Commit c3831524 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2015-01-07  Tristan Gingold  <>

	* i-cpoint.adb (Copy_Terminated_Array): Use Copy_Array to
	handle overlap.

2015-01-07  Eric Botcazou  <>

	* sem_ch3.adb (Analyze_Full_Type_Declaration): Do not
	automatically set No_Strict_Aliasing on access types.
	* fe.h (No_Strict_Aliasing_CP): Declare.
	* gcc-interface/trans.c (gigi): Force flag_strict_aliasing to 0 if
	No_Strict_Aliasing_CP is set.

2015-01-07  Johannes Kanig  <>

	* sem_ch8.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Renaming) do
	not build function wrapper in gnatprove mode when the package
	is externally axiomatized.

2015-01-07  Jose Ruiz  <>

	* a-reatim.adb (Time_Of): Reduce the number of spurious overflows in
	intermediate computations when the parameters have different signs.

2015-01-07  Javier Miranda  <>

	* exp_ch3.adb (Build_Init_Procedure): For derived types,
	improve the code which takes care of identifying and moving to
	the beginning of the init-proc the call to the init-proc of the
	parent type.

From-SVN: r219287
parent 1a9ee222
2015-01-07 Tristan Gingold <>
* i-cpoint.adb (Copy_Terminated_Array): Use Copy_Array to
handle overlap.
2015-01-07 Eric Botcazou <>
* sem_ch3.adb (Analyze_Full_Type_Declaration): Do not
automatically set No_Strict_Aliasing on access types.
* fe.h (No_Strict_Aliasing_CP): Declare.
* gcc-interface/trans.c (gigi): Force flag_strict_aliasing to 0 if
No_Strict_Aliasing_CP is set.
2015-01-07 Johannes Kanig <>
* sem_ch8.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Renaming) do
not build function wrapper in gnatprove mode when the package
is externally axiomatized.
2015-01-07 Jose Ruiz <>
* a-reatim.adb (Time_Of): Reduce the number of spurious overflows in
intermediate computations when the parameters have different signs.
2015-01-07 Javier Miranda <>
* exp_ch3.adb (Build_Init_Procedure): For derived types,
improve the code which takes care of identifying and moving to
the beginning of the init-proc the call to the init-proc of the
parent type.
2015-01-07 Olivier Hainque <>
* gcc-interface/trans.c (gnat_to_gnu, <N_Expression_With_Action>):
......@@ -218,7 +218,58 @@ package body Ada.Real_Time is
function Time_Of (SC : Seconds_Count; TS : Time_Span) return Time is
return Time (SC) + TS;
-- We want to return Time (SC) + TS. To avoid spurious overflows in
-- the intermediate result Time (SC) we take advantage of the different
-- signs in SC and TS (when that is the case).
-- If signs of SC and TS are different then we avoid converting SC to
-- Time (as we do in the else part). The reason for that is that SC
-- converted to Time may overflow the range of Time, while the addition
-- of SC plus TS does not overflow (because of their different signs).
-- The approach is to add and remove the greatest value of time
-- (greatest absolute value) to both SC and TS. SC and TS have different
-- signs, so we add the positive constant to the negative value, and the
-- negative constant to the positive value, to prevent overflows.
if (SC > 0 and then TS < 0.0)
or else (SC < 0 and then TS > 0.0)
Closest_Boundary : constant Seconds_Count :=
(if TS >= 0.0 then
Seconds_Count (Time_Span_Last - Time_Span (0.5))
Seconds_Count (Time_Span_First + Time_Span (0.5)));
-- Value representing the integer part of the Time_Span boundary
-- closest to TS (its number of seconds). Truncate towards zero
-- to be sure that transforming this value back into Time cannot
-- overflow (when SC is equal to 0). The sign of Closest_Boundary
-- is always different from the sign of SC, hence avoiding
-- overflow in the expression Time (SC + Closest_Boundary)
-- which is part of the return statement.
Dist_To_Boundary : constant Time_Span :=
TS - Time_Span (Closest_Boundary);
-- Distance between TS and Closest_Boundary expressed in Time_Span
-- Both operands in the substraction have the same sign, hence
-- avoiding overflow.
-- Both operands in the inner addition have different signs,
-- hence avoiding overflow. The Time () conversion and the outer
-- addition can overflow only if SC + TC is not within Time'Range.
return Time (SC + Closest_Boundary) + Dist_To_Boundary;
-- Both operands have the same sign, so we can convert SC into Time
-- right away; if this conversion overflows then the result of adding SC
-- and TS would overflow anyway (so we would just be detecting the
-- overflow a bit earlier).
return Time (SC) + TS;
end if;
end Time_Of;
......@@ -2391,11 +2391,43 @@ package body Exp_Ch3 is
-- such case the initialization of the _parent field was not
-- generated.
if not Is_Interface (Etype (Rec_Ent))
and then Nkind (First (Stmts)) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
and then Is_Init_Proc (Name (First (Stmts)))
Prepend_To (Body_Stmts, Remove_Head (Stmts));
if not Is_Interface (Etype (Rec_Ent)) then
Parent_IP : constant Name_Id :=
Make_Init_Proc_Name (Etype (Rec_Ent));
Stmt : Node_Id := First (Stmts);
IP_Call : Node_Id := Empty;
IP_Stmts : List_Id;
-- Look for a call to the parent IP at the beginning
-- of Stmts associated with the record extension
while Present (Stmt) loop
if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
and then Chars (Name (Stmt)) = Parent_IP
IP_Call := Stmt;
end if;
Next (Stmt);
end loop;
-- If found then move it to the beginning of the
-- statements of this IP routine
if Present (IP_Call) then
IP_Stmts := New_List;
Stmt := Remove_Head (Stmts);
Append_To (IP_Stmts, Stmt);
exit when Stmt = IP_Call;
end loop;
Prepend_List_To (Body_Stmts, IP_Stmts);
end if;
end if;
Append_List_To (Body_Stmts, Stmts);
......@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ extern Boolean In_Same_Source_Unit (Node_Id, Node_Id);
#define Generate_SCO_Instance_Table opt__generate_sco_instance_table
#define GNAT_Mode opt__gnat_mode
#define List_Representation_Info opt__list_representation_info
#define No_Strict_Aliasing_CP opt__no_strict_aliasing
typedef enum {Setjmp_Longjmp, Back_End_Exceptions} Exception_Mechanism_Type;
......@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ extern Char Float_Format;
extern Boolean Generate_SCO_Instance_Table;
extern Boolean GNAT_Mode;
extern Int List_Representation_Info;
extern Boolean No_Strict_Aliasing_CP;
/* restrict: */
......@@ -667,6 +667,10 @@ gigi (Node_Id gnat_root,
/* Initialize the GCC support for FP operations. */
gnat_init_gcc_fp ();
/* Force -fno-strict-aliasing if the configuration pragma was seen. */
if (No_Strict_Aliasing_CP)
flag_strict_aliasing = 0;
/* Now translate the compilation unit proper. */
Compilation_Unit_to_gnu (gnat_root);
......@@ -143,23 +143,21 @@ package body Interfaces.C.Pointers is
Limit : ptrdiff_t := ptrdiff_t'Last;
Terminator : Element := Default_Terminator)
S : Pointer := Source;
T : Pointer := Target;
L : ptrdiff_t := Limit;
L : ptrdiff_t;
S : Pointer := Source;
if S = null or else T = null then
if Source = null then
raise Dereference_Error;
while L > 0 loop
T.all := S.all;
exit when T.all = Terminator;
Increment (T);
Increment (S);
L := L - 1;
end loop;
end if;
-- Compute array length (including the terminator)
L := 1;
while S.all /= Terminator and then L < Limit loop
L := L + 1;
Increment (S);
end loop;
Copy_Array (Source, Target, L);
end Copy_Terminated_Array;
......@@ -2657,12 +2657,6 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
Add_RACW_Features (Def_Id);
end if;
-- Set no strict aliasing flag if config pragma seen
if Opt.No_Strict_Aliasing then
Set_No_Strict_Aliasing (Base_Type (Def_Id));
end if;
when N_Array_Type_Definition =>
Array_Type_Declaration (T, Def);
......@@ -2710,7 +2710,17 @@ package body Sem_Ch8 is
-- Check whether the renaming is for a defaulted actual subprogram
-- with a class-wide actual.
if CW_Actual and then Box_Present (Inst_Node) then
-- The class-wide wrapper is not needed when we are in
-- GNATprove_Mode and there is an external axiomatization on the
-- package.
if CW_Actual
and then Box_Present (Inst_Node)
and then not (GNATprove_Mode
and then
Present (Containing_Package_With_Ext_Axioms
Build_Class_Wide_Wrapper (New_S, Old_S);
elsif Is_Entity_Name (Nam)
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