e by Andre Vehreschild

Added missing testcases of r229294 for patch of

PR fortran/66927.

From-SVN: r229295
parent b8ac4f3b
!{ dg-do run }
! Testcase for pr66927
! Contributed by Juergen Reuter <>
module processes
implicit none
type :: t1_t
real :: p = 0.0
end type t1_t
type :: t2_t
type(t1_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p
procedure :: func => t2_func
end type t2_t
type, public :: t3_t
type(t2_t), public :: int_born
end type t3_t
public :: evaluate
function t2_func (int) result (p)
class(t2_t), intent(in) :: int
type(t1_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p
end function t2_func
subroutine evaluate (t3)
class(t3_t), intent(inout) :: t3
type(t1_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p_born
allocate (p_born(1:size(t3%int_born%func ())), &
source = t3%int_born%func ())
if (.not. allocated(p_born)) call abort()
if (size(p_born) /= 5) call abort()
end subroutine evaluate
end module processes
program pr66927
use processes
type(t3_t) :: o
call evaluate(o)
!{ dg-do run }
! Testcase for pr66927, pr67123
! Contributed by Juergen Reuter <>
module processes
implicit none
type :: t1_t
real :: p = 0.0
end type t1_t
type :: t2_t
type(t1_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p
procedure :: func => t2_func
end type t2_t
type, public :: t3_t
type(t2_t), public :: int_born
end type t3_t
public :: evaluate
function t2_func (int) result (p)
class(t2_t), intent(in) :: int
class(t1_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p
end function t2_func
subroutine evaluate (t3)
class(t3_t), intent(inout) :: t3
type(t1_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p_born
allocate (p_born(1:size(t3%int_born%func ())), &
source = t3%int_born%func ())
if (.not. allocated(p_born)) call abort()
if (size(p_born) /= 5) call abort()
end subroutine evaluate
end module processes
program pr66927
use processes
type(t3_t) :: o
call evaluate(o)
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