Commit def6e435 by Ed Schonberg Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Exit statement in loops over iterable objects

This patch fixes an omission in the expansion of loops over GNAT-specific
iterable objects. If the source includes an explicit name for the loop,
that name has to be preserved in the expanded code to allow exit statements
to mention it.

2018-05-21  Ed Schonberg  <>


	* exp_ch5.adb (Build_Formal_Container_Iteration): If source has
	explicit name for iterator loop, preserve that name in expanded
	construct, for possible use in exit statements.


	* gnat.dg/exit1.adb: New testcase.

From-SVN: r260465
parent 0d8b6803
2018-05-21 Ed Schonberg <>
* exp_ch5.adb (Build_Formal_Container_Iteration): If source has
explicit name for iterator loop, preserve that name in expanded
construct, for possible use in exit statements.
2018-04-04 Javier Miranda <>
* sem_ch4.adb (Analyze_Membership_Op): Avoid compiler crash when the
......@@ -237,6 +237,15 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
New_Occurrence_Of (Cursor, Loc)))),
Statements => Stats,
End_Label => Empty);
-- If the contruct has a specified loop name, preserve it in the
-- new loop, for possible use in exit statements.
if Present (Identifier (N))
and then Comes_From_Source (Identifier (N))
Set_Identifier (New_Loop, Identifier (N));
end if;
end Build_Formal_Container_Iteration;
2018-04-04 Ed Schonberg <>
* gnat.dg/exit1.adb: New testcase.
2018-04-04 Ed Schonberg <>
* gnat.dg/array30.adb: New testcase.
2018-04-04 Hristian Kirtchev <>
-- { dg-do run }
-- { dg-output "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \| 1- 1 2 3 2- 1 2 3 3- 1 2 3 4- 1 2 3 5- 1 2 3" }
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Exit1 is
type Int_Range is record
First, Last : Integer;
end record
with Iterable => (First => First,
Next => Next,
Previous => Previous,
Last => Last,
Has_Element => Has_Element,
Element => Element);
function First (IR : Int_Range) return Integer is (IR.First);
function Last (IR : Int_Range) return Integer is (IR.Last);
function Next (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Integer is (N + 1);
function Previous (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Integer is (N - 1);
function Has_Element (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Boolean is
(N in IR.First ..IR.Last);
function Element (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Integer is (N);
IR : Int_Range := (1, 10);
A_Loop: for I of IR loop
Put (I'Img);
exit A_Loop when I = 7;
end loop A_Loop;
Put (" | ");
B_Loop: for I of IR loop
Put (I'Img & '-');
C_Loop : for J of IR loop
Put (J'Img);
exit when J = 3;
end loop C_Loop;
exit B_Loop when I = 5;
end loop B_Loop;
end Exit1;
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