Commit dcd59a99 by Ed Schonberg Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Spurious dimensionality error on aggregate with "others" assoc.

This patch fixes a spurious dimensionality error on an array aggregate
with a single "others' clause whose expression is a dimensioned entity,
The expansion of the aggregate may create copies of the expression, and
the dimensionality check must use the type of the expression to retrieve
the proper dimension information to check against the dimensions of the
array component type.

2019-07-04  Ed Schonberg  <>


	* sem_dim.adb (Analyze_Dimension_Array_Aggregate): If the
	component is an entity name, its dimensions are those of its


	* gnat.dg/dimensions2.adb, gnat.dg/,
	gnat.dg/ New testcase.

From-SVN: r273043
parent ee7904e9
2019-07-04 Ed Schonberg <>
* sem_dim.adb (Analyze_Dimension_Array_Aggregate): If the
component is an entity name, its dimensions are those of its
2019-07-03 Bob Duff <>
* doc/gnat_ugn/gnat_utility_programs.rst: Document new flags in
......@@ -1233,8 +1233,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Dims_Of_Comp_Typ : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Comp_Typ);
Exps : constant List_Id := Expressions (N);
Comp : Node_Id;
Expr : Node_Id;
Comp : Node_Id;
Dims_Of_Expr : Dimension_Type;
Expr : Node_Id;
Error_Detected : Boolean := False;
-- This flag is used in order to indicate if an error has been detected
......@@ -1281,11 +1282,19 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- (may happen when an aggregate is converted into a positional
-- aggregate). We also must verify that this is a scalar component,
-- and not a subaggregate of a multidimensional aggregate.
-- The expression may be an identifier that has been copied several
-- times during expansion, its dimensions are those of its type.
if Is_Entity_Name (Expr) then
Dims_Of_Expr := Dimensions_Of (Etype (Expr));
Dims_Of_Expr := Dimensions_Of (Expr);
end if;
if Comes_From_Source (Original_Node (Expr))
and then Present (Etype (Expr))
and then Is_Numeric_Type (Etype (Expr))
and then Dimensions_Of (Expr) /= Dims_Of_Comp_Typ
and then Dims_Of_Expr /= Dims_Of_Comp_Typ
and then Sloc (Comp) /= Sloc (Prev (Comp))
-- Check if an error has already been encountered so far
2019-07-04 Ed Schonberg <>
* gnat.dg/dimensions2.adb, gnat.dg/,
gnat.dg/ New testcase.
2019-07-04 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR tree-optimization/91063
-- { dg-do compile }
with Dimensions2_phys; use Dimensions2_phys;
procedure Dimensions2 is
zero_flow : constant Volumetric_Flow := 0.0 * m**3 / h;
type Node_Flow_Scenario_T is array (Positive range <>)
of Volumetric_Flow with
default_component_value => zero_flow;
subtype Max_Node_Flow_Scenario_T
is Node_Flow_Scenario_T (Natural (1) .. 48);
flow_value_array : Max_Node_Flow_Scenario_T := (1..48 => zero_flow);
flow_value_array1 : Max_Node_Flow_Scenario_T
:= (Max_Node_Flow_Scenario_T'Range=> zero_flow);
flow_value_array2 : Max_Node_Flow_Scenario_T := (others => zero_flow);
end Dimensions2;
with ada.numerics.generic_elementary_functions;
with Dimensions2_real_numbers;
package Dimensions2_Phys is
type si_type is new Dimensions2_real_numbers.Real with
dimension_system =>
((unit_name => meter, unit_symbol => 'm', dim_symbol => 'L'),
(unit_name => kilogram, unit_symbol => "kg", dim_symbol => 'M'),
(unit_name => second, unit_symbol => 's', dim_symbol => 'T'),
(unit_name => ampere, unit_symbol => 'A', dim_symbol => 'I'),
(unit_name => kelvin, unit_symbol => 'K', dim_symbol => "Theta"),
(unit_name => mole, unit_symbol => "mol", dim_symbol => 'N'),
(unit_name => euro, unit_symbol => "EUR", dim_symbol => 'E'));
subtype distance is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => 'm', meter => 1, others => 0);
subtype mass is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "kg", kilogram => 1, others => 0);
subtype time is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => 's', second => 1, others => 0);
subtype electric_current is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => 'A', ampere => 1, others => 0);
subtype temperature is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => 'K', kelvin => 1, others => 0);
subtype amount_of_substance is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "mol", mole => 1, others => 0);
pragma warnings (off, "*assumed to be*");
subtype pressure_barg is Dimensions2_real_numbers.Real;
m : constant Distance := 1.0;
kg : constant Mass := 1.0;
s : constant Time := 1.0;
a : constant Electric_Current := 1.0;
k : constant Temperature := 1.0;
mol : constant Amount_Of_Substance := 1.0;
min : constant Time := 1.0;
h : constant Time := 60.0 * min;
subtype frequency is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "Hz", second => -1, others => 0);
subtype massflow is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "kg/s",
kilogram => 1, second => -1, others => 0);
subtype molar_heat_capacity is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "J/(K*mol)", meter => 2, kilogram => 1,
second => -2, kelvin => -1, mole => -1, others => 0);
subtype molar_flow is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "mol/s", second => -1, mole => 1, others => 0);
subtype pressure is Si_Type with
dimension =>
(symbol => "Pa", meter => -1, kilogram => 1, second => -2, others => 0);
subtype ratio is Si_Type range 0.0 .. 1.0;
subtype scalar is Si_Type;
subtype specific_heat_capacity is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "J/(K*kg)", meter => 2, second => -2,
kelvin => -1, others => 0);
subtype speed is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "m/s", meter => 1, second => -1, others => 0);
subtype volume is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "m^3", meter => 3, others => 0);
subtype volumetric_flow is Si_Type with
dimension => (symbol => "m^3/s", meter => 3, second => -1, others => 0);
end Dimensions2_Phys;
package Dimensions2_Real_Numbers is
type Real is new Long_Float;
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