Commit d21ae867 by Bob Duff Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Warn on Unchecked_Conversion to zero-sized array

The compiler usually warns on Unchecked_Conversion between types with
mismatched sizes. This warning is now extended to the case where the
target type is a zero-sized array.

2019-08-20  Bob Duff  <>


	* sem_ch13.adb (Is_Null_Array): New function, used to detect the
	null array case; used to warn about uncheckedly converting to a
	zero-sized array.  It is unfortunate that we can't just check
	the size, and warn on all cases of converting from a
	nonzero-sized type to a zero-sized one. That's because "0" means
	two different things: "size is zero" and "size is unknown".
	Until we fix that design flaw, we need this more targeted fix.


	* gnat.dg/unchecked_convert14.adb: New testcase.

From-SVN: r274725
parent cbdb0df1
2019-08-20 Bob Duff <>
* sem_ch13.adb (Is_Null_Array): New function, used to detect the
null array case; used to warn about uncheckedly converting to a
zero-sized array. It is unfortunate that we can't just check
the size, and warn on all cases of converting from a
nonzero-sized type to a zero-sized one. That's because "0" means
two different things: "size is zero" and "size is unknown".
Until we fix that design flaw, we need this more targeted fix.
2019-08-20 Bob Duff <>
* libgnat/a-cborma.adb, libgnat/a-cborse.adb (Clear): Repeatedly
call Delete. This avoids clearing the free list, which
substantially speeds up future Delete operations.
......@@ -14625,6 +14625,39 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
procedure Validate_Unchecked_Conversions is
function Is_Null_Array (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- We want to warn in the case of converting to a wrong-sized array of
-- bytes, including the zero-size case. This returns True in that case,
-- which is necessary because a size of 0 is used to indicate both an
-- unknown size and a size of 0. It's OK for this to return True in
-- other zero-size cases, but we don't go out of our way; for example,
-- we don't bother with multidimensional arrays.
function Is_Null_Array (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
if Is_Array_Type (T) and then Is_Constrained (T) then
Index : constant Node_Id := First_Index (T);
R : Node_Id; -- N_Range
case Nkind (Index) is
when N_Range =>
R := Index;
when N_Subtype_Indication =>
R := Range_Expression (Constraint (Index));
when N_Identifier | N_Expanded_Name =>
R := Scalar_Range (Entity (Index));
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
return Is_Null_Range (Low_Bound (R), High_Bound (R));
end if;
return False;
end Is_Null_Array;
for N in Unchecked_Conversions.First .. Unchecked_Conversions.Last loop
......@@ -14641,28 +14674,28 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
-- Skip if function marked as warnings off
if Warnings_Off (Act_Unit) then
if Warnings_Off (Act_Unit) or else Serious_Errors_Detected > 0 then
goto Continue;
end if;
-- This validation check, which warns if we have unequal sizes for
-- unchecked conversion, and thus potentially implementation
-- dependent semantics, is one of the few occasions on which we
-- use the official RM size instead of Esize. See description in
-- Einfo "Handling of Type'Size Values" for details.
if Serious_Errors_Detected = 0
and then Known_Static_RM_Size (Source)
and then Known_Static_RM_Size (Target)
-- Don't do the check if warnings off for either type, note the
-- deliberate use of OR here instead of OR ELSE to get the flag
-- Warnings_Off_Used set for both types if appropriate.
-- Don't do the check if warnings off for either type, note the
-- deliberate use of OR here instead of OR ELSE to get the flag
-- Warnings_Off_Used set for both types if appropriate.
if Has_Warnings_Off (Source) or Has_Warnings_Off (Target) then
goto Continue;
end if;
and then not (Has_Warnings_Off (Source)
Has_Warnings_Off (Target))
if (Known_Static_RM_Size (Source)
and then Known_Static_RM_Size (Target))
or else Is_Null_Array (Target)
-- This validation check, which warns if we have unequal sizes
-- for unchecked conversion, and thus implementation dependent
-- semantics, is one of the few occasions on which we use the
-- official RM size instead of Esize. See description in Einfo
-- "Handling of Type'Size Values" for details.
Source_Siz := RM_Size (Source);
Target_Siz := RM_Size (Target);
2019-08-20 Bob Duff <>
* gnat.dg/unchecked_convert14.adb: New testcase.
2019-08-20 Bob Duff <>
* gnat.dg/object_size1.adb: New testcase.
2019-08-20 Eric Botcazou <>
-- { dg-do compile }
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
procedure Unchecked_Convert14 is
type R is record
I : Integer;
C : Character;
end record;
subtype Buffer is Storage_Array (1 .. 0);
function As_Buffer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion -- { dg-warning "types for unchecked conversion have different sizes" }
(Source => R, Target => Buffer);
type Buffer_1 is array (Storage_Offset range 1 .. 1) of Storage_Element;
function As_Buffer_1 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion -- { dg-warning "types for unchecked conversion have different sizes" }
(Source => R, Target => Buffer_1);
B : Buffer;
B_1 : Buffer_1;
My_R : R := (1, 'x');
B := As_Buffer (My_R);
B_1 := As_Buffer_1 (My_R);
end Unchecked_Convert14;
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