Commit 3405870d by Ed Falis Committed by Arnaud Charlet

Reorganize code.

From-SVN: r146109
parent 1f07382d
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
* s-osinte-vxworks-kernel.adb, s-osinte-vxworks.adb,, s-vxwext-kernel.adb, Reorganize s-osinte-vxworks* and s-vxwext*.,, s-vxwext-rtp.adb: Reorganize
s-osinte-vxworks* and s-vxwext*.
2009-04-15 Arnaud Charlet <>
......@@ -26,40 +26,57 @@
-- --
-- This is the VxWorks 6 rtp version of this package
-- This package provides vxworks specific support functions needed
-- by System.OS_Interface.
-- This is the VxWorks 6 RTP version of this package
package body System.VxWorks.Ext is
function Task_Cont (tid : t_id) return int is
pragma Unreferenced (tid);
-- Operation not allowed in an RTP
return 0;
end Task_Cont;
ERROR : constant := -1;
function Task_Stop (tid : t_id) return int is
pragma Unreferenced (tid);
-- Operation not allowed in an RTP
return 0;
end Task_Stop;
-- Int_Lock --
function Int_Lock return int is
-- Operation not allowed in an RTP
return 0;
return ERROR;
end Int_Lock;
-- Int_Unlock --
function Int_Unlock return int is
-- Operation not allowed in an RTP
return 0;
return ERROR;
end Int_Unlock;
-- Set_Time_Slice --
function Set_Time_Slice (ticks : int) return int is
pragma Unreferenced (ticks);
return 0;
return ERROR;
end Set_Time_Slice;
function Interrupt_Connect
(Vector : Interrupt_Vector;
Handler : Interrupt_Handler;
Parameter : System.Address := System.Null_Address) return int is
pragma Unreferenced (Vector, Handler, Parameter);
return ERROR;
end Interrupt_Connect;
function Interrupt_Number_To_Vector
(intNum : int) return Interrupt_Vector is
pragma Unreferenced (intNum);
return 0;
end Interrupt_Number_To_Vector;
end System.VxWorks.Ext;
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-- This package provides vxworks specific support functions needed
-- by System.OS_Interface.
-- This is the VxWorks 6 rtp version of this package
-- This is the VxWorks 6 RTP version of this package
with Interfaces.C;
......@@ -39,11 +39,10 @@ package System.VxWorks.Ext is
type t_id is new Long_Integer;
subtype int is;
function Task_Cont (tid : t_id) return int;
pragma Inline (Task_Cont);
type Interrupt_Handler is access procedure (parameter : System.Address);
pragma Convention (C, Interrupt_Handler);
function Task_Stop (tid : t_id) return int;
pragma Inline (Task_Stop);
type Interrupt_Vector is new System.Address;
function Int_Lock return int;
pragma Inline (Int_Lock);
......@@ -51,13 +50,29 @@ package System.VxWorks.Ext is
function Int_Unlock return int;
pragma Inline (Int_Unlock);
function Interrupt_Connect
(Vector : Interrupt_Vector;
Handler : Interrupt_Handler;
Parameter : System.Address := System.Null_Address) return int;
pragma Convention (C, Interrupt_Connect);
function Interrupt_Number_To_Vector
(intNum : int) return Interrupt_Vector;
pragma Convention (C, Interrupt_Number_To_Vector);
function Task_Cont (tid : t_id) return int;
pragma Import (C, Task_Cont, "taskResume");
function Task_Stop (tid : t_id) return int;
pragma Import (C, Task_Stop, "taskSuspend");
function kill (pid : t_id; sig : int) return int;
pragma Import (C, kill, "taskKill");
function Set_Time_Slice (ticks : int) return int;
pragma Inline (Set_Time_Slice);
function getpid return t_id;
pragma Import (C, getpid, "getpid");
function Set_Time_Slice (ticks : int) return int;
pragma Inline (Set_Time_Slice);
end System.VxWorks.Ext;
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