Commit e280f981 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2011-08-03  Emmanuel Briot  <>

	* make.adb, makeutl.adb,, clean.adb (Makeutl.Queue): new

2011-08-03  Yannick Moy  <>

	* cstand.adb (Create_Standard): select Universal_Integer as an ALFA type
	* sem_ch3.adb (Array_Type_Declaration): detect array types in ALFA
	* sem_util.adb, (Has_Static_Array_Bounds): new function to
	detect that an array has static bounds.

From-SVN: r177264
parent 98c99a5a
2011-08-03 Emmanuel Briot <>
* make.adb, makeutl.adb,, clean.adb (Makeutl.Queue): new
2011-08-03 Yannick Moy <>
* cstand.adb (Create_Standard): select Universal_Integer as an ALFA type
* sem_ch3.adb (Array_Type_Declaration): detect array types in ALFA
* sem_util.adb, (Has_Static_Array_Bounds): new function to
detect that an array has static bounds.
2011-08-03 Thomas Quinot <>
* exp_dist.adb: Minor reformatting.
......@@ -141,34 +141,6 @@ package body Clean is
-- Table to store all the source files of a library unit: spec, body and
-- subunits, to detect .dg files and delete them.
-- Queue (Q) manipulation --
procedure Init_Q;
-- Must be called to initialize the Q
procedure Insert_Q (Lib_File : File_Name_Type);
-- If Lib_File is not marked, inserts it at the end of Q and mark it
function Empty_Q return Boolean;
-- Returns True if Q is empty
procedure Extract_From_Q (Lib_File : out File_Name_Type);
-- Extracts the first element from the Q
Q_Front : Natural;
-- Points to the first valid element in the Q
package Q is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => File_Name_Type,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 0,
Table_Initial => 4000,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Clean.Q");
-- This is the actual queue
-- Other local subprograms --
......@@ -399,8 +371,11 @@ package body Clean is
Text : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
The_ALI : ALI_Id;
Found : Boolean;
Source : Queue.Source_Info;
Queue.Initialize (Queue_Per_Obj_Dir => False);
-- It does not really matter if there is or not an object file
-- corresponding to an ALI file: if there is one, it will be deleted.
......@@ -414,12 +389,23 @@ package body Clean is
for N_File in 1 .. Osint.Number_Of_Files loop
Main_Source_File := Next_Main_Source;
Main_Lib_File := Osint.Lib_File_Name
(Main_Source_File, Current_File_Index);
Insert_Q (Main_Lib_File);
(Main_Source_File, Current_File_Index);
if Main_Lib_File /= No_File then
((Format => Format_Gnatmake,
File => Main_Lib_File,
Unit => No_Unit_Name,
Index => 0,
Project => No_Project));
end if;
while not Empty_Q loop
while not Queue.Is_Empty loop
Sources.Set_Last (0);
Extract_From_Q (Lib_File);
Queue.Extract (Found, Source);
pragma Assert (Found);
pragma Assert (Source.File /= No_File);
Lib_File := Source.File;
Full_Lib_File := Osint.Full_Lib_File_Name (Lib_File);
-- If we have existing ALI file that is not read-only, process it
......@@ -448,7 +434,14 @@ package body Clean is
for K in ALI.Units.Table (J).First_With ..
ALI.Units.Table (J).Last_With
Insert_Q (Withs.Table (K).Afile);
if Withs.Table (K).Afile /= No_File then
((Format => Format_Gnatmake,
File => Withs.Table (K).Afile,
Unit => No_Unit_Name,
Index => 0,
Project => No_Project));
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
......@@ -1348,26 +1341,6 @@ package body Clean is
end if;
end Display_Copyright;
-- Empty_Q --
function Empty_Q return Boolean is
return Q_Front >= Q.Last;
end Empty_Q;
-- Extract_From_Q --
procedure Extract_From_Q (Lib_File : out File_Name_Type) is
Lib : constant File_Name_Type := Q.Table (Q_Front);
Q_Front := Q_Front + 1;
Lib_File := Lib;
end Extract_From_Q;
-- Gnatclean --
......@@ -1535,16 +1508,6 @@ package body Clean is
return False;
end In_Extension_Chain;
-- Init_Q --
procedure Init_Q is
Q_Front := Q.First;
Q.Set_Last (Q.First);
end Init_Q;
-- Initialize --
......@@ -1596,24 +1559,6 @@ package body Clean is
All_Projects := False;
end Initialize;
-- Insert_Q --
procedure Insert_Q (Lib_File : File_Name_Type) is
-- Do not insert an empty name or an already marked source
if Lib_File /= No_File and then not Makeutl.Is_Marked (Lib_File) then
Q.Table (Q.Last) := Lib_File;
-- Mark the source that has been just added to the Q
Makeutl.Mark (Lib_File);
end if;
end Insert_Q;
-- Object_File_Name --
......@@ -1334,6 +1334,7 @@ package body CStand is
Set_Scope (Universal_Integer, Standard_Standard);
(Universal_Integer, Standard_Long_Long_Integer_Size);
Set_Is_In_ALFA (Universal_Integer);
Universal_Real := New_Standard_Entity;
Decl := New_Node (N_Full_Type_Declaration, Stloc);
......@@ -250,21 +250,86 @@ package Makeutl is
end Mains;
-- Marking Routines --
procedure Mark (Source_File : File_Name_Type; Index : Int := 0);
-- Mark a unit, identified by its source file and, when Index is not 0, the
-- index of the unit in the source file. Marking is used to signal that the
-- unit has already been inserted in the Q.
function Is_Marked
(Source_File : File_Name_Type;
Index : Int := 0) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the unit was previously marked
procedure Delete_All_Marks;
-- Remove all file/index couples marked
-- Queue --
type Source_Info_Format is (Format_Gprbuild, Format_Gnatmake);
package Queue is
-- The queue of sources to be checked for compilation.
-- There can be a single such queue per application.
type Source_Info (Format : Source_Info_Format := Format_Gprbuild) is
case Format is
when Format_Gprbuild =>
Id : Source_Id := null;
when Format_Gnatmake =>
File : File_Name_Type := No_File;
Unit : Unit_Name_Type := No_Unit_Name;
Index : Int := 0;
Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
end case;
end record;
-- Information about files stored in the queue. The exact information
-- depends on the builder, and in particular whether it only supports
-- project-based files (in which case we have a full Source_Id record).
procedure Initialize
(Queue_Per_Obj_Dir : Boolean;
Force : Boolean := False);
-- Initialize the queue.
-- Queue_Per_Obj_Dir matches the --single-compile-per-obj-dir switch:
-- when True, there cannot be simultaneous compilations with the object
-- files in the same object directory when project files are used.
-- Nothing is done if Force is False and the queue was already
-- initialized.
procedure Remove_Marks;
-- Remove all marks set for the files.
-- This means that the files will be handed to the compiler if they are
-- added to the queue, and is mostly useful when recompiling several
-- executables in non-project mode, as the switches may be different
-- and -s may be in use.
function Is_Empty return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the queue is empty
function Is_Virtually_Empty return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the queue is empty or if all object directories are
-- busy.
procedure Insert (Source : Source_Info);
function Insert (Source : Source_Info) return Boolean;
-- Insert source in the queue.
-- The second version returns False if the Source was already marked in
-- the queue.
procedure Extract
(Found : out Boolean;
Source : out Source_Info);
-- Get the first source that can be compiled from the queue. If no
-- source may be compiled, sets Found to False. In this case, the value
-- for Source is undefined.
function Size return Natural;
-- Return the total size of the queue, including the sources already
-- extracted.
function Processed return Natural;
-- Return the number of source in the queue that have aready been
-- processed.
procedure Set_Obj_Dir_Busy (Obj_Dir : Path_Name_Type);
procedure Set_Obj_Dir_Free (Obj_Dir : Path_Name_Type);
-- Mark Obj_Dir as busy or free (see the parameter to Initialize)
function Element (Rank : Positive) return File_Name_Type;
-- Get the file name for element of index Rank in the queue
end Queue;
end Makeutl;
......@@ -4639,6 +4639,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
Nb_Index : Nat;
P : constant Node_Id := Parent (Def);
Priv : Entity_Id;
T_In_ALFA : Boolean := True;
if Nkind (Def) = N_Constrained_Array_Definition then
......@@ -4665,6 +4666,12 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
Check_SPARK_Restriction ("subtype mark required", Index);
end if;
if Present (Etype (Index))
and then not Is_In_ALFA (Etype (Index))
T_In_ALFA := False;
end if;
-- Add a subtype declaration for each index of private array type
-- declaration whose etype is also private. For example:
......@@ -4740,10 +4747,18 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
Check_SPARK_Restriction ("subtype mark required", Component_Typ);
end if;
if Present (Element_Type)
and then not Is_In_ALFA (Element_Type)
T_In_ALFA := False;
end if;
-- Ada 2005 (AI-230): Access Definition case
else pragma Assert (Present (Access_Definition (Component_Def)));
T_In_ALFA := False;
-- Indicate that the anonymous access type is created by the
-- array type declaration.
......@@ -4820,6 +4835,12 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
(Implicit_Base, Finalize_Storage_Only
-- Final check for static bounds on array
if not Has_Static_Array_Bounds (T) then
T_In_ALFA := False;
end if;
-- Unconstrained array case
......@@ -4844,6 +4865,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
Set_Component_Type (Base_Type (T), Element_Type);
Set_Packed_Array_Type (T, Empty);
Set_Is_In_ALFA (T, T_In_ALFA);
if Aliased_Present (Component_Definition (Def)) then
......@@ -5550,6 +5550,69 @@ package body Sem_Util is
end if;
end Has_Private_Component;
-- Has_Static_Array_Bounds --
function Has_Static_Array_Bounds (Typ : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Ndims : constant Nat := Number_Dimensions (Typ);
Index : Node_Id;
Low : Node_Id;
High : Node_Id;
-- Unconstrained types do not have static bounds
if not Is_Constrained (Typ) then
return False;
end if;
-- First treat specially string literals, as the lower bound and length
-- of string literals are not stored like those of arrays.
-- A string literal always has static bounds
if Ekind (Typ) = E_String_Literal_Subtype then
return True;
end if;
-- Treat all dimensions in turn
Index := First_Index (Typ);
for Indx in 1 .. Ndims loop
-- In case of an erroneous index which is not a discrete type, return
-- that the type is not static.
if not Is_Discrete_Type (Etype (Index))
or else Etype (Index) = Any_Type
return False;
end if;
Get_Index_Bounds (Index, Low, High);
if Error_Posted (Low) or else Error_Posted (High) then
return False;
end if;
if Is_OK_Static_Expression (Low)
and then Is_OK_Static_Expression (High)
return False;
end if;
Next (Index);
end loop;
-- If we fall through the loop, all indexes matched
return True;
end Has_Static_Array_Bounds;
-- Has_Stream --
......@@ -624,6 +624,9 @@ package Sem_Util is
-- Check if a type has a (sub)component of a private type that has not
-- yet received a full declaration.
function Has_Static_Array_Bounds (Typ : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Return whether an array type has static bounds
function Has_Stream (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Tests if type T is derived from Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type, or in the
-- case of a composite type, has a component for which this predicate is
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