Commit 35a41b73 by Quentin Ochem Committed by Arnaud Charlet, ali.adb (Get_Nat): Raise an exception if the file cursor is not on a natural.

2007-04-06  Quentin Ochem  <>

	*, ali.adb (Get_Nat): Raise an exception if the file cursor is
	not on a natural.
	(Scan_ALI): Cancel the xref line if there has been a reading ALI error.

From-SVN: r123548
parent 320ae22a
......@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ package body ALI is
function Get_Nat return Nat;
-- Skip blanks, then scan out an unsigned integer value in Nat range
-- raises ALI_Reading_Error if the encoutered type is not natural.
function Get_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Skip blanks, then scan out a time stamp
......@@ -347,7 +348,6 @@ package body ALI is
-- Find start of line
Ptr1 := P;
while Ptr1 > T'First
and then T (Ptr1 - 1) /= CR
and then T (Ptr1 - 1) /= LF
......@@ -478,9 +478,17 @@ package body ALI is
-- Check if we are on a number. In the case of bas ALI files, this
-- may not be true.
if not (Nextc in '0' .. '9') then
end if;
V := 0;
V := V * 10 + (Character'Pos (Getc) - Character'Pos ('0'));
exit when At_End_Of_Field;
exit when Nextc < '0' or Nextc > '9';
end loop;
......@@ -2186,6 +2194,24 @@ package body ALI is
XE.Last_Xref := Xref.Last;
C := Nextc;
when Bad_ALI_Format =>
-- If ignoring errors, then we skip a line with an
-- unexpected error, and try to continue subsequent
-- xref lines.
if Ignore_Errors then
C := Nextc;
-- Otherwise, we reraise the fatal exception
end if;
end Read_Refs_For_One_Entity;
end loop;
......@@ -2209,7 +2235,6 @@ package body ALI is
when Bad_ALI_Format =>
return No_ALI_Id;
end Scan_ALI;
......@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ package ALI is
-- reference for the entity name.
Oref_File_Num : Sdep_Id;
-- This field is set to No_Sdep_Id is the entity doesn't override any
-- This field is set to No_Sdep_Id if the entity doesn't override any
-- other entity, or to the dependency reference for the overriden
-- entity.
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