Commit 52860cc1 by Eric Botcazou Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Fix wrong assumption on bounds in GNAT.Encode_String

This fixes a couple of oversights in the GNAT.Encode_String package,
whose effect is to assume that all the strings have a lower bound of 1.

2019-07-22  Eric Botcazou  <>


	* libgnat/g-encstr.adb (Encode_Wide_String): Fix oversight.
	(Encode_Wide_Wide_String): Likewise.


	* gnat.dg/encode_string1.adb, gnat.dg/encode_string1_pkg.adb,
	gnat.dg/ New testcase.

From-SVN: r273674
parent f3d2fbfd
2019-07-22 Eric Botcazou <>
* libgnat/g-encstr.adb (Encode_Wide_String): Fix oversight.
(Encode_Wide_Wide_String): Likewise.
2019-07-22 Eric Botcazou <>
* sem_warn.adb (Find_Var): Bail out for a function call with an
Out or In/Out parameter.
......@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ package body GNAT.Encode_String is
Ptr : Natural;
Ptr := S'First;
Ptr := Result'First;
for J in S'Range loop
Encode_Wide_Character (S (J), Result, Ptr);
end loop;
Length := Ptr - S'First;
Length := Ptr - Result'First;
end Encode_Wide_String;
......@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ package body GNAT.Encode_String is
Ptr : Natural;
Ptr := S'First;
Ptr := Result'First;
for J in S'Range loop
Encode_Wide_Wide_Character (S (J), Result, Ptr);
end loop;
Length := Ptr - S'First;
Length := Ptr - Result'First;
end Encode_Wide_Wide_String;
2019-07-22 Eric Botcazou <>
* gnat.dg/encode_string1.adb, gnat.dg/encode_string1_pkg.adb,
gnat.dg/ New testcase.
2019-07-22 Eric Botcazou <>
* gnat.dg/warn23.adb: New testcase.
2019-07-22 Javier Miranda <>
-- { dg-do run }
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Encode_String1_Pkg;
with GNAT.Encode_String;
with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con;
procedure Encode_String1 is
High_WS : constant Wide_String (1000 .. 1009) := (others => '1');
High_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String (1000 .. 1009) := (others => '2');
Low_WS : constant Wide_String (3 .. 12) := (others => '3');
Low_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String (3 .. 12) := (others => '4');
procedure Test_Method (Method : WC_Encoding_Method);
-- Test Wide_String and Wide_Wide_String encodings using method Method to
-- encode them.
-- Test_Method --
procedure Test_Method (Method : WC_Encoding_Method) is
package Encoder is new GNAT.Encode_String (Method);
procedure WS_Tester is new Encode_String1_Pkg
(C => Wide_Character,
S => Wide_String,
Encode => Encoder.Encode_Wide_String);
procedure WWS_Tester is new Encode_String1_Pkg
(C => Wide_Wide_Character,
S => Wide_Wide_String,
Encode => Encoder.Encode_Wide_Wide_String);
WS_Tester (High_WS);
WS_Tester (Low_WS);
WWS_Tester (High_WWS);
WWS_Tester (Low_WWS);
end Test_Method;
-- Start of processing for Main
for Method in WC_Encoding_Method'Range loop
Test_Method (Method);
end loop;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Encode_String1_Pkg (Val : S) is
Result : constant String := Encode (Val);
Put_Line (Result);
when Ex : others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Unexpected exception " & Exception_Name (Ex));
type C is private;
type S is array (Positive range <>) of C;
with function Encode (Val : S) return String;
procedure Encode_String1_Pkg (Val : S);
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