Commit ab31b1a6 by Pat Rogers Committed by Arnaud Charlet, [...]: This is a significant redesign primarily for the sake of…, [...]: This is a significant redesign primarily for the sake of automatic timer task...

2006-10-31  Pat Rogers  <>

	*, a-rttiev.adb: 
	This is a significant redesign primarily for the sake of automatic
	timer task termination but also to fix a design flaw.
	Therefore we are now using an RTS lock, instead of a protected
	object, to provide mutual exclusion to the queue of pending events
	and the type Timing_Event is no longer a protected type.

From-SVN: r118327
parent 7440d86c
......@@ -65,42 +65,7 @@ package Ada.Real_Time.Timing_Events is
protected type Event_State is
-- D.15 (22/2) requires atomicity with respect to the operations
-- provided by the package and the timing events they manipulate. On
-- real-time operating systems suitable for implementing this package, a
-- different implementation strategy would be employed to meet that
-- requirement.
entry Set (Timeout : Time; Handler : Timing_Event_Handler);
-- Changes the timeout and handler values for procedure Set_Handler. Can
-- only execute when the event is 'available', to prevent a race
-- condition between the caller of Set_Handler and the internal Timer
-- task that processes the events. In particular, D.15 (22/2) requires
-- that there be no possibility of a new handler executing in response
-- to an old timeout.
procedure Reset;
-- First resets the timeout to Time_First and the handler to
-- null. Indicates that Set (for Set_Handler) can now change the timeout
-- and/or handler. Called only by the interal Timer task.
procedure Cancel;
-- Resets the timeout to Time_First and the handler to
-- null. Called by procedure Cancel_Handler and by procedure Reset.
function Current_Timeout return Time;
-- Returns the currently set timeout. The value Time_First is returned
-- if the Timing_Event is in the "cleared" state. Called by function
-- Time_of_Event.
function Current_Handler return Timing_Event_Handler;
-- Returns the currently set handler. The value null is returned if the
-- Timing_Event is in the "cleared" state. Called by function
-- Curent_Handler.
type Timing_Event is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
Timeout : Time := Time_First;
-- The time at which the user's handler should be invoked when the
-- event is "set" (i.e., when Handler is not null).
......@@ -109,16 +74,6 @@ private
-- An access value designating the protected procedure to be invoked
-- at the Timeout time in the future. When this value is null the event
-- is said to be "cleared" and no timeout is processed.
Available : Boolean := True;
-- A flag controlling when users can change the Timeout and Handler
-- tuple. In particular the entry Set, called by procedure Set_Handler,
-- is controlled by this flag.
end Event_State;
type Timing_Event is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
Control : Event_State;
end record;
overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Timing_Event);
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