Commit 84df580f by Jakub Jelinek Committed by Jakub Jelinek

re PR target/88785 (ICE in as_a, at machmode.h:353)

	PR target/88785
	* config/i386/ (float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2): Turn into
	(*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2): New define_insn.
	(float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask): Turn into define_expand.
	(*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask): New define_insn.
	(*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask_1): Replace
	subrtxes (const_vector:V2SF [(const_int 0) (const_int 0)]) with
	match_operands with "const0_operand" "C".

	* New test.

From-SVN: r267825
parent 280d970b
2019-01-10 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR target/88785
* config/i386/ (float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2): Turn into
(*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2): New define_insn.
(float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask): Turn into define_expand.
(*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask): New define_insn.
(*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask_1): Replace
subrtxes (const_vector:V2SF [(const_int 0) (const_int 0)]) with
match_operands with "const0_operand" "C".
2019-01-10 Tamar Christina <>
* config/aarch64/aarch64-builtins.c
......@@ -5222,11 +5222,19 @@
(set_attr "prefix" "evex")
(set_attr "mode" "<MODE>")])
(define_insn "float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2"
(define_expand "float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2"
[(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "register_operand" "=v")
(any_float:V2SF (match_operand:V2DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm"))
(const_vector:V2SF [(const_int 0) (const_int 0)])))]
(match_dup 2)))]
"operands[2] = CONST0_RTX (V2SFmode);")
(define_insn "*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2"
[(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "register_operand" "=v")
(any_float:V2SF (match_operand:V2DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm"))
(match_operand:V2SF 2 "const0_operand" "C")))]
"vcvt<floatsuffix>qq2ps{x}\t{%1, %0|%0, %1}"
[(set_attr "type" "ssecvt")
......@@ -5260,16 +5268,29 @@
(define_insn "float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask"
(define_expand "float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask"
[(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "register_operand" "=v")
(any_float:V2SF (match_operand:V2DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm"))
(match_operand:V4SF 2 "nonimm_or_0_operand" "0C")
(parallel [(const_int 0) (const_int 1)]))
(match_operand:QI 3 "register_operand" "Yk"))
(match_dup 4)))]
"operands[4] = CONST0_RTX (V2SFmode);")
(define_insn "*float<floatunssuffix>v2div2sf2_mask"
[(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "register_operand" "=v")
(any_float:V2SF (match_operand:V2DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm"))
(any_float:V2SF (match_operand:V2DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm"))
(match_operand:V4SF 2 "nonimm_or_0_operand" "0C")
(parallel [(const_int 0) (const_int 1)]))
(match_operand:QI 3 "register_operand" "Yk"))
(const_vector:V2SF [(const_int 0) (const_int 0)])))]
(match_operand:V2SF 4 "const0_operand" "C")))]
"vcvt<floatsuffix>qq2ps{x}\t{%1, %0%{%3%}%N2|%0%{%3%}%N2, %1}"
[(set_attr "type" "ssecvt")
......@@ -5282,9 +5303,9 @@
(any_float:V2SF (match_operand:V2DI 1
"nonimmediate_operand" "vm"))
(const_vector:V2SF [(const_int 0) (const_int 0)])
(match_operand:V2SF 3 "const0_operand" "C")
(match_operand:QI 2 "register_operand" "Yk"))
(const_vector:V2SF [(const_int 0) (const_int 0)])))]
(match_operand:V2SF 4 "const0_operand" "C")))]
"vcvt<floatsuffix>qq2ps{x}\t{%1, %0%{%2%}%{z%}|%0%{%2%}%{z%}, %1}"
[(set_attr "type" "ssecvt")
2019-01-10 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR target/88785
* New test.
2019-01-10 Vladimir Makarov <>
PR rtl-optimization/87305
// PR target/88785
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-O2 -g -std=c++17 -mavx512vl -mavx512dq" }
namespace a {
template <class> class b;
template <class> class d;
template <int f> struct g { static constexpr int e = f; };
template <typename> struct aa;
template <typename...> struct o;
template <typename h, typename ab> struct o<h, ab> : aa<h>::ac {};
template <typename...> struct j;
template <typename h, typename ab> struct j<h, ab> : aa<ab>::ac {};
template <typename... k> constexpr bool l = o<k...>::e;
template <typename, typename> struct r : g<false> {};
template <typename m> struct r<m, m> : g<true> {};
template <typename ad> struct aa { typedef ad ac; };
template <bool, typename ad, typename> using ae = ad;
template <typename...> using af = void;
typedef float ag __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
ag ah;
ag ai(__attribute__((__vector_size__(2 * sizeof(long long)))) long long z) {
ah = ag{};
__attribute__((__vector_size__(4 * sizeof(float)))) float aj = ah;
return __builtin_ia32_cvtqq2ps128_mask(z, aj, 1);
namespace a {
int ak;
int al;
template <long> int am;
template <class> struct an;
template <class> struct ao;
template <class m> using ap = typename ao<m>::ac;
template <class, unsigned long, class = af<>> struct aq;
template <class m> using ar = aq<m, sizeof(m)>;
template <class as, class at> as au(at);
template <class> struct av;
template <class m> using aw = typename av<m>::ac;
template <class m, int ax> struct ay {
static constexpr long az = ax * sizeof(int);
using ac [[gnu::__vector_size__(az)]] = m;
template <class m, long ba> using bb = typename ay<m, ba>::ac;
template <class m> struct p {
using bc = decltype(m()[0]);
static constexpr int bd = sizeof(bc);
template <class as, class m, class = p<m>> as be(m);
template <class as, class... at> as bf(at... z) { return be<as>(z...); }
template <class m, unsigned long ax, class bg = aw<m>> bg bh(aq<m, ax>) {
return bg();
template <> struct av<float> {
using ac [[gnu::__vector_size__(16)]] = float;
template <class> struct av {
using ac [[gnu::__vector_size__(16)]] = long long;
template <unsigned long bi> struct aq<bool, bi> {};
template <class m, unsigned long bi, class bj = bb<m, bi>,
bool = l<r<bb<m, bi>, aw<m>>, r<bj, m>>>
struct bk;
template <class m, unsigned long bi, class bj> struct bk<m, bi, bj, true> {
bj bl;
bk(bb<m, bi> z) : bl(z) {}
template <class m, unsigned long bi, class bj> struct bk<m, bi, bj, false> {};
template <class m, unsigned long bi> struct aq<m, bi> : bk<m, bi> {
using bm = bb<m, bi>;
static constexpr long bd = bi;
template <class bn> aq(bn z) : bk<m, bi>(z) {}
m operator[](long);
template <class> constexpr long bo = g<0>::e;
template <class m> struct ao { using ac = typename an<m>::br; };
template <class bp, class m> class bq {
using bu = m;
bp bs;
m bt;
template <class bn, class bv> void q(bn z, bv bw) {
auto s = bx(bt), by = bx(bs);
ap<bu>::bz(s, z, bw, by);
class ca {
template <class bn, class bv> void cb(bn, bv);
template <class m> ca cc(typename b<m>::cd, m &);
template <class m> bq<d<m>, b<m>> cc(typename b<m>::cd, const m &);
struct ce;
template <class t, int ax> struct cf {
using br = typename t::br;
using cg = aq<long, ax>;
using ch = aq<long, ax>;
struct ci {
template <class m> static constexpr long cj = sizeof(m);
struct ck : j<int, g<sizeof(int)>> {};
template <class> static constexpr bool cl = ck::e;
using br = ce;
template <class m> using cn = ae<cl<m>, cf<ci, cj<m>>, int>;
template <class> struct an : ci::cn<long> {};
template <class> class d : an<int> {
using cm = ch;
cm bl;
template <class m> auto bx(m z) { return; }
template <class> class b : an<int> {
using cm = cg;
using cd = d<long>;
static long cu();
template <class bn, class bv> b(bn, bv) {}
cm bl;
template <class m> auto bx(b<m> z) { return; }
template <class m, class co> void cq(ar<m>, co, aq<bool, ar<m>::bd>);
template <class as, class bu, class cp> as be(bu z) {
using cs = typename cp::bc;
constexpr long ax = cp::bd;
auto cr = bh(z);
aq<cs, ax> f;
using bn = typename p<as>::bc;
constexpr bool cy = sizeof(f), ct = sizeof(bn);
if (ct)
if (cy) {
ag cw = ai(cr);
return cw;
template <class as, class at> auto cv(at z) { return bf<as>(z); }
struct G {
template <class m> using ch = typename ci::cn<m>::ch;
template <class m, unsigned long ax, class bn, class co>
static void bz(aq<m, ax> z, bn *, co, ch<m> cx) {
using da = aq<bn, sizeof(bn)>;
using bu = typename da::bm;
using bp = aq<ae<1, bool, bn>, da::bd>;
auto cz = cv<bu>(z);
cq(da(cz), ae<0, int, co>(), au<bp>(cx));
struct ce : G {};
class D {
template <typename db> void operator<<(db);
template <class dc> dc dd;
struct de {
long cu();
template <typename dc> void dg() {
using db = long;
auto df = dd<a::b<long>>;
using a::ak;
using a::al;
constexpr long di = 1, alignment = a::bo<a::b<long>>;
using dh = ae<di, decltype(al), int>;
dh dk, am = a::am<alignment>;
const a::b<long> dj;
de u;
auto dm = 0 ? : 0;
float dl[dm];
db reference;
a::b<long> x;
auto compare = [&](long) {
int n;
a::b<long>(reference, ak);
for (auto i = 0; 0; ++i)
[] {
auto v = 0, w = 0;
return D(w, v);
}() << n;
using c = a::b<long>::cd;
c dn;
a::b y = df;
auto v(y);
cc(dn, x).cb(dl, am);
long i;
cc(dn, dj).q(&dl[dc::cu()], dk);
void test() { dg<a::b<long>>(); }
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