Commit 60d237af by Jakub Jelinek Committed by Jakub Jelinek

re PR c++/47416 (ICE in build_data_member_initialization, at cp/semantics.c:5509)

	PR c++/47416
	* semantics.c (build_data_member_initialization): Handle
	STATEMENT_LIST always instead of just for CLEANUP_BODY.

	* g++.dg/cpp0x/pr47416.C: New test.

From-SVN: r169447
parent 882020aa
2011-01-31 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR c++/47416
* semantics.c (build_data_member_initialization): Handle
STATEMENT_LIST always instead of just for CLEANUP_BODY.
2011-01-31 Rainer Orth <ro@CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
* g++spec.c (lang_specific_driver) [HAVE_LD_STATIC_DYNAMIC] Use
......@@ -5477,6 +5477,16 @@ build_data_member_initialization (tree t, VEC(constructor_elt,gc) **vec)
t = TREE_OPERAND (t, 0);
if (t == error_mark_node)
return false;
tree_stmt_iterator i;
for (i = tsi_start (t); !tsi_end_p (i); tsi_next (&i))
if (! build_data_member_initialization (tsi_stmt (i), vec))
return false;
return true;
/* We can't see a CLEANUP_STMT in a constructor for a literal class,
......@@ -5484,18 +5494,7 @@ build_data_member_initialization (tree t, VEC(constructor_elt,gc) **vec)
ignore it; either all the initialization will be constant, in which
case the cleanup can't run, or it can't be constexpr.
Still recurse into CLEANUP_BODY. */
tree_stmt_iterator i;
for (i = tsi_start (t); !tsi_end_p (i); tsi_next (&i))
if (! build_data_member_initialization (tsi_stmt (i), vec))
return false;
return true;
return build_data_member_initialization (t, vec);
return build_data_member_initialization (CLEANUP_BODY (t), vec);
t = TREE_OPERAND (t, 0);
2011-01-31 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR c++/47416
* g++.dg/cpp0x/pr47416.C: New test.
2011-01-31 Paul Thomas <>
PR fortran/47519
// PR c++/47416
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-std=c++0x" }
namespace std
template < typename _Tp, _Tp __v > struct integral_constant
static const _Tp value = __v;
typedef integral_constant < bool, false > false_type;
template < typename > struct is_array:false_type
template < typename > struct is_function:false_type
template < typename _Tp > struct remove_const
typedef _Tp type;
template < typename _Tp > struct remove_volatile
typedef _Tp type;
template < typename _Tp > struct remove_cv
typedef typename remove_const < typename remove_volatile <
_Tp >::type >::type type;
template < typename > struct remove_reference
template < typename _Tp > struct remove_reference <_Tp & >
typedef _Tp type;
template < typename _Up, bool = is_array < _Up >::value, bool =
is_function < _Up >::value > struct __decay_selector;
template < typename _Up > struct __decay_selector <_Up, false, false >
typedef typename remove_cv < _Up >::type __type;
template < typename _Tp > class decay
typedef typename remove_reference < _Tp >::type __remove_type;
public:typedef typename __decay_selector <
__remove_type >::__type type;
template < typename _Tp > struct __strip_reference_wrapper
typedef _Tp __type;
template < typename _Tp > struct __decay_and_strip
typedef typename __strip_reference_wrapper < typename decay <
_Tp >::type >::__type __type;
template < typename _Tp > _Tp forward (typename remove_reference <
_Tp >::type &)
template < class _T1, class _T2 > struct pair
_T1 first;
_T2 second;
constexpr pair (_T1, _T2 &):first (), second (__b) // { dg-error "was not declared in this scope" }
template < class _T1,
class _T2 > pair < typename __decay_and_strip < _T1 >::__type,
typename __decay_and_strip < _T2 >::__type > make_pair (_T1 && __x, _T2
&& __y)
typedef typename __decay_and_strip < _T1 >::__type __ds_type1;
typedef typename __decay_and_strip < _T2 >::__type __ds_type2;
typedef pair < __ds_type1, __ds_type2 > __pair_type;
__pair_type (forward < _T1 > (__x), std::forward < _T2 > (__y));
typedef long size_t;
namespace std
template < typename > class allocator;
template < class > struct char_traits;
template < typename _CharT, typename = char_traits < _CharT >, typename =
allocator < _CharT > >class basic_string;
typedef basic_string < char >string;
namespace __gnu_cxx
template < bool > class __pool;
template < template < bool > class, bool > struct __common_pool
template < template < bool > class, bool > struct __common_pool_base;
template < template < bool > class _PoolTp >
struct __common_pool_base <_PoolTp, true >:__common_pool < _PoolTp, true >
template < template < bool > class _PoolTp,
bool _Thread > struct __common_pool_policy:__common_pool_base < _PoolTp,
_Thread >
template < typename, template < bool > class _PoolTp1 =
_PoolTp, bool _Thread1 = _Thread > struct _M_rebind
typedef __common_pool_policy < _PoolTp1, _Thread1 > other;
template < typename _Tp > class __mt_alloc_base
template < typename _Tp, typename _Poolp = __common_pool_policy < __pool, true > >class __mt_alloc:public __mt_alloc_base <
public:size_t size_type;
typedef _Tp value_type;
template < typename _Tp1, typename _Poolp1 = _Poolp > struct rebind
typedef typename _Poolp1::template _M_rebind < _Tp1 >::other pol_type;
typedef __mt_alloc < _Tp1, pol_type > other;
namespace std
template < typename _Tp > class allocator:public __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc <
_Tp >
template < typename, typename > struct unary_function
template < typename, typename, typename > struct binary_function
template < typename _Tp > struct equal_to:binary_function < _Tp, _Tp, bool >
namespace boost
template < class > struct hash;
template < class K, class T, class = hash < K >, class =
std::equal_to < K >, class =
std::allocator < std::pair < const K, T > >>class unordered_map;
template < >struct hash <std::string >:std::unary_function < std::string,
size_t >
namespace unordered_detail
template < class Alloc, class T > struct rebind_wrap
typedef typename Alloc::template rebind < T >::other type;
namespace unordered_detail
size_t default_bucket_count;
template < class, class > struct map_extractor;
struct ungrouped
template < class T > class hash_table:T::buckets, T::buffered_functions
template < class, class, class H, class P, class A, class, class G > struct types
typedef H hasher;
typedef P key_equal;
typedef A value_allocator;
template < class T > class hash_unique_table:T
public:typedef typename T::hasher hasher;
typedef typename T::key_equal key_equal;
typedef typename T::value_allocator value_allocator;
typedef typename T::table table;
hash_unique_table (size_t n, hasher, key_equal,
value_allocator & a):table (n, a) // { dg-error "is not a direct base" }
template < class K, class H, class P, class A > struct map:types < K,
typename A::value_type, H, P, A, map_extractor < K,
typename A::value_type >, ungrouped >
typedef hash_unique_table < map < K, H, P, A > >impl;
typedef hash_table < map < K, H, P, A > >table;
template < class K, class T, class H, class P, class A > class unordered_map
typedef std::pair < const K, T > value_type;
typedef H hasher;
typedef P key_equal;
typedef A allocator_type;
typedef typename unordered_detail::rebind_wrap < allocator_type,
value_type >::type value_allocator;
typedef boost::unordered_detail::map < K, H, P, value_allocator > types;
typedef typename types::impl table;
typedef size_t size_type;
private:table table_;
public: unordered_map (size_type n = boost::unordered_detail::default_bucket_count,
hasher hf = hasher (), key_equal eql = key_equal (),
allocator_type a = allocator_type ()):table_ (n, hf, eql, a) // { dg-message "instantiated" }
foo (const int &a)
typedef boost::unordered_map < std::string, int >Name2Port;
Name2Port b; // { dg-message "instantiated" }
std::make_pair (a, b);
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