Commit 72a3d7c7 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2009-07-13  Thomas Quinot  <>

	*, exp_dist.adb (RE_Allocate_Buffer): Runtime entry
	removed, not used anymore.
	New subprogram, implements copy of an Any value into a limited object.
	Exp_Dist.PolyORB_Support.Helpers.Build_From_Any_Function): For the case
	of parameters of a limited type, use the above new subprogram.

2009-07-13  Emmanuel Briot  <>

	* prj-nmsc.adb, prj-proc.adb, mlib.adb (Add_Source): new parameter
	(Copy_ALI_Files): Avoid calls to read when pointing outside of the
 	allocated space.
	(Error_Report): Remove global variable, replaced by parameters.

From-SVN: r149560
parent 223eab97
2009-07-13 Thomas Quinot <>
*, exp_dist.adb (RE_Allocate_Buffer): Runtime entry
removed, not used anymore.
New subprogram, implements copy of an Any value into a limited object.
Exp_Dist.PolyORB_Support.Helpers.Build_From_Any_Function): For the case
of parameters of a limited type, use the above new subprogram.
2009-07-13 Emmanuel Briot <>
* prj-nmsc.adb, prj-proc.adb, mlib.adb (Add_Source): new parameter
(Copy_ALI_Files): Avoid calls to read when pointing outside of the
allocated space.
(Error_Report): Remove global variable, replaced by parameters.
2009-07-13 Thomas Quinot <>
* g-socthi-vxworks.adb (C_Sendto): VxWorks does not support the
standard sendto(2) interface for connected sockets (passing a null
destination address). Use send(2) instead for that case.
......@@ -202,16 +202,21 @@ package body MLib is
if FD /= Invalid_FD then
Len := Integer (File_Length (FD));
-- ??? Why "+3" here
S := new String (1 .. Len + 3);
-- Read the file. Note that the loop is not necessary
-- since the whole file is read at once except on VMS.
Curr := 1;
Actual_Len := Len;
Curr := S'First;
while Actual_Len /= 0 loop
while Curr <= Len loop
Actual_Len := Read (FD, S (Curr)'Address, Len);
-- Exit if we could not read for some reason
exit when Actual_Len = 0;
Curr := Curr + Actual_Len;
end loop;
......@@ -166,12 +166,15 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Path : Path_Information := No_Path_Information;
Alternate_Languages : Language_List := null;
Unit : Name_Id := No_Name;
Index : Int := 0);
Index : Int := 0;
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location);
-- Add a new source to the different lists: list of all sources in the
-- project tree, list of source of a project and list of sources of a
-- language.
-- If Path is specified, the file is also added to Source_Paths_HT.
-- Location is used for error messages
function Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name : Name_Id) return File_Name_Type;
-- Same as Osint.Canonical_Case_File_Name but applies to Name_Id.
......@@ -534,7 +537,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Path : Path_Information := No_Path_Information;
Alternate_Languages : Language_List := null;
Unit : Name_Id := No_Name;
Index : Int := 0)
Index : Int := 0;
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location)
Config : constant Language_Config := Lang_Id.Config;
UData : Unit_Index;
......@@ -547,7 +551,6 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Check if the same file name or unit is used in the prj tree
Add_Src := True;
Source := Files_Htable.Get (Data.File_To_Source, File_Name);
if Unit /= No_Name then
Prev_Unit := Units_Htable.Get (Data.Tree.Units_HT, Unit);
......@@ -561,8 +564,12 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Add_Src := False;
Source := Prev_Unit.File_Names (Kind);
elsif Source /= No_Source then
if Source.Index = Index then
Source := Files_Htable.Get (Data.File_To_Source, File_Name);
if Source /= No_Source
and then Source.Index = Index
Add_Src := False;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -583,7 +590,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Error_Msg_File_1 := File_Name;
(Project, "duplicate source file name {",
No_Location, Data);
Location, Data);
Add_Src := False;
end if;
......@@ -597,7 +604,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
elsif Source.Path.Name /= Path.Name then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit;
(Project, "duplicate unit %%", No_Location, Data);
(Project, "duplicate unit %%", Location, Data);
Add_Src := False;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -615,29 +622,34 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
elsif Prev_Unit /= No_Unit_Index
and then not Source.Locally_Removed
-- Path is set if this is a source we found on the disk, in which
-- case we can provide more explicit error message. Path is unset
-- when the source is added from one of the naming exceptions in
-- the project
if Path /= No_Path_Information then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit;
"unit %% cannot belong to several projects",
No_Location, Data);
Location, Data);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Project.Name;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Name_Id (Path.Name);
(Project, "\ project %%, %%", No_Location, Data);
(Project, "\ project %%, %%", Location, Data);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Source.Project.Name;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Name_Id (Source.Path.Display_Name);
(Project, "\ project %%, %%", No_Location, Data);
(Project, "\ project %%, %%", Location, Data);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Source.Project.Name;
(Project, "unit %% already belongs to project %%",
No_Location, Data);
Location, Data);
end if;
Add_Src := False;
......@@ -650,7 +662,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Error_Msg_File_2 := File_Name_Type (Source.Project.Name);
"{ is already a source of project {", No_Location, Data);
"{ is already a source of project {", Location, Data);
-- Add the file anyway, to avoid further warnings like "language
-- unknown"
......@@ -912,6 +924,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end loop Source_Loop;
if Source = No_Source then
Get_Name_String (Language.Display_Name),
......@@ -2907,6 +2920,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Display_File => File_Name_Type (Element.Value.Value),
Unit => Unit,
Index => Index,
Location => Element.Value.Location,
Naming_Exception => True);
end if;
......@@ -4915,6 +4929,15 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Start of processing for Error_Msg
-- Display the error message in the traces so that it appears in the
-- correct location in the traces (otherwise error messages are only
-- displayed at the end and it is difficult to see when they were
-- triggered)
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Line ("ERROR: " & Msg);
end if;
-- If location of error is unknown, use the location of the project
if Real_Location = No_Location then
......@@ -6582,9 +6605,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Data => Data,
For_All_Sources => Sources.Default and then Source_List_File.Default);
-- Check if all exceptions have been found. For Ada, it is an error if
-- an exception is not found. For other language, the source is simply
-- removed.
-- Check if all exceptions have been found.
Source : Source_Id;
......@@ -6601,9 +6622,11 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
if Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index then
-- ??? Current limitation of gprbuild will display this
-- error message for multi-unit source files, because not
-- all instances of the file have had their path fully set.
-- For multi-unit source files, source_id gets duplicated
-- once for every unit. Only the first source_id got its
-- full path set. So if it isn't set for that first one,
-- the file wasn't found. Otherwise we need to update for
-- units after the first one.
if Source.Index = 0
or else Source.Index = 1
......@@ -6613,12 +6636,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
"source file %% for unit %% not found",
No_Location, Data);
-- Set the full path information since we know it
-- anyway
Source.Path := Files_Htable.Get
(Data.File_To_Source, Source.File).Path;
......@@ -7374,8 +7395,12 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Source := Object_File_Names_Htable.Get
(Project.Object_Files, Src.Object);
-- We cannot just check on "Source /= Src", since we might have
-- two different entries for the same file (and since that's
-- the same file it is expected that it has the same object)
if Source /= No_Source
and then Source = Src
and then Source.Path /= Src.Path
Error_Msg_File_1 := Src.File;
Error_Msg_File_2 := Source.File;
......@@ -1193,7 +1193,6 @@ package Rtsfind is
RE_Get_Reference, -- System.Partition_Interface
RE_Asynchronous_P_To_Sync_Scope, -- System.Partition_Interface
RE_Buffer_Stream_Type, -- System.Partition_Interface
RE_Allocate_Buffer, -- System.Partition_Interface
RE_Release_Buffer, -- System.Partition_Interface
RE_BS_To_Any, -- System.Partition_Interface
RE_Any_To_BS, -- System.Partition_Interface
......@@ -2350,7 +2349,6 @@ package Rtsfind is
RE_Get_Reference => System_Partition_Interface,
RE_Asynchronous_P_To_Sync_Scope => System_Partition_Interface,
RE_Buffer_Stream_Type => System_Partition_Interface,
RE_Allocate_Buffer => System_Partition_Interface,
RE_Release_Buffer => System_Partition_Interface,
RE_BS_To_Any => System_Partition_Interface,
RE_Any_To_BS => System_Partition_Interface,
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