Commit a8cc9af3 by Tom Tromey Indentation cleanup from Classpath.

	* java/awt/ Indentation cleanup from Classpath.

2003-09-20  Dalibor Topic  <>

       * java/awt/ (BasicStroke): Fixed illegal argument
       checking to follow 1.4.2 spec.

From-SVN: r71612
parent 21cf98f6
2003-09-20 Tom Tromey <>
* java/awt/ Indentation cleanup from Classpath.
2003-09-20 Dalibor Topic <>
* java/awt/ (BasicStroke): Fixed illegal argument
checking to follow 1.4.2 spec.
2003-08-11 Ingo Proetel <>
* gnu/java/rmi/server/ make constructor public and check if serverobject
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ public class BasicStroke implements Stroke
* @param join May be either JOIN_ROUND, JOIN_BEVEL, or JOIN_MITER.
* @param miterlimit the limit to trim the miter join. The miterlimit must be
* greater than or equal to 1.0f.
* @param dash The array representing the dashing pattern.
* @param dash The array representing the dashing pattern. There must be at
* least one non-zero entry.
* @param dash_phase is negative and dash is not null.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If one input parameter doesn't meet
......@@ -76,13 +77,40 @@ public class BasicStroke implements Stroke
public BasicStroke(float width, int cap, int join, float miterlimit,
float[] dash, float dashPhase)
if (width < 0 ||
miterlimit < 1.0f ||
cap < CAP_BUTT ||
cap > CAP_SQUARE ||
join < JOIN_MITER ||
join > JOIN_BEVEL)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (width < 0.0f )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("width " + width + " < 0");
else if (cap < CAP_BUTT || cap > CAP_SQUARE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cap " + cap + " out of range ["
+ CAP_BUTT + ".." + CAP_SQUARE + "]");
else if (miterlimit < 1.0f && join == JOIN_MITER)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("miterlimit " + miterlimit
+ " < 1.0f while join == JOIN_MITER");
else if (join < JOIN_MITER || join > JOIN_BEVEL)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("join " + join + " out of range ["
+ "]");
else if (dashPhase < 0.0f && dash != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dashPhase " + dashPhase
+ " < 0.0f while dash != null");
else if (dash != null)
if (dash.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dash.length is 0");
boolean allZero = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < dash.length; ++i)
if (dash[i] != 0.0f)
allZero = false;
if (allZero)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("all dashes are 0.0f");
this.width = width;
this.cap = cap;
......@@ -1870,12 +1870,12 @@ public abstract class Component
Image returnValue = null;
if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless ())
if (isLightweight () && parent != null)
returnValue = parent.createImage (width, height);
else if (peer != null)
returnValue = peer.createImage (width, height);
if (isLightweight () && parent != null)
returnValue = parent.createImage (width, height);
else if (peer != null)
returnValue = peer.createImage (width, height);
return returnValue;
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