Commit 783b7a59 by Tom Tromey Committed by Tom Tromey

verify.exp: New file.

	* libjava.verify/verify.exp: New file.
	* libjava.verify/README.verify: New file.

From-SVN: r69253
parent fc0e6222
2003-07-10 Tom Tromey <>
* libjava.verify/verify.exp: New file.
* libjava.verify/README.verify: New file.
2003-07-09 Jeff Sturm <>
* libjava.lang/ (run): Cache .class value.
The verifier tests come from Mauve.
You want the "verify" module in the Mauve cvs repository.
In Mauve, only the sources are checked in. However, these need
jasmin to be compiled to bytecode. Since jasmin would require either
another VM or gcj itself to already be working and installed (just to
compile it), we've chose to precompile all the .j files to .class
files and then import the result.
# Tests for class verifier.
global gcj_verify_xfail
set gcj_verify_xfail("gij verify of") 1
set gcj_verify_xfail("gij verify of") 1
set gcj_verify_xfail("gij verify of") 1
set gcj_verify_xfail("gij verify of") 1
set gcj_verify_xfail("gij verify of") 1
set gcj_verify_xfail("gij verify of") 1
proc gcj_verify_list_tests {srcdir} {
set result {}
set here [pwd]
cd $srcdir
foreach item [lsort [glob -nocomplain */*/*.class]] {
lappend result [file rootname $item]
cd $here
return $result
proc gcj_verify_test_gij {gij srcdir test shouldfail} {
global gcj_verify_xfail
set testname "gij verify of $test"
verbose "invoking gij $test - shouldfail=$shouldfail"
set result [libjava_load $gij [list --cp $srcdir $test] ""]
set status [lindex $result 0]
set output [lindex $result 1]
if {$shouldfail} {
# We match the few exceptions that are allowed. This may need
# updating from time to time. We do this rather than check the
# exit status because we want to catch the case where gij dies in
# some inappropriate way.
if {[string match *VerifyError* $output]
|| [string match *AbstractMethodError* $output]
|| [string match *IncompatibleClassChangeError* $output]} {
set cmd pass
} else {
set cmd fail
if {[info exists gcj_verify_xfail($testname)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
} else {
if {$status == "pass"} {
set cmd pass
} else {
set cmd fail
$cmd $testname
proc gcj_verify_run {} {
global INTERPRETER srcdir
set gij [libjava_find_gij]
set interpret 1
# libjava_find_gij will return `gij' if it couldn't find the
# program; in this case we want to skip the test.
if {$INTERPRETER != "yes" || $gij == "gij"} {
set interpret 0
set testsdir $srcdir/libjava.verify/verify
foreach test [gcj_verify_list_tests $testsdir] {
set shouldfail [string match */fail/* $test]
if {$interpret} {
regsub -all -- / $test . gijname
gcj_verify_test_gij $gij $testsdir $gijname $shouldfail
# FIXME: run gcj --syntax-only here.
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