Commit 5dc203d2 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2016-10-13  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

	* sem_ch10.adb (Entity_Needs_Body): A generic
	subprogram renaming needs a body if the renamed unit is declared
	outside the current compilation unit.

2016-10-13  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

	*, sem_ch12.adb, sem.adb, expander.adb,,
	sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch8.adb, s-memory.adb: Minor reformatting.

2016-10-13  Vincent Celier  <>

	* gnatcmd.adb: Delete all temporary files when invoked as gnat
	list -V -P ...

2016-10-13  Ed Falis  <>

	* impunit.adb: add
	* s-interr-vxworks.adb: add hook for user interrupt connection routine.

From-SVN: r241112
parent 3396fcc0
2016-10-13 Hristian Kirtchev <>
* sem_ch10.adb (Entity_Needs_Body): A generic
subprogram renaming needs a body if the renamed unit is declared
outside the current compilation unit.
2016-10-13 Hristian Kirtchev <>
*, sem_ch12.adb, sem.adb, expander.adb,,
sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch8.adb, s-memory.adb: Minor reformatting.
2016-10-13 Vincent Celier <>
* gnatcmd.adb: Delete all temporary files when invoked as gnat
list -V -P ...
2016-10-13 Ed Falis <>
* impunit.adb: add
* s-interr-vxworks.adb: add hook for user interrupt connection routine.
2016-10-13 Ed Falis <>
* s-interr-hwint.adb, s-interr-vxworks.adb: Rename s-interr-hwint.adb
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ package body Expander is
-- corresponding expand routines.
case Nkind (N) is
when N_Abort_Statement =>
Expand_N_Abort_Statement (N);
......@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ procedure GNATCmd is
if Add_Sources then
Tempdir.Create_Temp_File (FD, Temp_File_Name);
Record_Temp_File (Project_Tree.Shared, Temp_File_Name);
Last_Switches.Table (Last_Switches.Last) :=
new String'("-files=" & Get_Name_String (Temp_File_Name));
......@@ -1214,6 +1215,11 @@ begin
end if;
My_Exit_Status := Exit_Status (Spawn (Exec_Path.all, The_Args));
if not Keep_Temporary_Files then
Delete_All_Temp_Files (Project_Tree.Shared);
end if;
Set_Exit_Status (My_Exit_Status);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ package body Impunit is
("i-java ", F), -- Interfaces.Java
("i-javjni", F), -- Interfaces.Java.JNI
("i-pacdec", F), -- Interfaces.Packed_Decimal
("i-vxinco", F), -- Interfaces.VxWorks.Int_Connection
("i-vxwoio", F), -- Interfaces.VxWorks.IO
("i-vxwork", F), -- Interfaces.VxWorks
......@@ -196,6 +196,22 @@ package body System.Interrupts is
-- be connected but disconnection is not possible on VxWorks. Therefore
-- we ensure Notify_Installed is connected at most once.
type Interrupt_Connector is access function
(Vector : Interrupt_Vector;
Handler : Interrupt_Handler;
Parameter : System.Address := System.Null_Address) return int;
-- Profile must match VxWorks intConnect()
Interrupt_Connect : Interrupt_Connector :=
pragma Export (C, Interrupt_Connect, "__gnat_user_int_connect");
-- Allow user alternatives to the OS implementation of
-- System.OS_Interface.Interrupt_Connect. This allows the user to
-- associate a handler with an interrupt source when an alternate routine
-- is needed to do so. The association is performed in
-- Interfaces.VxWorks.Interrupt_Connections. Defaults to the standard OS
-- connection routine.
-- Local Subprograms --
......@@ -505,11 +521,12 @@ package body System.Interrupts is
-- Only install umbrella handler when no Ada handler has already been
-- installed. Note that the interrupt number is passed as a parameter
-- when an interrupt occurs, so the umbrella handler has a different
-- wrapper generated by intConnect for each interrupt number.
-- wrapper generated by the connector routine for each interrupt
-- number.
if not Handler_Installed (Interrupt) then
Status :=
Interrupt_Connect (Vec, Handler, System.Address (Interrupt));
Interrupt_Connect.all (Vec, Handler, System.Address (Interrupt));
pragma Assert (Status = 0);
Handler_Installed (Interrupt) := True;
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ package body System.Memory is
use System.Soft_Links;
function c_malloc (Size : System.CRTL.size_t) return System.Address
renames System.CRTL.malloc;
renames System.CRTL.malloc;
procedure c_free (Ptr : System.Address)
......@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ package body Sem is
-- unconditionally, and has no restore mechanism, because it is
-- intended as a lowest-level Pure package.
Save_Max_Line : constant Int := Style_Max_Line_Length;
Save_Max_Line : constant Int := Style_Max_Line_Length;
List : Elist_Id;
......@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ package body Sem is
-- Check for scope mismatch on exit from compilation
pragma Assert (Current_Scope = Standard_Standard
or else Comp_Unit = Cunit (Main_Unit));
or else Comp_Unit = Cunit (Main_Unit));
-- Then pop entry for Standard, and pop implicit types
......@@ -6145,15 +6145,14 @@ package body Sem_Ch10 is
procedure Check_Body_Needed_For_SAL (Unit_Name : Entity_Id) is
function Entity_Needs_Body (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determine whether use of entity E might require the presence of its
-- body. For a package this requires a recursive traversal of all nested
-- declarations.
-- Entity_Needed_For_SAL --
-- Entity_Needs_Body --
function Entity_Needs_Body (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Ent : Entity_Id;
......@@ -6163,7 +6162,18 @@ package body Sem_Ch10 is
return True;
elsif Ekind_In (E, E_Generic_Function, E_Generic_Procedure) then
return True;
-- A generic subprogram always requires the presence of its
-- body because an instantiation needs both templates. The only
-- exceptions is a generic subprogram renaming. In this case the
-- body is needed only when the template is declared outside the
-- compilation unit being checked.
if Present (Renamed_Entity (E)) then
return not Within_Scope (E, Unit_Name);
return True;
end if;
elsif Ekind (E) = E_Generic_Package
and then
......@@ -14259,7 +14259,6 @@ package body Sem_Ch12 is
Copy_Dimensions (N2, N);
end if;
end Set_Global_Type;
......@@ -14335,7 +14334,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch12 is
if Is_Global (Entity (Original_Node (N2))) then
N2 := Original_Node (N2);
Set_Associated_Node (N, N2);
Set_Global_Type (N, N2);
Set_Global_Type (N, N2);
-- Renaming is local, and will be resolved in instance
......@@ -14377,7 +14376,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch12 is
if Is_Global (Entity (Parent (N2))) then
Change_Selected_Component_To_Expanded_Name (Parent (N));
Set_Associated_Node (Parent (N), Parent (N2));
Set_Global_Type (Parent (N), Parent (N2));
Set_Global_Type (Parent (N), Parent (N2));
Save_Entity_Descendants (N);
-- If this is a reference to the current generic entity, replace
......@@ -14436,7 +14435,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch12 is
if Is_Global (Entity (Name (Parent (N2)))) then
Change_Selected_Component_To_Expanded_Name (Parent (N));
Set_Associated_Node (Parent (N), Name (Parent (N2)));
Set_Global_Type (Parent (N), Name (Parent (N2)));
Set_Global_Type (Parent (N), Name (Parent (N2)));
Save_Entity_Descendants (N);
......@@ -231,18 +231,17 @@ package body Sem_Ch4 is
R : Node_Id;
Op_Id : Entity_Id;
T1 : Entity_Id);
-- For equality and comparison operators, the result is always boolean,
-- and the legality of the operation is determined from the visibility
-- of the operand types. If one of the operands has a universal interpre-
-- tation, the legality check uses some compatible non-universal
-- interpretation of the other operand. N can be an operator node, or
-- a function call whose name is an operator designator. Any_Access, which
-- is the initial type of the literal NULL, is a universal type for the
-- purpose of this routine.
-- For equality and comparison operators, the result is always boolean, and
-- the legality of the operation is determined from the visibility of the
-- operand types. If one of the operands has a universal interpretation,
-- the legality check uses some compatible non-universal interpretation of
-- the other operand. N can be an operator node, or a function call whose
-- name is an operator designator. Any_Access, which is the initial type of
-- the literal NULL, is a universal type for the purpose of this routine.
function Find_Primitive_Operation (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Find candidate interpretations for the name Obj.Proc when it appears
-- in a subprogram renaming declaration.
-- Find candidate interpretations for the name Obj.Proc when it appears in
-- a subprogram renaming declaration.
procedure Find_Unary_Types
(R : Node_Id;
......@@ -8197,9 +8197,9 @@ package body Sem_Ch8 is
-- semantics of pragma Component_Alignment.
if Scope_Stack.Last > Scope_Stack.First then
SST.Component_Alignment_Default := Scope_Stack.Table
(Scope_Stack.Last - 1).
SST.Component_Alignment_Default :=
(Scope_Stack.Last - 1). Component_Alignment_Default;
-- Otherwise, this is the first scope being pushed on the scope
-- stack. Inherit the component alignment from the configuration
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -47,34 +47,12 @@ package Sem_Res is
-- Resolve routines also complete the semantic analysis, and call the
-- expander for possible expansion of the completely type resolved node.
procedure Resolve (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id);
procedure Resolve (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
-- Top level type-checking procedure, called in a complete context. The
-- construct N, which is a subexpression, has already been analyzed, and
-- is required to be of type Typ given the analysis of the context (which
-- uses the information gathered on the bottom up phase in Analyze). The
-- resolve routines do various other processing, e.g. static evaluation.
-- If a Suppress argument is present, then the resolution is done with the
-- specified check suppressed (can be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
procedure Resolve (N : Node_Id);
-- A version of Resolve where the type to be used for resolution is
-- taken from the Etype (N). This is commonly used in cases where the
-- context does not add anything and the first pass of analysis found
-- the correct expected type.
procedure Resolve_Discrete_Subtype_Indication
(N : Node_Id;
Typ : Entity_Id);
-- Resolve subtype indications in choices (case statements and
-- aggregates) and in index constraints. Note that the resulting Etype
-- of the subtype indication node is set to the Etype of the contained
-- range (i.e. an Itype is not constructed for the actual subtype).
procedure Resolve_Entry (Entry_Name : Node_Id);
-- Find name of entry being called, and resolve prefix of name with its
-- own type. For now we assume that the prefix cannot be overloaded and
-- the name of the entry plays no role in the resolution.
procedure Ambiguous_Character (C : Node_Id);
-- Give list of candidate interpretations when a character literal cannot
-- be resolved, for example in a (useless) comparison such as 'A' = 'B'.
-- In Ada 95 the literals in question can be of type Character or Wide_
-- Character. In Ada 2005 Wide_Wide_Character is also a candidate. The
-- node may also be overloaded with user-defined character types.
procedure Analyze_And_Resolve (N : Node_Id);
procedure Analyze_And_Resolve (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id);
......@@ -92,36 +70,58 @@ package Sem_Res is
-- is not present, then the Etype of the expression after the Analyze
-- call is used for the Resolve.
procedure Ambiguous_Character (C : Node_Id);
-- Give list of candidate interpretations when a character literal cannot
-- be resolved, for example in a (useless) comparison such as 'A' = 'B'.
-- In Ada 95 the literals in question can be of type Character or Wide_
-- Character. In Ada 2005 Wide_Wide_Character is also a candidate. The
-- node may also be overloaded with user-defined character types.
procedure Check_Parameterless_Call (N : Node_Id);
-- Several forms of names can denote calls to entities without para-
-- meters. The context determines whether the name denotes the entity
-- or a call to it. When it is a call, the node must be rebuilt
-- accordingly and reanalyzed to obtain possible interpretations.
-- Several forms of names can denote calls to entities without parameters.
-- The context determines whether the name denotes the entity or a call to
-- it. When it is a call, the node must be rebuilt accordingly and
-- reanalyzed to obtain possible interpretations.
-- The name may be that of an overloadable construct, or it can be an
-- explicit dereference of a prefix that denotes an access to subprogram.
-- In that case, we want to convert the name into a call only if the
-- context requires the return type of the subprogram. Finally, a
-- context requires the return type of the subprogram. Finally, a
-- parameterless protected subprogram appears as a selected component.
-- The parameter T is the Typ for the corresponding resolve call.
procedure Preanalyze_And_Resolve (N : Node_Id; T : Entity_Id);
-- Performs a pre-analysis of expression node N. During pre-analysis,
-- N is analyzed and then resolved against type T, but no expansion
-- is carried out for N or its children. For more info on pre-analysis
-- read the spec of Sem.
-- Performs a pre-analysis of expression node N. During pre-analysis, N is
-- analyzed and then resolved against type T, but no expansion is carried
-- out for N or its children. For more info on pre-analysis read the spec
-- of Sem.
procedure Preanalyze_And_Resolve (N : Node_Id);
-- Same, but use type of node because context does not impose a single type
procedure Resolve (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id);
procedure Resolve (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
-- Top-level type-checking procedure, called in a complete context. The
-- construct N, which is a subexpression, has already been analyzed, and
-- is required to be of type Typ given the analysis of the context (which
-- uses the information gathered on the bottom-up phase in Analyze). The
-- resolve routines do various other processing, e.g. static evaluation.
-- If a Suppress argument is present, then the resolution is done with the
-- specified check suppressed (can be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
procedure Resolve (N : Node_Id);
-- A version of Resolve where the type to be used for resolution is taken
-- from the Etype (N). This is commonly used in cases where the context
-- does not add anything and the first pass of analysis found the correct
-- expected type.
procedure Resolve_Discrete_Subtype_Indication
(N : Node_Id;
Typ : Entity_Id);
-- Resolve subtype indications in choices (case statements and aggregates)
-- and in index constraints. Note that the resulting Etype of the subtype_
-- indication node is set to the Etype of the contained range (i.e. an
-- Itype is not constructed for the actual subtype).
procedure Resolve_Entry (Entry_Name : Node_Id);
-- Find name of entry being called, and resolve prefix of name with its
-- own type. For now we assume that the prefix cannot be overloaded and
-- the name of the entry plays no role in the resolution.
function Valid_Conversion
(N : Node_Id;
Target : Entity_Id;
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ package Sem_Res is
procedure Resolve_Implicit_Type (N : Node_Id) renames Resolve;
pragma Inline (Resolve_Implicit_Type);
-- We use this renaming to make the application of Inline very explicit
-- to this version, since other versions of Resolve are not inlined.
-- We use this renaming to make the application of Inline very explicit to
-- this version, since other versions of Resolve are not inlined.
end Sem_Res;
......@@ -5232,13 +5232,13 @@ package Sinfo is
-- Acts_As_Spec (Flag4-Sem)
-- Bad_Is_Detected (Flag15) used only by parser
-- Do_Storage_Check (Flag17-Sem)
-- Has_Relative_Deadline_Pragma (Flag9-Sem)
-- Is_Entry_Barrier_Function (Flag8-Sem)
-- Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body (Flag7-Sem)
-- Is_Task_Body_Procedure (Flag1-Sem)
-- Is_Task_Master (Flag5-Sem)
-- Was_Originally_Stub (Flag13-Sem)
-- Has_Relative_Deadline_Pragma (Flag9-Sem)
-- Was_Expression_Function (Flag18-Sem)
-- Was_Originally_Stub (Flag13-Sem)
-- Expression Function --
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