Commit 85c73d63 by Ed Schonberg Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Spurious visibility error on aspect in generic unit

This patch fixes a spurious visiblity error on an instantiation of a generic
package that contains a type declaration with an aspect specification for
an aspect that must be delayed (i.e. an aspect whose value may be specified
at a later point).

The package must compile quietly:

with S;
package G
   type Buffer_Type is record
      Data       : Integer;
   end record;

   package Buffer is new S (Buffer_Type => Buffer_Type);
end G;
   type Buffer_Type is private;
package S
   Page_Size : constant := 4096;

   type Reader_Type is limited record
      Data   : Buffer_Type;
   end record
        Alignment => Page_Size; -- Using a constant does not work
--      Alignment => 4096;      -- Using a number works

-- for Reader_Type'Alignment use Page_Size; -- so does an attribute.
   pragma Compile_Time_Error (Reader_Type'Size /= 12345, "Ooops");
   -- Note: We set 'Alignment and check for 'Size.
end S;

2018-05-22  Ed Schonberg  <>


	* freeze.adb (Freeze_Entity): When analyzing delayed aspects of an
	entity E within a generic unit, indicate that there are no remaining
	delayed aspects after invoking Analyze_Aspects_At_Freeze_Point. The
	entity E is not frozen yet but the aspects should not be reanalyzed at
	the freeze point, which may be outside of the generic and may not have
	the proper visibility.

From-SVN: r260516
parent 71483539
2018-05-22 Ed Schonberg <>
* freeze.adb (Freeze_Entity): When analyzing delayed aspects of an
entity E within a generic unit, indicate that there are no remaining
delayed aspects after invoking Analyze_Aspects_At_Freeze_Point. The
entity E is not frozen yet but the aspects should not be reanalyzed at
the freeze point, which may be outside of the generic and may not have
the proper visibility.
2018-05-22 Bob Duff <>
* doc/gnat_ugn/gnat_utility_programs.rst: Add documentation for
......@@ -5167,11 +5167,14 @@ package body Freeze is
-- be frozen in the proper scope after the current generic is analyzed.
-- However, aspects must be analyzed because they may be queried later
-- within the generic itself, and the corresponding pragma or attribute
-- definition has not been analyzed yet.
-- definition has not been analyzed yet. After this, indicate that the
-- entity has no further delayed aspects, to prevent a later aspect
-- analysis out of the scope of the generic.
elsif Inside_A_Generic and then External_Ref_In_Generic (Test_E) then
if Has_Delayed_Aspects (E) then
Analyze_Aspects_At_Freeze_Point (E);
Set_Has_Delayed_Aspects (E, False);
end if;
Result := No_List;
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