Commit cca7f107 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2014-01-29  Tristan Gingold  <>

	* exp_ch9.adb (Build_Protected_Entry): Do not call
	Complete_Entry_Body anymore.
	* (RE_Complete_Single_Entry_Body): Remove.
	*, s-tposen.adb (Complete_Single_Entry_Body): Remove.

2014-01-29  Pierre-Marie Derodat  <>

	* s-os_lib.adb, (Normalize_Pathname): Return an empty
	string when the Name input bigger than allowed. Adapt the function

2014-01-29  Ed Schonberg  <>

	* checks.adb (Install_Null_Excluding_Check): Do not emit warning
	if expression is within a case_expression of if_expression.

From-SVN: r207247
parent 443dd772
2014-01-29 Tristan Gingold <>
* exp_ch9.adb (Build_Protected_Entry): Do not call
Complete_Entry_Body anymore.
* (RE_Complete_Single_Entry_Body): Remove.
*, s-tposen.adb (Complete_Single_Entry_Body): Remove.
2014-01-29 Pierre-Marie Derodat <>
* s-os_lib.adb, (Normalize_Pathname): Return an empty
string when the Name input bigger than allowed. Adapt the function
2014-01-29 Ed Schonberg <>
* checks.adb (Install_Null_Excluding_Check): Do not emit warning
if expression is within a case_expression of if_expression.
2014-01-29 Robert Dewar <>
* exp_ch9.adb, Minor reformatting.
......@@ -6672,7 +6672,7 @@ package body Checks is
pragma Assert (Is_Access_Type (Typ));
-- No check inside a generic (why not???)
-- No check inside a generic, check will be emitted in instance
if Inside_A_Generic then
......@@ -6690,11 +6690,20 @@ package body Checks is
-- Avoid generating warning message inside init procs. In SPARK mode
-- we can go ahead and call Apply_Compile_Time_Constraint_Error
-- since it will be truned into an error in any case.
-- since it will be turned into an error in any case.
if not Inside_Init_Proc or else SPARK_Mode = On then
if (not Inside_Init_Proc or else SPARK_Mode = On)
-- Do not emit the warning within a conditional expression
-- Why not ???
and then not Within_Case_Or_If_Expression (N)
(N, "null value not allowed here??", CE_Access_Check_Failed);
-- Remaining cases, where we silently insert the raise
Insert_Action (N,
Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc,
......@@ -3847,9 +3847,10 @@ package body Exp_Ch9 is
Build_Protected_Entry_Specification (Loc, Edef, Empty);
-- Add the following declarations:
-- type poVP is access poV;
-- _object : poVP := poVP (_O);
-- where _O is the formal parameter associated with the concurrent
-- object. These declarations are needed for Complete_Entry_Body.
......@@ -3861,35 +3862,42 @@ package body Exp_Ch9 is
Add_Formal_Renamings (Espec, Op_Decls, Ent, Loc);
Debug_Private_Data_Declarations (Decls);
-- Put the declarations and the statements from the entry
Op_Stats :=
New_List (
Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
Declarations => Decls,
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Handled_Statement_Sequence (N)));
case Corresponding_Runtime_Package (Pid) is
when System_Tasking_Protected_Objects_Entries =>
Complete :=
New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Complete_Entry_Body), Loc);
Append_To (Op_Stats,
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (End_Loc,
Name =>
New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Complete_Entry_Body), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
Make_Attribute_Reference (End_Loc,
Prefix =>
Make_Selected_Component (End_Loc,
Prefix =>
Make_Identifier (End_Loc, Name_uObject),
Selector_Name =>
Make_Identifier (End_Loc, Name_uObject)),
Attribute_Name => Name_Unchecked_Access))));
when System_Tasking_Protected_Objects_Single_Entry =>
Complete :=
New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Complete_Single_Entry_Body), Loc);
-- Historically, a call to Complete_Single_Entry_Body was
-- inserted, but it was a null procedure.
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
Op_Stats := New_List (
Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
Declarations => Decls,
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Handled_Statement_Sequence (N)),
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (End_Loc,
Name => Complete,
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
Make_Attribute_Reference (End_Loc,
Prefix =>
Make_Selected_Component (End_Loc,
Prefix => Make_Identifier (End_Loc, Name_uObject),
Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (End_Loc, Name_uObject)),
Attribute_Name => Name_Unchecked_Access))));
-- When exceptions can not be propagated, we never need to call
-- Exception_Complete_Entry_Body
......@@ -1747,7 +1747,6 @@ package Rtsfind is
RE_Unlock_Entry, -- Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
RE_Protected_Single_Entry_Call, -- Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
RE_Service_Entry, -- Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
RE_Complete_Single_Entry_Body, -- Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
RE_Protected_Count_Entry, -- Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
RE_Protected_Single_Entry_Caller, -- Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
......@@ -3057,8 +3056,6 @@ package Rtsfind is
RE_Service_Entry =>
RE_Complete_Single_Entry_Body =>
RE_Exceptional_Complete_Single_Entry_Body =>
RE_Protected_Count_Entry =>
......@@ -1927,9 +1927,10 @@ package body System.OS_Lib is
-- Start of processing for Normalize_Pathname
-- Special case, if name is null, then return null
-- Special case, return null if name is null, or if it is bigger than
-- the biggest name allowed.
if Name'Length = 0 then
if Name'Length = 0 or else Name'Length > Max_Path then
return "";
end if;
......@@ -445,9 +445,10 @@ package System.OS_Lib is
-- directory pointed to. This is slightly less efficient, since it
-- requires system calls.
-- If Name cannot be resolved or is null on entry (for example if there is
-- symbolic link circularity, e.g. A is a symbolic link for B, and B is a
-- symbolic link for A), then Normalize_Pathname returns an empty string.
-- If Name cannot be resolved, is invalid (for example if it is too big) or
-- is null on entry (for example if there is symbolic link circularity,
-- e.g. A is a symbolic link for B, and B is a symbolic link for A), then
-- Normalize_Pathname returns an empty string.
-- In VMS, if Name follows the VMS syntax file specification, it is first
-- converted into Unix syntax. If the conversion fails, Normalize_Pathname
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1998-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 1998-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -278,20 +278,6 @@ package body System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Single_Entry is
-- Restricted GNARLI --
-- Complete_Single_Entry_Body --
procedure Complete_Single_Entry_Body (Object : Protection_Entry_Access) is
pragma Warnings (Off, Object);
-- Nothing needs to do (Object.Call_In_Progress.Exception_To_Raise
-- has already been set to Null_Id).
end Complete_Single_Entry_Body;
-- Exceptional_Complete_Single_Entry_Body --
......@@ -250,12 +250,6 @@ package System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Single_Entry is
-- Same as the Protected_Entry_Call but with time-out specified.
-- This routine is used to implement timed entry calls.
procedure Complete_Single_Entry_Body
(Object : Protection_Entry_Access);
pragma Inline (Complete_Single_Entry_Body);
-- Called from within an entry body procedure, indicates that the
-- corresponding entry call has been serviced.
procedure Exceptional_Complete_Single_Entry_Body
(Object : Protection_Entry_Access;
Ex : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id);
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