Commit efa760f0 by Justin Squirek Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] ACATS 4.1G - CXAG003 - Name_Case_Equivalence doesn't exist

Implement a missing portion of Ada 2005's AI05-0049-1 for subprogram
Ada.Directories.Name_Case_Equivalence so that user programs can account for
operating system differences in case sensitivity.

-- Source --

--  main.adb

with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories;
with Ada.Text_IO;     use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main is

  --  Directory layout:
  --     /empty +-- Nothing...
  --     /mutliplefiles +-- "TEST1.TXT"
  --                    |
  --                "test1.txt"
  --     /singlefile +-- "test1.txt"
  --     /noncasable +-- "!"

  Put_Line (Name_Case_Equivalence ("./empty")'Image);
  Put_Line (Name_Case_Equivalence ("./multiplefiles")'Image);
  Put_Line (Name_Case_Equivalence ("./singlefile")'Image);
  Put_Line (Name_Case_Equivalence ("./multiplefiles/test1.txt")'Image);
  Put_Line (Name_Case_Equivalence ("./singlefile/test1.txt")'Image);
  Put_Line (Name_Case_Equivalence ("./noncaseable/!")'Image);

-- Compilation and Output --

& gnatmake -q main.adb
& main

2018-05-30  Justin Squirek  <>


	* libgnat/a-direct.adb, libgnat/ (Name_Case_Equivalence):
	Add implementation.
	(Start_Search): Modify to use Start_Search_Internal
	(Start_Search_Internal): Add to break out an extra flag for searching
	case insensative due to the potential for directories within the same
	OS to allow different casing schemes.
	* sysdep.c (__gnat_name_case_equivalence): Add as a default fallback
	for when the more precise solution fails.

From-SVN: r260942
parent 0c506265
2018-05-30 Justin Squirek <>
* libgnat/a-direct.adb, libgnat/ (Name_Case_Equivalence):
Add implementation.
(Start_Search): Modify to use Start_Search_Internal
(Start_Search_Internal): Add to break out an extra flag for searching
case insensative due to the potential for directories within the same
OS to allow different casing schemes.
* sysdep.c (__gnat_name_case_equivalence): Add as a default fallback
for when the more precise solution fails.
2018-05-30 Hristian Kirtchev <>
* checks.adb, exp_ch5.adb, exp_ch7.adb, exp_unst.adb, sem_eval.adb:
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Interfaces.C;
with System; use System;
with System.CRTL; use System.CRTL;
with System.File_Attributes; use System.File_Attributes;
......@@ -91,6 +93,16 @@ package body Ada.Directories is
-- Get the next entry in a directory, setting Entry_Fetched if successful
-- or resetting Is_Valid if not.
procedure Start_Search_Internal
(Search : in out Search_Type;
Directory : String;
Pattern : String;
Filter : Filter_Type := (others => True);
Force_Case_Insensitive : Boolean);
-- Similar to Start_Search except we can force a search to be
-- case-insensitive, which is important for detecting the name-case
-- equivalence for a given directory.
-- Base_Name --
......@@ -1057,6 +1069,103 @@ package body Ada.Directories is
return Search.Value.Is_Valid;
end More_Entries;
-- Name_Case_Equivalence --
function Name_Case_Equivalence (Name : String) return Name_Case_Kind is
Dir_Path : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (Name);
S : Search_Type;
Test_File : Directory_Entry_Type;
function GNAT_name_case_equivalence return;
pragma Import
(C, GNAT_name_case_equivalence, "__gnat_name_case_equivalence");
-- Check for the invalid case
if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
raise Name_Error with "invalid path name """ & Name & '"';
end if;
-- We were passed a "full path" to a file and not a directory, so obtain
-- the containing directory.
if Is_Regular_File (Name) then
Dir_Path := To_Unbounded_String (Containing_Directory (Name));
end if;
-- Since we must obtain a file within the Name directory, let's grab the
-- first for our test. When the directory is empty, Get_Next_Entry will
-- fall through to a Status_Error where we then take the imprecise
-- default for the host OS.
Start_Search (Search => S,
Directory => To_String (Dir_Path),
Pattern => "",
Filter => (Directory => False, others => True));
Get_Next_Entry (S, Test_File);
-- Check if we have found a "caseable" file
exit when To_Lower (Simple_Name (Test_File)) /=
To_Upper (Simple_Name (Test_File));
end loop;
End_Search (S);
-- Search for files within the directory with the same name, but
-- differing cases.
(Search => S,
Directory => To_String (Dir_Path),
Pattern => Simple_Name (Test_File),
Filter => (Directory => False, others => True),
Force_Case_Insensitive => True);
-- We will find at least one match due to the search hitting our test
-- file.
Get_Next_Entry (S, Test_File);
-- If we hit two then we know we have a case-sensitive directory
Get_Next_Entry (S, Test_File);
End_Search (S);
return Case_Sensitive;
when Status_Error =>
-- Finally, we have a file in the directory whose name is unique and
-- "caseable". Let's test to see if the OS is able to identify the file
-- in multiple cases, which will give us our result without having to
-- resort to defaults.
if Exists (To_String (Dir_Path) & Directory_Separator
& To_Lower (Simple_Name (Test_File)))
and then Exists (To_String (Dir_Path) & Directory_Separator
& To_Upper (Simple_Name (Test_File)))
return Case_Preserving;
end if;
return Case_Sensitive;
when Status_Error =>
-- There is no unobtrusive way to check for the directory's casing so
-- return the OS default.
return Name_Case_Kind'Val (Integer (GNAT_name_case_equivalence));
end Name_Case_Equivalence;
-- Rename --
......@@ -1289,6 +1398,21 @@ package body Ada.Directories is
Pattern : String;
Filter : Filter_Type := (others => True))
Start_Search_Internal (Search, Directory, Pattern, Filter, False);
end Start_Search;
-- Start_Search_Internal --
procedure Start_Search_Internal
(Search : in out Search_Type;
Directory : String;
Pattern : String;
Filter : Filter_Type := (others => True);
Force_Case_Insensitive : Boolean)
function opendir (file_name : String) return DIRs;
pragma Import (C, opendir, "__gnat_opendir");
......@@ -1306,11 +1430,17 @@ package body Ada.Directories is
-- Check the pattern
Case_Sensitive : Boolean := Is_Path_Name_Case_Sensitive;
if Force_Case_Insensitive then
Case_Sensitive := False;
end if;
Pat := Compile
Glob => True,
Case_Sensitive => Is_Path_Name_Case_Sensitive);
Case_Sensitive => Case_Sensitive);
when Error_In_Regexp =>
Free (Search.Value);
......@@ -1339,6 +1469,6 @@ package body Ada.Directories is
Search.Value.Pattern := Pat;
Search.Value.Dir := Dir;
Search.Value.Is_Valid := True;
end Start_Search;
end Start_Search_Internal;
end Ada.Directories;
......@@ -231,6 +231,11 @@ package Ada.Directories is
-- File and directory name operations --
type Name_Case_Kind is
(Unknown, Case_Sensitive, Case_Insensitive, Case_Preserving);
-- The type Name_Case_Kind represents the kind of file-name equivalence
-- rule for directories.
function Full_Name (Name : String) return String;
-- Returns the full name corresponding to the file name specified by Name.
-- The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does
......@@ -281,6 +286,16 @@ package Ada.Directories is
-- Name is not a possible simple name (if Extension is null) or base name
-- (if Extension is non-null).
function Name_Case_Equivalence (Name : String) return Name_Case_Kind;
-- Returns the file-name equivalence rule for the directory containing
-- Name. Raises Name_Error if Name is not a full name. Returns
-- Case_Sensitive if file names that differ only in the case of letters are
-- considered different names. If file names that differ only in the case
-- of letters are considered the same name, then Case_Preserving is
-- returned if names have the case of the file name used when a file is
-- created; and Case_Insensitive is returned otherwise. Returns Unknown if
-- the file-name equivalence is not known.
-- File and directory queries --
......@@ -1049,3 +1049,21 @@ _getpagesize (void)
return getpagesize ();
__gnat_name_case_equivalence ()
/* the values here must be synchronized with Ada.Directories.Name_Case_Kind:
Unknown = 0
Case_Sensitive = 1
Case_Insensitive = 2
Case_Preserving = 3 */
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (WIN32)
return 3;
return 1;
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