Commit b2ed7a03 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2009-04-16  Olivier Hainque  <>

	* gnat_ugn.texi (gnatmem description): Make it explicit that
	gnatmem is designed to work in association with static runtime
	library only.

2009-04-16  Thomas Quinot  <>

	* sem_type.adb: Minor reformatting

2009-04-16  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

	* s-osprim-darwin.adb, s-osprim-posix.adb (Clock): Add comment
	concerning return codes of gettimeofday and return value check.

2009-04-16  Ed Falis  <>

	* (Int_Lock, Int_Unlock): set to convention C so
	body can be renaming of imported routines.

2009-04-16  Vasiliy Fofanov  <>

	* s-asthan-vms-alpha.adb: Disable warnings on alignment in a more
	targeted fashion.

From-SVN: r146149
parent 9434ad53
2009-04-16 Olivier Hainque <>
* gnat_ugn.texi (gnatmem description): Make it explicit that
gnatmem is designed to work in association with static runtime
library only.
2009-04-16 Thomas Quinot <>
* sem_type.adb: Minor reformatting
2009-04-16 Hristian Kirtchev <>
* s-osprim-darwin.adb, s-osprim-posix.adb (Clock): Add comment
concerning return codes of gettimeofday and return value check.
2009-04-16 Ed Falis <>
* (Int_Lock, Int_Unlock): set to convention C so
body can be renaming of imported routines.
2009-04-16 Vasiliy Fofanov <>
* s-asthan-vms-alpha.adb: Disable warnings on alignment in a more
targeted fashion.
2009-04-15 Hristian Kirtchev <>
* exp_ch9.adb: Comment improvements.
......@@ -19708,7 +19708,8 @@ Debug Pool info:
The @code{gnatmem} utility monitors dynamic allocation and
deallocation activity in a program, and displays information about
incorrect deallocations and possible sources of memory leaks.
It provides three type of information:
It is designed to work in association with a static runtime library
only and in this context provides three types of information:
@itemize @bullet
General information concerning memory management, such as the total
......@@ -133,9 +133,6 @@ package body System.AST_Handling is
type Descriptor_Type is new SSE.Storage_Array (1 .. 48);
for Descriptor_Type'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
pragma Warnings (Off, Descriptor_Type);
-- Suppress harmless warnings about alignment.
-- Should explain why this warning is harmless ???
type Descriptor_Ref is access all Descriptor_Type;
......@@ -459,12 +456,18 @@ package body System.AST_Handling is
Process_AST_Ptr : constant AST_Handler := Process_AST'Access;
-- Reference to standard procedure descriptor for Process_AST
pragma Warnings (Off, "*alignment*");
-- Suppress harmless warnings about alignment.
-- Should explain why this warning is harmless ???
function To_Descriptor_Ref is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(AST_Handler, Descriptor_Ref);
Original_Descriptor_Ref : constant Descriptor_Ref :=
To_Descriptor_Ref (Process_AST_Ptr);
pragma Warnings (On, "*alignment*");
if ATID.Is_Terminated (Taskid) then
raise Program_Error;
......@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ package body System.OS_Primitives is
pragma Unreferenced (Result);
-- The return codes for gettimeofday are as follows (from man pages):
-- EPERM settimeofday is called by someone other than the superuser
-- EINVAL Timezone (or something else) is invalid
-- EFAULT One of tv or tz pointed outside accessible address space
-- None of these codes signal a potential clock skew, hence the return
-- value is never checked.
Result := gettimeofday (TV'Access, null);
return Duration (TV.tv_sec) + Duration (TV.tv_usec) / 10#1#E6;
end Clock;
......@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ package body System.OS_Primitives is
pragma Unreferenced (Result);
-- The return codes for gettimeofday are as follows (from man pages):
-- EPERM settimeofday is called by someone other than the superuser
-- EINVAL Timezone (or something else) is invalid
-- EFAULT One of tv or tz pointed outside accessible address space
-- None of these codes signal a potential clock skew, hence the return
-- value is never checked.
Result := gettimeofday (TV'Access, null);
return Duration (TV.tv_sec) + Duration (TV.tv_usec) / 10#1#E6;
end Clock;
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ package System.VxWorks.Ext is
type Interrupt_Vector is new System.Address;
function Int_Lock return int;
pragma Inline (Int_Lock);
pragma Convention (C, Int_Lock);
function Int_Unlock return int;
pragma Inline (Int_Unlock);
pragma Convention (C, Int_Unlock);
function Interrupt_Connect
(Vector : Interrupt_Vector;
......@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ package body Sem_Type is
return True;
-- An aggregate is compatible with an array or record type.
-- An aggregate is compatible with an array or record type
elsif T2 = Any_Composite
and then Ekind (T1) in E_Array_Type .. E_Record_Subtype
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