Commit b654717c by Yury Gribov Committed by Yury Gribov

mklog: Automatically insert comments in trivial cases.

2013-12-23  Yury Gribov  <>

	* mklog: Automatically insert comments in trivial cases.

From-SVN: r206175
parent c64476f1
2013-12-23 Yury Gribov <>
* mklog: Automatically insert comments in trivial cases.
2013-12-19 Yury Gribov <>
* mklog: Split generated message in parts.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ chdir $gcc_root;
# Program starts here. You should not need to edit anything below this
# line.
if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) {
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
$prog = `basename $0`; chop ($prog);
print "usage: $prog file.diff\n\n";
print "Adds a ChangeLog template to the start of file.diff\n";
......@@ -56,40 +56,76 @@ $dir = `dirname $diff`; chop ($dir);
$basename = `basename $diff`; chop ($basename);
$hdrline = "$date $name <$addr>";
my %cl_entries;
sub get_clname ($) {
return ('ChangeLog', $_[0]) if ($_[0] !~ /[\/\\]/);
sub get_clname($) {
my $dirname = $_[0];
while ($dirname) {
my $clname = "$dirname/ChangeLog";
if (-f $clname) {
my $filename_rel = substr ($_[0], length ($dirname) + 1);
return ($filename_rel, $clname);
my $relname = substr ($_[0], length ($dirname) + 1);
return ($clname, $relname);
} else {
$dirname =~ s/[\/\\]?[^\/\\]*$//;
return ($_[0], 'Unknown Changelog');
return ('Unknown ChangeLog', $_[0]);
sub remove_suffixes ($) {
my $filename = $_[0];
$filename =~ s/^[ab]\///;
$filename =~ s/\.jj$//;
return $filename;
# For every file in the .diff print all the function names in ChangeLog
# format.
$bof = 0;
%cl_entries = ();
$change_msg = undef;
$look_for_funs = 0;
$clname = get_clname('');
open (DFILE, $diff) or die "Could not open file $diff for reading";
while (<DFILE>) {
# Check if we found a new file.
if (/^\+\+\+ (b\/)?(\S+)/) {
# Stop processing functions if we found a new file
# Remember both left and right names because one may be /dev/null.
if (/^[+*][+*][+*] +(\S+)/) {
$left = remove_suffixes ($1);
$look_for_funs = 0;
if (/^--- +(\S+)?/) {
$right = remove_suffixes ($1);
$look_for_funs = 0;
# Check if the body of diff started.
# We should now have both left and right name,
# so we can decide filename.
if ($left && (/^\*{15}$/ || /^@@ /)) {
# If we have not seen any function names in the previous file (ie,
# $bof == 1), we just write out a ':' before starting the next
# $change_msg is empty), we just write out a ':' before starting the next
# file.
if ($bof == 1) {
$cl_entries{$clname} .= ":\n";
if ($clname) {
$cl_entries{$clname} .= $change_msg ? "$change_msg" : ":\n";
if ($left eq $right) {
$filename = $left;
} elsif($left eq '/dev/null') {
$filename = $right;
} elsif($right eq '/dev/null') {
$filename = $left;
} else {
print STDERR "Error: failed to parse diff for $left and $right\n";
exit 1;
$filename = $2;
($filename_rel, $clname) = get_clname ($filename);
$cl_entries{$clname} .= "\t* $filename_rel";
$bof = 1;
$left = $right = undef;
($clname, $relname) = get_clname ($filename);
$cl_entries{$clname} .= "\t* $relname";
$change_msg = '';
$look_for_funs = $filename =~ '\.(c|cpp|C|cc|h|inc|def)$';
# Remember the last line in a unified diff block that might start
......@@ -98,6 +134,22 @@ while (<DFILE>) {
$save_fn = $1;
# Check if file is newly added.
# Two patterns: for context and unified diff.
if (/^\*\*\* 0 \*\*\*\*/
|| /^@@ -0,0 \+1.* @@/) {
$change_msg = $filename =~ /testsuite.*(?<!\.exp)$/ ? ": New test.\n" : ": New file.\n";
$look_for_funs = 0;
# Check if file was removed.
# Two patterns: for context and unified diff.
if (/^--- 0 ----/
|| /^@@ -1.* \+0,0 @@/) {
$change_msg = ": Remove.\n";
$look_for_funs = 0;
# If we find a new function, print it in brackets. Special case if
# this is the first function in a file.
......@@ -110,10 +162,11 @@ while (<DFILE>) {
# The fourth pattern looks for the starts of functions or classes
# within a unified diff block.
if (/^\*\*\*\*\*\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_].*)/
if ($look_for_funs
&& (/^\*\*\*\*\*\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_].*)/
|| /^[\-\+\!] ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[ \t]*\(.*/
|| /^@@ .* @@ ([a-zA-Z0-9_].*)/
|| /^[-+ ](\{)/)
|| /^[-+ ](\{)/))
$_ = $1;
my $fn;
......@@ -138,25 +191,24 @@ while (<DFILE>) {
# If this is the first function in the file, we display it next
# to the filename, so we need an extra space before the opening
# brace.
if ($bof) {
$cl_entries{$clname} .= " ";
$bof = 0;
if (!$change_msg) {
$change_msg .= " ";
} else {
$cl_entries{$clname} .= "\t";
$change_msg .= "\t";
$cl_entries{$clname} .= "($fn):\n";
$change_msg .= "($fn):\n";
$seen_names{$fn} = 1;
# If we have not seen any function names (ie, $bof == 1), we just
close (DFILE);
# If we have not seen any function names (ie, $change_msg is empty), we just
# write out a ':'. This happens when there is only one file with no
# functions.
if ($bof == 1) {
$cl_entries{$clname} .= ":\n";
$cl_entries{$clname} .= $change_msg ? ": $change_msg\n" : ":\n";
$temp = `mktemp /tmp/$basename.XXXXXX` || exit 1; chop ($temp);
open (CLFILE, ">$temp") or die "Could not open file $temp for writing";
......@@ -165,8 +217,6 @@ foreach my $clname (keys %cl_entries) {
print CLFILE "$clname:\n\n$hdrline\n\n$cl_entries{$clname}\n";
close (DFILE);
# Concatenate the ChangeLog template and the original .diff file.
system ("cat $diff >>$temp && mv $temp $diff") == 0
or die "Could not add the ChangeLog entry to $diff";
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