Commit c88f5c49 by Javier Miranda Committed by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2010-06-18  Javier Miranda  <>

	* exp_cg.adb (Homonym_Suffix_Length): Minor code reorganization.

2010-06-18  Thomas Quinot  <>

	* Minor reformatting.
	* Update obsolete comment.

2010-06-18  Ed Schonberg  <>

	* freeze.adb (Build_And_Analyze_Renamed_Body): if the renamed entity is
	an external intrinsic operation (e.g. a GCC numeric function) indicate
	that the renaming entity has the same characteristics, so a call to it
	is properly expanded.

From-SVN: r161003
parent fd7de64c
2010-06-18 Javier Miranda <>
* exp_cg.adb: Code clean up.
* debug.adb: Complete documentation of switch -gnatd.Z.
* gcc-interface/misc.c (callgraph_info_file): Declare.
2010-06-18 Javier Miranda <>
* exp_cg.adb (Homonym_Suffix_Length): Minor code reorganization.
2010-06-18 Thomas Quinot <>
......@@ -596,6 +596,10 @@ package body Debug is
-- case of the gcc back end. Provided as a back up in case the new
-- scheme has problems.
-- d.Z This flag enables the frontend call-graph output associated with
-- dispatching calls. Available only during the development of this
-- new output.
-- d1 Error messages have node numbers where possible. Normally error
-- messages have only source locations. This option is useful when
-- debugging errors caused by expanded code, where the source location
......@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Exp_Disp; use Exp_Disp;
with Exp_Tss; use Exp_Tss;
-- with Interfaces.C;
-- with Interfaces.C_Streams;
-- Why are these commented out ???
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt; use Opt;
......@@ -42,12 +39,31 @@ with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Snames; use Snames;
with System; use System;
with Table;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package body Exp_CG is
-- package ICS renames Interfaces.C_Streams;
-- We duplicate here some declarations from packages Interfaces.C and
-- Interfaces.C_Streams because adding their dependence to the frontend
-- causes bootstrapping problems with old versions of the compiler.
subtype FILEs is System.Address;
-- Corresponds to the C type FILE*
subtype C_chars is System.Address;
-- Pointer to null-terminated array of characters
function fputs (Strng : C_chars; Stream : FILEs) return Integer;
pragma Import (C, fputs, "fputs");
-- Import the file stream associated with the "ci" output file. Done to
-- generate the output in the file created and left opened by routine
-- toplev.c before calling gnat1drv.
Callgraph_Info_File : FILEs;
pragma Import (C, Callgraph_Info_File);
package Call_Graph_Nodes is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Node_Id,
......@@ -56,7 +72,10 @@ package body Exp_CG is
Table_Initial => 50,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Call_Graph_Nodes");
-- Document this table! ???
-- This table records nodes associated with dispatching calls and tagged
-- type declarations found in the main compilation unit. Used as an
-- auxiliary storage because the call-graph output requires fully qualified
-- names and they are not available until the backend is called.
function Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if E is a predefined primitive operation.
......@@ -88,7 +107,12 @@ package body Exp_CG is
N : Node_Id;
if not Debug_Flag_Dot_Z then
-- No output if the "ci" output file has not been previously opened
-- by toplev.c. Temporarily the output is also disabled with -gnatd.Z
if Callgraph_Info_File = Null_Address
or else not Debug_Flag_Dot_ZZ
end if;
......@@ -330,27 +354,16 @@ package body Exp_CG is
-- Write_Output --
-- This functionality has been temporarily disabled because bootstrapping the
-- compiler with old versions requires no dependency on package Interfaces.C
-- Import the file stream associated with the "ci" output file. Done to
-- generate the output in the file created and left opened by routine
-- toplev.c before calling gnat1drv.
-- Callgraph_Info_File : ICS.FILEs;
-- pragma Import (C, Callgraph_Info_File);
-- procedure Write_Output (Str : String) is
-- Line : constant Interfaces.C.char_array := Interfaces.C.To_C (Str);
-- Errno :;
-- begin
-- Errno := ICS.fputs (Line'Address, Callgraph_Info_File);
-- pragma Assert (Errno = 0);
-- end Write_Output;
procedure Write_Output (Str : String) is
Nul : constant Character := Character'First;
Line : String (Str'First .. Str'Last + 1);
Errno : Integer;
-- Add the null character to the string as required by fputs
Line := Str & Nul;
Errno := fputs (Line'Address, Callgraph_Info_File);
pragma Assert (Errno >= 0);
end Write_Output;
......@@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ static tree gnat_eh_personality (void);
struct lang_hooks lang_hooks = LANG_HOOKS_INITIALIZER;
/* This symbol needs to be defined for the front-end. */
void *callgraph_info_file = NULL;
/* How much we want of our DWARF extensions. Some of our dwarf+ extensions
are incompatible with regular GDB versions, so we must make sure to only
produce them on explicit request. This is eventually reflected into the
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