Commit 57d891b4 by Andrew Haley Committed by Andrew Haley (getKerning): Return result in a float[], not a Point2D.

2008-11-05  Andrew Haley  <>

        * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/ (getKerning):
        Return result in a float[], not a Point2D.
        (performDefaultLayout): Call getKerning with a float[].
        * native/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector.c
        (getKerning): Return result in a float[], not a Point2D.

From-SVN: r141610
parent f1581883
2008-11-05 Andrew Haley <>
* gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/ (getKerning):
Return result in a float[], not a Point2D.
(performDefaultLayout): Call getKerning with a float[].
* native/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector.c
(getKerning): Return result in a float[], not a Point2D.
2008-11-05 Andrew Haley <>
.svn directories.
......@@ -247,7 +247,8 @@ public class FreetypeGlyphVector extends GlyphVector
* Returns the kerning of a glyph pair
private native Point2D getKerning(int leftGlyph, int rightGlyph, long font);
private native void getKerning(int leftGlyph, int rightGlyph, long font,
float[] p);
private native double[] getMetricsNative(int glyphCode, long font);
......@@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ public class FreetypeGlyphVector extends GlyphVector
GlyphMetrics gm = null;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float[] p = {0.0f, 0.0f};
for(int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++)
gm = getGlyphMetrics( i );
......@@ -314,9 +316,9 @@ public class FreetypeGlyphVector extends GlyphVector
// using the same font
if (i != nGlyphs-1 && fontSet[i] == fontSet[i+1])
Point2D p = getKerning(glyphCodes[i], glyphCodes[i + 1], fontSet[i]);
x += p.getX();
y += p.getY();
getKerning(glyphCodes[i], glyphCodes[i + 1], fontSet[i], p);
x += p[0];
y += p[1];
glyphPositions[nGlyphs * 2] = x;
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ extern "C"
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_dispose (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jlongArray);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getNativeFontPointer (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jint);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getGlyphs (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jintArray, jintArray, jlongArray);
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getKerning (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jint, jint, jlong);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getKerning (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jint, jint, jlong, jfloatArray);
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getMetricsNative (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jint, jlong);
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getGlyphOutlineNative (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jint, jlong);
......@@ -169,9 +169,10 @@ Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getGlyphs
(*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements (env, fonts, fontArray, 0);
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj __attribute__((unused)), jint rightGlyph, jint leftGlyph, jlong fnt)
(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj __attribute__((unused)), jint rightGlyph,
jint leftGlyph, jlong fnt, jfloatArray p)
FT_Face ft_face;
FT_Vector kern;
......@@ -187,12 +188,10 @@ Java_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_FreetypeGlyphVector_getKerning
pango_fc_font_unlock_face( font );
values[0].d = (jdouble)kern.x/64.0;
values[1].d = (jdouble)kern.y/64.0;
cls = (*env)->FindClass (env, "java/awt/geom/Point2D$Double");
method = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, cls, "<init>", "(DD)V");
return (*env)->NewObjectA(env, cls, method, values);
jfloat *pelements = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, p, NULL);
pelements[0] = (jfloat)kern.x/64.0;
pelements[1] = (jfloat)kern.y/64.0;
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical (env, p, pelements, 0);
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