Commit 97e2f333 by Jonathan Wakely

Replace update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn with update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git

This patch replaces the update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn script, that
updates online documentation from its sources in the GCC repository, run
once a day from cron, with update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git.

	* update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git: New file.
	* update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn: Remove.
	* crontab: Use update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git.
parent 20571289
2020-01-13 Jonathan Wakely <>
* update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git: New file.
* update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn: Remove.
* crontab: Use update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git.
2020-01-13 Joseph Myers <>
* update_web_docs_git: New file.
16 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_version_git
50 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_git
55 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn
55 0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git
32 22 * * 5 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 8:releases/gcc-8 -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
32 22 * * 6 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 9:releases/gcc-9 -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
32 22 * * 7 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 10:master -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
# "sh"
# "sh update_web_docs_libstdcxx_git"
# Checks out a copy of the libstdc++-v3 "inner" documentation and puts
# it in the onlinedocs area. For an initial description of "inner"
# docs, see the thread starting with
# Id:,v 1.4 2000/12/25 05:02:14 pedwards Exp
......@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ WWWDIR=/www/gcc/htdocs/onlinedocs/libstdc++
FILTER="newer or same age version exists|0 blocks"
export SVNROOT
export GITROOT
test -d $WWWDIR || /bin/mkdir $WWWDIR
test -d $WWWDIR || { echo something is very wrong ; exit 1; }
......@@ -34,9 +32,8 @@ cd $WORKDIR
# checkout all the HTML files, get down into an interesting directory
svn -q export $SVNROOT/trunk/$GETTHIS doc
cd doc
rm -f Makefile
git -C $GITROOT archive master $GETTHIS | tar xf -
# copy the tree to the onlinedocs area, preserve directory structure
find . -depth -print | cpio -pd $WWWDIR 2>&1 | egrep -v "$FILTER"
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