Commit 76b4158b by Hristian Kirtchev Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Forced elaboration order in Elaboration order v4.0

This patch refactors the forced elaboration order functionality,
reintegrates it in Binde, and impelements it in Bindo.

-- Source --


package Server is
end Server;


with Server;

package Client is
end Client;

--  main.adb

with Client;

procedure Main is begin null; end Main;

--  duplicate_1.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)
server (spec)

--  error_unit_1.txt

no such unit
client (spec)

--  error_unit_2.txt

no such unit
client (spec)

--  error_unit_3.txt

no such unit     --  comment
client (spec)

--  error_unit_4.txt

         no such unit     --  comment

client (spec)

--  error_unit_5.txt

no such unit (body)
client (spec)

--  error_unit_6.txt

    no such unit (body)
client (spec)

--  error_unit_7.txt

    no such unit (body)    --  comment
client (spec)

--  error_unit_8.txt

    no such unit (body)--  comment
client (spec)

--  error_unit_9.txt

    no such unit--  comment
client (spec)

--  no_unit_1.txt

--  no_unit_2.txt

--  no_unit_3.txt

      --  comment

--  no_unit_4.txt

--  no_unit_5.txt

--  no_unit_6.txt

       --  comment

--  no_unit_7.txt

--  no_unit_8.txt

    --  comment
--  comment

--  ok_unit_1.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_2.txt

    server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_3.txt

    server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_4.txt

    server (spec)      --  comment
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_5.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_6.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)    --  comment

--  ok_unit_7.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)    --  comment

--  ok_unit_8.txt

    --  comment
--  comment
    server (spec)

   --  comment
--  comment

client (spec)    --  comment

--  ok_unit_9.txt

server (spec)--  comment
client (spec)

-- Compilation and output --
$ gnatmake -q main.adb
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_2.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_3.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_4.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_5.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_6.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_7.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_8.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_2.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_3.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_4.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_5.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_6.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_7.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_8.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_9.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fduplicate_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_2.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_3.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_4.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_5.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_6.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_7.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_8.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_9.txt main.ali
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
error: duplicate_1.txt:3: duplicate unit name "server (spec)" from line 1
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)

2019-07-03  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* binde.adb: Remove with clause for System.OS_Lib.
	(Force_Elab_Order): Refactor the majority of the code in Butil.
	Use the new forced units iterator to obtain unit names.
	* bindo-builders.adb: Add with and use clauses for Binderr,
	Butil, Opt, Output, Types, GNAT, and GNAT.Dynamic_HTables.  Add
	a hash table which maps units to line number in the forced
	elaboration order file.
	(Add_Unit): New routine.
	(Build_Library_Graph): Create forced edges between pairs of
	units listed in the forced elaboration order file.
	(Create_Forced_Edge, Create_Forced_Edges, Destroy_Line_Number,
	Duplicate_Unit_Error, Hash_Unit, Internal_Unit_Info,
	Is_Duplicate_Unit, Missing_Unit_Info): New routines.
	* bindo-graphs.adb (Is_Internal_Unit, Is_Predefined_Unit):
	Refactor some of the behavior to Bindo-Units.
	* Enable the enumeration literal for forced
	* bindo-units.adb, (Is_Internal_Unit,
	Is_Predefined_Unit): New routines.
	* butil.adb: Add with and use clauses for Opt, GNAT, and
	System.OS_Lib.  Add with clause for Unchecked_Deallocation.
	(Has_Next, Iterate_Forced_Units, Next, Parse_Next_Unit_Name,
	Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File): New routines.
	* Add with and use clauses for Types.  Add new
	iterator over the units listed in the forced elaboration order
	(Has_Next, Iterate_Forced_Units, Next): New routine.
	* namet.adb, (Present): New routine.

From-SVN: r272987
parent 336878fc
2019-07-03 Hristian Kirtchev <>
* binde.adb: Remove with clause for System.OS_Lib.
(Force_Elab_Order): Refactor the majority of the code in Butil.
Use the new forced units iterator to obtain unit names.
* bindo-builders.adb: Add with and use clauses for Binderr,
Butil, Opt, Output, Types, GNAT, and GNAT.Dynamic_HTables. Add
a hash table which maps units to line number in the forced
elaboration order file.
(Add_Unit): New routine.
(Build_Library_Graph): Create forced edges between pairs of
units listed in the forced elaboration order file.
(Create_Forced_Edge, Create_Forced_Edges, Destroy_Line_Number,
Duplicate_Unit_Error, Hash_Unit, Internal_Unit_Info,
Is_Duplicate_Unit, Missing_Unit_Info): New routines.
* bindo-graphs.adb (Is_Internal_Unit, Is_Predefined_Unit):
Refactor some of the behavior to Bindo-Units.
* Enable the enumeration literal for forced
* bindo-units.adb, (Is_Internal_Unit,
Is_Predefined_Unit): New routines.
* butil.adb: Add with and use clauses for Opt, GNAT, and
System.OS_Lib. Add with clause for Unchecked_Deallocation.
(Has_Next, Iterate_Forced_Units, Next, Parse_Next_Unit_Name,
Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File): New routines.
* Add with and use clauses for Types. Add new
iterator over the units listed in the forced elaboration order
(Has_Next, Iterate_Forced_Units, Next): New routine.
* namet.adb, (Present): New routine.
2019-07-03 Bob Duff <>
* sem_ch3.adb (Access_Definition): The code was creating a
......@@ -2069,10 +2069,8 @@ package body Bindo.Graphs is
pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
return U_Rec.Internal;
return Is_Internal_Unit (U_Id);
end Is_Internal_Unit;
......@@ -2090,10 +2088,8 @@ package body Bindo.Graphs is
pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
return U_Rec.Predefined;
return Is_Predefined_Unit (U_Id);
end Is_Predefined_Unit;
......@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ package Bindo.Graphs is
-- Successor withs Predecessor, and has pragma Elaborate_All for it
-- Forced_Edge,
-- Successor is forced to with Predecessor by virtue of an existing
-- elaboration order provided in a file.
......@@ -233,6 +233,32 @@ package body Bindo.Units is
return U_Rec.Dynamic_Elab;
end Is_Dynamically_Elaborated;
-- Is_Internal_Unit --
function Is_Internal_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
return U_Rec.Internal;
end Is_Internal_Unit;
-- Is_Predefined_Unit --
function Is_Predefined_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
return U_Rec.Predefined;
end Is_Predefined_Unit;
-- Is_Stand_Alone_Library_Unit --
......@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ package Bindo.Units is
-- Determine whether unit U_Id was compiled using the dynamic elaboration
-- model.
function Is_Internal_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Internal_Unit);
-- Determine whether unit U_Id is internal
function Is_Predefined_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Predefined_Unit);
-- Determine whether unit U_Id is predefined
function Name (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Unit_Name_Type;
pragma Inline (Name);
-- Obtain the name of unit U_Id
......@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
-- --
-- This package contains utility routines for the binder
with Namet; use Namet;
with Types; use Types;
package Butil is
-- This package contains utility routines for the binder
function Is_Predefined_Unit return Boolean;
-- Given a unit name stored in Name_Buffer with length in Name_Len,
-- returns True if this is the name of a predefined unit or a child of
......@@ -51,4 +52,52 @@ package Butil is
-- Output unit name with (body) or (spec) after as required. On return
-- Name_Len is set to the number of characters which were output.
-- Iterators --
-- The following type represents an iterator over all units that are
-- specified in the forced-elaboration-order file supplied by the binder
-- via switch -f.
type Forced_Units_Iterator is private;
function Has_Next (Iter : Forced_Units_Iterator) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Has_Next);
-- Determine whether iterator Iter has more units to examine
function Iterate_Forced_Units return Forced_Units_Iterator;
pragma Inline (Iterate_Forced_Units);
-- Obtain an iterator over all units in the forced-elaboration-order file
procedure Next
(Iter : in out Forced_Units_Iterator;
Unit_Name : out Unit_Name_Type;
Unit_Line : out Logical_Line_Number);
pragma Inline (Next);
-- Return the current unit referenced by iterator Iter along with the
-- line number it appears on, and advance to the next available unit.
First_Line_Number : constant Logical_Line_Number := No_Line_Number + 1;
type Forced_Units_Iterator is record
Order : String_Ptr := null;
-- A reference to the contents of the forced-elaboration-order file,
-- read in as a string.
Order_Index : Positive := 1;
-- Index into the order string
Order_Line : Logical_Line_Number := First_Line_Number;
-- Logical line number within the order string
Unit_Line : Logical_Line_Number := No_Line_Number;
-- The logical line number of the current unit name within the order
-- string.
Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type := No_Unit_Name;
-- The current unit name parsed from the order string
end record;
end Butil;
......@@ -1515,6 +1515,15 @@ package body Namet is
return Nam /= No_Name;
end Present;
-- Present --
function Present (Nam : Unit_Name_Type) return Boolean is
return Nam /= No_Unit_Name;
end Present;
-- Reinitialize --
......@@ -658,6 +658,10 @@ package Namet is
No_Unit_Name : constant Unit_Name_Type := Unit_Name_Type (No_Name);
-- Constant used to indicate no file name present
function Present (Nam : Unit_Name_Type) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Present);
-- Determine whether unit name Nam exists
Error_Unit_Name : constant Unit_Name_Type := Unit_Name_Type (Error_Name);
-- The special Unit_Name_Type value Error_Unit_Name is used to indicate
-- a unit name where some previous processing has found an error.
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