Commit 545d3e65 by Robert Dewar Committed by Arnaud Charlet

gnatlink.adb (Gnatlink): Check for suspicious executable file names on windows.

2014-01-23  Robert Dewar  <>

	* gnatlink.adb (Gnatlink): Check for suspicious executable file
	names on windows.

2014-01-23  Robert Dewar  <>

	* Remove bad uses of AND which should be AND THEN.
	* sem_res.adb (Check_No_Direct_Boolean_Operators): Don't give
	style errors in instances.
	* (Static_HTable): Comment updates.

From-SVN: r206986
parent cc55f9be
2014-01-23 Robert Dewar <>
* gnatlink.adb (Gnatlink): Check for suspicious executable file
names on windows.
2014-01-23 Robert Dewar <>
* Remove bad uses of AND which should be AND THEN.
* sem_res.adb (Check_No_Direct_Boolean_Operators): Don't give
style errors in instances.
* (Static_HTable): Comment updates.
2014-01-23 Vincent Celier <>
* prj-conf.adb (Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File): Do not attempt
......@@ -103,27 +103,27 @@ package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions is
(Y : Float_Type'Base;
X : Float_Type'Base := 1.0) return Float_Type'Base
Post => (if X > 0.0 and Y = 0.0 then Arctan'Result = 0.0);
Post => (if X > 0.0 and then Y = 0.0 then Arctan'Result = 0.0);
function Arctan
(Y : Float_Type'Base;
X : Float_Type'Base := 1.0;
Cycle : Float_Type'Base) return Float_Type'Base
Post => (if X > 0.0 and Y = 0.0 then Arctan'Result = 0.0);
Post => (if X > 0.0 and then Y = 0.0 then Arctan'Result = 0.0);
function Arccot
(X : Float_Type'Base;
Y : Float_Type'Base := 1.0) return Float_Type'Base
Post => (if X > 0.0 and Y = 0.0 then Arccot'Result = 0.0);
Post => (if X > 0.0 and then Y = 0.0 then Arccot'Result = 0.0);
function Arccot
(X : Float_Type'Base;
Y : Float_Type'Base := 1.0;
Cycle : Float_Type'Base) return Float_Type'Base
Post => (if X > 0.0 and Y = 0.0 then Arccot'Result = 0.0);
Post => (if X > 0.0 and then Y = 0.0 then Arccot'Result = 0.0);
function Sinh (X : Float_Type'Base) return Float_Type'Base with
Post => (if X = 0.0 then Sinh'Result = 0.0);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1995-2010, AdaCore --
-- Copyright (C) 1995-2013, AdaCore --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -54,12 +54,11 @@ package GNAT.Dynamic_HTables is
-- A low-level Hash-Table abstraction, not as easy to instantiate as
-- Simple_HTable but designed to allow complete control over the
-- allocation of necessary data structures. Particularly useful when
-- dynamic allocation is not desired. The model is that each Element
-- contains its own Key that can be retrieved by Get_Key. Furthermore,
-- Element provides a link that can be used by the HTable for linking
-- elements with same hash codes:
-- Simple_HTable. This mirrors the interface of GNAT.HTable.Static_HTable,
-- but does require dynamic allocation (since we allow multiple instances
-- of the table. The model is that each Element contains its own Key that
-- can be retrieved by Get_Key. Furthermore, Element provides a link that
-- can be used by the HTable for linking elements with same hash codes:
-- Element
......@@ -133,11 +132,9 @@ package GNAT.Dynamic_HTables is
-- elements of the Htable will be traversed.
type Instance_Data;
type Instance is access all Instance_Data;
Nil : constant Instance := null;
end Static_HTable;
......@@ -294,8 +294,9 @@ procedure Gnatlink is
for J in Units.Table'First .. Units.Last loop
Sfile := Units.Table (J).Sfile;
if Sfile = Efile then
Exit_With_Error ("executable name """ & File_Name & """ matches "
& "source file name """ & Get_Name_String (Sfile) & """");
("executable name """ & File_Name & """ matches "
& "source file name """ & Get_Name_String (Sfile) & """");
end if;
end loop;
......@@ -1779,15 +1780,65 @@ begin
-- on Unix. On non-Unix systems executables have a suffix, so the warning
-- will not appear. However, do not warn in the case of a cross compiler.
-- Assume this is a cross tool if the executable name is not gnatlink
-- Assume this is a cross tool if the executable name is not gnatlink.
-- Note that the executable name is also gnatlink on windows, but in that
-- case the output file name will be test.exe rather than test.
if Base_Command_Name.all = "gnatlink"
and then Output_File_Name.all = "test"
Error_Msg ("warning: executable name """ & Output_File_Name.all
& """ may conflict with shell command");
& """ may conflict with shell command");
end if;
-- Special warnings for worrisome file names on windows
-- Windows-7 will not allow an executable file whose name contains any
-- of the substrings "install", "setup", or "update" to load without
-- special administration privileges. This rather incredible behavior
-- is Microsoft's idea of a useful security precaution.
Bad_File_Names_On_Windows : declare
FN : String := Output_File_Name.all;
procedure Check_File_Name (S : String);
-- Warn if file name has the substring S
procedure Check_File_Name (S : String) is
for J in 1 .. FN'Length - (S'Length - 1) loop
if FN (J .. J + (S'Length - 1)) = S then
("warning: possible problem with executable name """
& Output_File_Name.all & '"');
("file name contains substring """ & S & '"');
("admin privileges may be required on Windows 7 "
& "to load this file");
end if;
end loop;
end Check_File_Name;
-- Start of processing for Bad_File_Names_On_Windows
for J in FN'Range loop
FN (J) := Csets.Fold_Lower (FN (J));
end loop;
-- For now we detect windows by an output executable name ending with
-- the suffix .exe (excluding VMS which might use that same name).
if FN'Length > 5
and then FN (FN'Last - 3 .. FN'Last) = ".exe"
Check_File_Name ("install");
Check_File_Name ("setup");
Check_File_Name ("update");
end if;
end Bad_File_Names_On_Windows;
-- If -M switch was specified, add the switches to create the map file
if Create_Map_File then
......@@ -976,8 +976,12 @@ package body Sem_Res is
end if;
end if;
-- Do style check (but skip if in instance, error is on template)
if Style_Check then
Check_Boolean_Operator (N);
if not In_Instance then
Check_Boolean_Operator (N);
end if;
end if;
end Check_No_Direct_Boolean_Operators;
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