Commit 6e9d6189 by Nathan Sidwell Committed by Nathan Sidwell

lookup11.C: New test.

	* g++.old-deja/g++.other/lookup11.C: New test.
	* g++.old-deja/g++.bugs/900428_01.C: Rework now we understand
	what is permitted and what we want.
	* g++.old-deja/g++.jason/rfg4.C: Rework to remove ill-formed
	overload use.
	* g++.old-deja/g++.jason/rfg5.C: Likewise

From-SVN: r29234
parent 02cac427
Thu Sep 9 12:32:57 BST 1999 Nathan Sidwell <>
* g++.old-deja/g++.other/lookup11.C: New test.
* g++.old-deja/g++.bugs/900428_01.C: Rework now we understand
what is permitted and what we want.
* g++.old-deja/g++.jason/rfg4.C: Rework to remove ill-formed
overload use.
* g++.old-deja/g++.jason/rfg5.C: Likewise
Wed Sep 8 09:39:56 BST 1999 Nathan Sidwell <>
* g++.old-deja/g++.other/sizeof3.C: New test.
......@@ -10,42 +10,155 @@
// because the abstract semantics seem to require the evaluation of such
// values whether they are volatile or not.
// [expr.static.cast/4, stmt.expr/1, expr.comma/1] show that expressions do
// not under go lvalue to rvalue decay, unless the value is actually used.
// This can be surprising when the object is volatile. We interpret a
// dereference of pointer to volatile to be a read.
// keywords: incomplete types, evaluation, volatile qualifier
// Build don't link:
int i;
int *ip_fn ();
int &ir_fn ();
volatile int *vip_fn ();
volatile int &vir_fn ();
void int_test (int i, int *p, volatile int *vp, int &r, volatile int &vr)
int j;
volatile int vj;
*p; // ok, no warning
(void)*p; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? j : *p); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? *p : j); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, *p); // ok, no warning
*vp; // ok, no warning
(void)*vp; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? vj : *vp); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? *vp : vj); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, *vp); // ok, no warning
r; // ok, no warning
(void)r; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? j : r); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? r : j); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, r); // ok, no warning
vr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)vr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)(i ? vj : vr); // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)(i ? vr : vj); // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)((void)1, vr); // WARNING - reference not accessed
*ip_fn (); // ok, no warning
*vip_fn (); // ok, no warning
ir_fn (); // ok, no warning
vir_fn (); // WARNING - reference not accessed
void *pv;
volatile void *pvv;
struct s; // ERROR - forward declaration
extern struct s es, *ps; // ERROR - defined here
extern volatile struct s evs, *pvs; // ERROR - defined here
struct S;
S *sp_fn ();
S &sr_fn ();
volatile S *vsp_fn ();
volatile S &vsr_fn ();
void pv_test ()
void incomplete_test (int i, S *p, volatile S *vp, S &r, volatile S &vr)
*pv; // ERROR - invalid void
(i ? *pv : *pv); // ERROR - invalid void
*pv, *pv; // ERROR - invalid void
extern S j;
extern volatile S vj;
*p; // ok, no warning
(void)*p; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? j : *p); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? *p : j); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, *p); // ok, no warning
*pvv; // ERROR - invalid void
(i ? *pvv : *pvv); // ERROR - invalid void
*pvv, *pvv; // ERROR - invalid void
*vp; // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
(void)*vp; // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
(void)(i ? vj : *vp); // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
(void)(i ? *vp : vj); // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
(void)((void)1, *vp); // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
es; // ERROR - incomplete
(i ? es : es); // ERROR - undefined type
es, es; // ERROR - incomplete
r; // ok, no warning
(void)r; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? j : r); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? r : j); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, r); // ok, no warning
evs; // ERROR - incomplete
(i ? evs : evs); // ERROR - undefined type
evs, evs; // ERROR - incomplete
vr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)vr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)(i ? vj : vr); // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)(i ? vr : vj); // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)((void)1, vr); // WARNING - reference not accessed
*sp_fn (); // ok, no warning
*vsp_fn (); // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
sr_fn (); // ok, no warning
vsr_fn (); // WARNING - reference not accessed
struct T {int m;};
T *tp_fn ();
T &tr_fn ();
volatile T *vtp_fn ();
volatile T &vtr_fn ();
void complete_test (int i, T *p, volatile T *vp, T &r, volatile T &vr)
T j;
volatile T vj;
*p; // ok, no warning
(void)*p; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? j : *p); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? *p : j); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, *p); // ok, no warning
*ps; // ERROR - undefined type
(i ? *ps : *ps); // ERROR - undefined type
*ps, *ps; // ERROR - undefined type
*vp; // ok, no warning
(void)*vp; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? vj : *vp); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? *vp : vj); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, *vp); // ok, no warning
*pvs; // ERROR - undefined type
(i ? *pvs : *pvs); // ERROR - undefined type
*pvs, *pvs; // ERROR - undefined type
r; // ok, no warning
(void)r; // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? j : r); // ok, no warning
(void)(i ? r : j); // ok, no warning
(void)((void)1, r); // ok, no warning
vr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)vr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)(i ? vj : vr); // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)(i ? vr : vj); // WARNING - reference not accessed
(void)((void)1, vr); // WARNING - reference not accessed
*tp_fn (); // ok, no warning
*vtp_fn (); // ok, no warning
tr_fn (); // ok, no warning
vtr_fn (); // ok, no warningWARNING - reference not accessed
int main () { return 0; }
void extern_test ()
extern S es;
extern volatile S ves;
extern T et;
extern volatile T vet;
extern S &esr;
extern volatile S &vesr;
extern T &etr;
extern volatile T &vetr;
es; // ok, no warning
ves; // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
et; // ok, no warning
vet; // ok, no warning
esr; // ok, no warning
vesr; // WARNING - incomplete not accessed
etr; // ok, no warning
vetr; // WARNING - reference not accessed
......@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ void f2(double) { }
test ()
i ? f1 : f2; // gets bogus error - improper overloading
void (*ptr) (double);
ptr = i ? f1 : f2; // gets bogus error - improper overloading
......@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ int *func () { return 0; }
test ()
*func; // gets bogus error - improper overloading
int *(*p)() = *func; // gets bogus error - improper overloading
// Build don't link:
// Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// Contributed by Nathan Sidwell 5 Sep 1999 <>
// [over.match] 13.3 tells us where overload resolution occurs.
// [] says that in
// (...( postfix-expression )...) (expression-list)
// the postfix-expression must be the name of a function (amongst some other
// choices). This means comma and conditional exprs cannot be placed there.
// This clause is the only one I can find which bans
// (cond ? fna : fnb) (arglist)
// which would be a major headache to have to implement.
// [over.over] 13.4 tells us when the use of a function name w/o arguments is
// resolved to the address of a particular function. These are determined by
// the context of the function name, and it does allow more complicated primary
// expressions.
// Using a naked function name is rather strange, we used to warn about it
// (rather inconsistently), but subsequent changes broke the warning. Make
// sure that doesn't happen again.
// excess errors test - XFAIL
void ovl (int); // ERROR - candidate
void ovl (float); // ERROR - candidate
void fn (int);
void fna (int);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
void (*ptr) (int);
void (*vptr) ();
(ovl) (1); // ok
(&ovl) (1); // ERROR - not suitable for overload resolution
(ovl) (); // ERROR - no matching candidates
(&ovl) (); // ERROR - not suitable for overload resolution
// indicates that the following are errors -- the primary expression
// is not the name of a function.
(0, ovl) (1); // ERROR - not suitable for overload resolution
(0, &ovl) (1); // ERROR - not suitable for overload resolution
(argc ? ovl : ovl) (1); // ERROR - not suitable for overload resolution
(argc ? &ovl : &ovl) (1); // ERROR - not suitable for overload resolution
(fn) (1); // ok
(&fn) (1); // ok (no overload resolution)
(0, fn) (1); // ok (no overload resolution)
(0, &fn) (1); // ok (no overload resolution)
(argc ? fna : fn) (1); // ok (no overload resolution)
(argc ? &fna : &fn) (1); // ok (no overload resolution)
ptr = (ovl); // ok
ptr = (&ovl); // ok
// 13.4 indicates these are ok.
ptr = (0, ovl); // ok
ptr = (0, &ovl); // ok
ptr = (argc ? ovl : ovl); // ok
ptr = (argc ? &ovl : &ovl);// ok
vptr = (ovl); // ERROR - no matching candidates
vptr = (&ovl); // ERROR - no matching candidates
vptr = (0, ovl); // ERROR - no matching candidates
vptr = (0, &ovl); // ERROR - no matching candidates
vptr = (argc ? ovl : ovl); // ERROR - no matching candidates
vptr = (argc ? &ovl : &ovl);// ERROR - no matching candidates
ptr = (fn);
ptr = (&fn);
ptr = (0, fn);
ptr = (0, &fn);
ptr = (argc ? fna : fn);
ptr = (argc ? &fna : &fn);
f; // WARNING - not a call
ovl; // ERROR - not suitable for overload
&ovl; // ERROR - not suitable for overload
(void)f; // ok
(void)ovl; // ERROR - not suitable for overload
(void)&ovl; // ERROR - not suitable for overload
static_cast<void>(f); // ok
static_cast<void>(ovl); // ERROR - not suitable for overload
static_cast<void>(&ovl); // ERROR - not suitable for overload
((void)1, f); // WARNING - not a call XFAIL
((void)1, ovl); // ERROR - not suitable for overload
((void)1, &ovl); // ERROR - not suitable for overload
(void)((void)1, f); // ok
(void)((void)1, ovl); // ERROR - not suitable for overload
(void)((void)1, &ovl); // ERROR - not suitable for overload
return 0;
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