Commit 65a07a30 by Robert Dewar Committed by Arnaud Charlet

s-fileio.adb, [...]: Minor reformatting

2009-10-27  Robert Dewar  <>

	* s-fileio.adb,, sem_util.adb, sem_warn.adb, Minor reformatting

From-SVN: r153597
parent 3d9d6c8e
2009-10-27 Robert Dewar <>
* s-fileio.adb,, sem_util.adb, sem_warn.adb, Minor reformatting
2009-10-27 Robert Dewar <>
* sem_warn.adb, sem_util.adb, Minor reformatting. Add
......@@ -523,8 +523,7 @@ package body System.File_IO is
function Form_Boolean
(Form : String;
Keyword : String;
Default : Boolean)
return Boolean
Default : Boolean) return Boolean
V1, V2 : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (V2);
......@@ -553,8 +552,7 @@ package body System.File_IO is
function Form_Integer
(Form : String;
Keyword : String;
Default : Integer)
return Integer
Default : Integer) return Integer
V1, V2 : Natural;
V : Integer;
......@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ package System.File_IO is
-- if used with temporary files or standard files.
function Form (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return String;
-- Returns the form as supplied by create, open or reset
-- The string is normalized to all lower case letters.
-- Returns the form as supplied by create, open or reset The string is
-- normalized to all lower case letters.
function Is_Open (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return Boolean;
-- Determines if file is open or not
......@@ -145,25 +145,25 @@ package System.File_IO is
-- not opened in the normal manner. Note that the caller is responsible
-- for task lock out to protect the global data structures if this is
-- necessary (it is needed for the calls from within this unit itself,
-- but not required for the calls from Text_IO and Wide_Text_IO that
-- are made during elaboration of the environment task).
-- but not required for the calls from Text_IO and [Wide_]Wide_Text_IO
-- that are made during elaboration of the environment task).
procedure Check_File_Open (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised.
-- Otherwise control returns normally (with File pointing to the
-- control block for the open file.
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. Otherwise
-- control returns normally (with File pointing to the control block for
-- the open file.
procedure Check_Read_Status (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If
-- the file is open, then the mode is checked to ensure that reading
-- is permitted, and if not Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control
-- returns normally.
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If the
-- file is open, then the mode is checked to make sure that reading is
-- permitted, and if not Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control returns
-- normally.
procedure Check_Write_Status (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If
-- the file is open, then the mode is checked to ensure that writing
-- is permitted, and if not Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control
-- returns normally.
-- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If the
-- file is open, then the mode is checked to ensure that writing is
-- permitted, and if not Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control returns
-- normally.
function End_Of_File (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return Boolean;
-- File must be opened in read mode. True is returned if the stream is
......@@ -171,30 +171,28 @@ package System.File_IO is
-- The position of the stream is not affected.
procedure Flush (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
-- Flushes the stream associated with the given file. The file must be
-- open and in write mode (if not, an appropriate exception is raised)
-- Flushes the stream associated with the given file. The file must be open
-- and in write mode (if not, an appropriate exception is raised)
function Form_Boolean
(Form : String;
Keyword : String;
Default : Boolean)
return Boolean;
-- Searches form string for an entry of the form Keyword=xx where xx is
-- either Yes/No or y/n. Returns True if Yes or Y is found, False if No
-- or N is found. If the keyword parameter is not found, returns the
-- value given as Default. May raise Use_Error if a form string syntax
-- error is detected. Keyword and Form must be in lower case.
Default : Boolean) return Boolean;
-- Searches form string for an entry of the form keyword=xx where xx is
-- either yes/no or y/n. Returns True if yes or y is found, False if no or
-- n is found. If the keyword parameter is not found, returns the value
-- given as Default. May raise Use_Error if a form string syntax error is
-- detected. Keyword and Form must be in lower case.
function Form_Integer
(Form : String;
Keyword : String;
Default : Integer)
return Integer;
-- Searches form string for an entry of the form Keyword=xx where xx is
-- an unsigned decimal integer in the range 0 to 999_999. Returns this
-- integer value if it is found. If the keyword parameter is not found,
-- returns the value given as Default. Raise Use_Error if a form string
-- syntax error is detected. Keyword and Form must be in lower case.
Default : Integer) return Integer;
-- Searches form string for an entry of the form Keyword=xx where xx is an
-- unsigned decimal integer in the range 0 to 999_999. Returns this integer
-- value if it is found. If the keyword parameter is not found, returns the
-- value given as Default. Raise Use_Error if a form string syntax error is
-- detected. Keyword and Form must be in lower case.
procedure Form_Parameter
(Form : String;
......@@ -221,22 +219,22 @@ package System.File_IO is
Buf : Address;
Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t;
Count : out Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
-- Reads Siz bytes from File.Stream into Buf. The caller has checked
-- that the file is open in read mode. Device Error is raised if an error
-- Reads Siz bytes from File.Stream into Buf. The caller has checked that
-- the file is open in read mode. Device Error is raised if an error
-- occurs. Count is the actual number of bytes read, which may be less
-- than Siz if the end of file is encountered.
procedure Append_Set (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
-- If the mode of the file is Append_File, then the file is positioned
-- at the end of file using fseek, otherwise this call has no effect.
-- If the mode of the file is Append_File, then the file is positioned at
-- the end of file using fseek, otherwise this call has no effect.
procedure Write_Buf
(File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
Buf : Address;
Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
-- Writes size_t bytes to File.Stream from Buf. The caller has checked
-- that the file is open in write mode. Raises Device_Error if the
-- complete buffer cannot be written.
-- Writes size_t bytes to File.Stream from Buf. The caller has checked that
-- the file is open in write mode. Raises Device_Error if the complete
-- buffer cannot be written.
procedure Make_Unbuffered (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
......@@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ package body Sem_Util is
-- If we have entity names, then must be same entity
if Is_Entity_Name (A1) then
if Is_Entity_Name (A2)then
if Is_Entity_Name (A2) then
return Entity (A1) = Entity (A2);
return False;
......@@ -2249,8 +2249,8 @@ package body Sem_Util is
return Denotes_Same_Prefix (A2, A1);
elsif Nkind_In (A1, N_Selected_Component, N_Indexed_Component, N_Slice)
and then
Nkind_In (A2, N_Selected_Component, N_Indexed_Component, N_Slice)
and then
Nkind_In (A2, N_Selected_Component, N_Indexed_Component, N_Slice)
Root1, Root2 : Node_Id;
......@@ -3554,17 +3554,15 @@ package body Sem_Warn is
-- Exclude calls rewritten as enumeration literals
if not Nkind_In
(N, N_Function_Call, N_Procedure_Call_Statement)
if not Nkind_In (N, N_Function_Call, N_Procedure_Call_Statement) then
end if;
-- Exclude calls to library subprograms. Container operations
-- specify safe behavior when source and target coincide.
-- Exclude calls to library subprograms. Container operations specify
-- safe behavior when source and target coincide.
if Is_Predefined_File_Name (
Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Sloc (Subp))))
if Is_Predefined_File_Name
(Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Sloc (Subp))))
end if;
......@@ -3596,7 +3594,8 @@ package body Sem_Warn is
elsif Is_Generic_Type (Etype (Act1))
or else Is_Generic_Type (Etype (Act2))
or else
Is_Generic_Type (Etype (Act2))
......@@ -3634,9 +3633,8 @@ package body Sem_Warn is
if Is_Entity_Name (First_Actual (N))
and then Nkind (Original_Node (N)) = Nkind (N)
and then
Nkind (Name (Original_Node (N))) =
and then Nkind (Name (Original_Node (N))) =
and then
Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (Name (Original_Node (N))))
and then
......@@ -3645,7 +3643,7 @@ package body Sem_Warn is
if Act1 = First_Actual (N) then
("in-out prefix overlaps with actual for&?",
("`IN OUT` prefix overlaps with actual for&?",
Act1, Form);
......@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ package Sem_Warn is
-- an only OUT parameter, or if Warn_On_All_Unread_Out_Parameters is set.
procedure Warn_On_Overlapping_Actuals (Subp : Entity_Id; N : Node_Id);
-- Called on a subprogram call. Checks whether an in-out actual that is
-- not by-copy may overlap with another actual, thus leadind to aliasing
-- Called on a subprogram call. Checks whether an IN OUT actual that is
-- not by-copy may overlap with another actual, thus leading to aliasing
-- in the body of the called subprogram.
procedure Warn_On_Suspicious_Index (Name : Entity_Id; X : Node_Id);
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