Commit 2a738b34 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2015-10-16  Bob Duff  <>

	* Add two check names: Container_Checks and
	Tampering_Check.  Move the tampering check machinery from
	Ada.Containers.Vectors to Ada.Containers. Later we can share it
	with other containers.
	Disable the tampering machinery in the presence of
	Simplify the implementation of tampering checks. E.g. use RAII
	to make incrementing/decrementing of the counts more concise.
	* a-contai.adb: New package body, implementing the above.
	*, a-convec.adb: Use tampering check machinery
	in Ada.Containers.
	Disable all checking code when checks are suppressed.
	Simplify many of the operations. Implement "&" in terms of Append,
	rather than "by hand".
	Remove: function "=" (L, R : Elements_Array) return Boolean is
	abstract; so we can call the predefined "=" on Elements_Array.
	For "=" on Vectors: Previously, we returned True immediately if
	Left'Address = Right'Address.  That seems like a non-optimization
	("if X = X" is unusual), so removed that.  Simplify by using
	slice comparison ("=" on Element_Array will automatically call
	"=" on the components, even if user defined).

2015-10-16  Ed Schonberg  <>

	* sem_ch13.adb (Chek_Record_Representation_Clause): When
	iterating over components, skip anonymous subtypes created for
	constrained array components.

From-SVN: r228896
parent 00c93ba2
2015-10-16 Bob Duff <>
* Add two check names: Container_Checks and
Tampering_Check. Move the tampering check machinery from
Ada.Containers.Vectors to Ada.Containers. Later we can share it
with other containers.
Disable the tampering machinery in the presence of
Simplify the implementation of tampering checks. E.g. use RAII
to make incrementing/decrementing of the counts more concise.
* a-contai.adb: New package body, implementing the above.
*, a-convec.adb: Use tampering check machinery
in Ada.Containers.
Disable all checking code when checks are suppressed.
Simplify many of the operations. Implement "&" in terms of Append,
rather than "by hand".
Remove: function "=" (L, R : Elements_Array) return Boolean is
abstract; so we can call the predefined "=" on Elements_Array.
For "=" on Vectors: Previously, we returned True immediately if
Left'Address = Right'Address. That seems like a non-optimization
("if X = X" is unusual), so removed that. Simplify by using
slice comparison ("=" on Element_Array will automatically call
"=" on the components, even if user defined).
2015-10-16 Ed Schonberg <>
* sem_ch13.adb (Chek_Record_Representation_Clause): When
iterating over components, skip anonymous subtypes created for
constrained array components.
2015-10-16 Eric Botcazou <>
* (Parent_Size): Remove obsolete pragma Export.
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . C O N T A I N E R S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
package body Ada.Containers is
package body Generic_Implementation is
-- Adjust --
procedure Adjust (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type) is
pragma Assert (T_Check); -- not called if check suppressed
if Control.T_Counts /= null then
Lock (Control.T_Counts.all);
end if;
end Adjust;
-- Busy --
procedure Busy (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check then
B : Natural renames T_Counts.Busy;
B := B + 1;
end if;
end Busy;
-- Finalize --
procedure Finalize (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type) is
pragma Assert (T_Check); -- not called if check suppressed
if Control.T_Counts /= null then
Unlock (Control.T_Counts.all);
Control.T_Counts := null;
end if;
end Finalize;
-- No need to protect against double Finalize here, because these types
-- are limited.
procedure Finalize (Busy : in out With_Busy) is
pragma Assert (T_Check); -- not called if check suppressed
Unbusy (Busy.T_Counts.all);
end Finalize;
procedure Finalize (Lock : in out With_Lock) is
pragma Assert (T_Check); -- not called if check suppressed
Unlock (Lock.T_Counts.all);
end Finalize;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize (Busy : in out With_Busy) is
pragma Assert (T_Check); -- not called if check suppressed
Generic_Implementation.Busy (Busy.T_Counts.all);
end Initialize;
procedure Initialize (Lock : in out With_Lock) is
pragma Assert (T_Check); -- not called if check suppressed
Generic_Implementation.Lock (Lock.T_Counts.all);
end Initialize;
-- Lock --
procedure Lock (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check then
B : Natural renames T_Counts.Busy;
L : Natural renames T_Counts.Lock;
L := L + 1;
B := B + 1;
end if;
end Lock;
-- TC_Check --
procedure TC_Check (T_Counts : Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check and then T_Counts.Busy > 0 then
raise Program_Error with
"attempt to tamper with cursors";
end if;
end TC_Check;
-- TE_Check --
procedure TE_Check (T_Counts : Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check and then T_Counts.Lock > 0 then
raise Program_Error with
"attempt to tamper with elements";
end if;
end TE_Check;
-- Unbusy --
procedure Unbusy (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check then
B : Natural renames T_Counts.Busy;
B := B - 1;
end if;
end Unbusy;
-- Unlock --
procedure Unlock (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check then
B : Natural renames T_Counts.Busy;
L : Natural renames T_Counts.Lock;
L := L - 1;
B := B - 1;
end if;
end Unlock;
-- Zero_Counts --
procedure Zero_Counts (T_Counts : out Tamper_Counts) is
if T_Check then
T_Counts := (others => <>);
end if;
end Zero_Counts;
end Generic_Implementation;
end Ada.Containers;
......@@ -13,6 +13,17 @@
-- --
pragma Check_Name (Container_Checks);
pragma Check_Name (Tampering_Check);
-- The above checks are not in the Ada RM. They are added in order to allow
-- suppression of checks within containers packages. Suppressing
-- Tampering_Check suppresses the tampering checks and associated machinery,
-- which is very expensive. Suppressing Container_Checks suppresses
-- Tampering_Check as well as all the other (not-so-expensive) containers
-- checks.
private with Ada.Finalization;
package Ada.Containers is
pragma Pure;
......@@ -21,4 +32,123 @@ package Ada.Containers is
Capacity_Error : exception;
type Tamper_Counts is record
Busy : Natural := 0;
Lock : Natural := 0;
end record;
-- Busy is positive when tampering with cursors is prohibited. Busy and
-- Lock are both positive when tampering with elements is prohibited.
type Tamper_Counts_Access is access all Tamper_Counts;
for Tamper_Counts_Access'Storage_Size use 0;
package Generic_Implementation is
-- Generic package used in the implementation of containers.
-- ???Currently used by Vectors; not yet by all other containers.
-- This needs to be generic so that the 'Enabled attribute will return
-- the value that is relevant at the point where a container generic is
-- instantiated. For example:
-- pragma Suppress (Container_Checks);
-- package My_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (...);
-- should suppress all container-related checks within the instance
-- My_Vectors.
-- Shorthands for "checks enabled" and "tampering checks enabled". Note
-- that suppressing either Container_Checks or Tampering_Check disables
-- tampering checks. Note that this code needs to be in a generic
-- package, because we want to take account of check suppressions at the
-- instance. We use these flags, along with pragma Inline, to ensure
-- that the compiler can optimize away the checks, as well as the
-- tampering check machinery, when checks are suppressed.
Checks : constant Boolean := Container_Checks'Enabled;
T_Check : constant Boolean :=
Container_Checks'Enabled and Tampering_Check'Enabled;
-- Reference_Control_Type is used as a component of reference types, to
-- prohibit tampering with elements so long as references exist.
type Reference_Control_Type is
new Finalization.Controlled with record
T_Counts : Tamper_Counts_Access;
end record
with Disable_Controlled => not T_Check;
overriding procedure Adjust (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type);
pragma Inline (Adjust);
overriding procedure Finalize (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type);
pragma Inline (Finalize);
procedure Zero_Counts (T_Counts : out Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (Zero_Counts);
-- Set Busy and Lock to zero
procedure Busy (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (Busy);
-- Prohibit tampering with cursors
procedure Unbusy (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (Unbusy);
-- Allow tampering with cursors
procedure Lock (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (Lock);
-- Prohibit tampering with elements
procedure Unlock (T_Counts : in out Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (Unlock);
-- Allow tampering with elements
procedure TC_Check (T_Counts : Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (TC_Check);
-- Tampering-with-cursors check
procedure TE_Check (T_Counts : Tamper_Counts);
pragma Inline (TE_Check);
-- Tampering-with-elements check
-- RAII Types --
-- Initialize of With_Busy increments the Busy count, and Finalize
-- decrements it. Thus, to prohibit tampering with elements within a
-- given scope, declare an object of type With_Busy. The Busy count
-- will be correctly decremented in case of exception or abort.
-- With_Lock is the same as With_Busy, except it increments/decrements
-- BOTH Busy and Lock, thus prohibiting tampering with cursors.
type With_Busy (T_Counts : not null access Tamper_Counts) is
new Finalization.Limited_Controlled with null record
with Disable_Controlled => not T_Check;
overriding procedure Initialize (Busy : in out With_Busy);
overriding procedure Finalize (Busy : in out With_Busy);
type With_Lock (T_Counts : not null access Tamper_Counts) is
new Finalization.Limited_Controlled with null record
with Disable_Controlled => not T_Check;
overriding procedure Initialize (Lock : in out With_Lock);
overriding procedure Finalize (Lock : in out With_Lock);
-- Variables of type With_Busy and With_Lock are declared only for the
-- effects of Initialize and Finalize, so they are not referenced;
-- disable warnings about that. Note that all variables of these types
-- have names starting with "Busy" or "Lock". These pragmas need to be
-- present wherever these types are used.
pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Busy*"" is not referenced");
pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Lock*"" is not referenced");
end Generic_Implementation;
end Ada.Containers;
......@@ -366,8 +366,10 @@ private
pragma Inline (Next);
pragma Inline (Previous);
package Implementation is new Generic_Implementation;
use Implementation;
type Elements_Array is array (Index_Type range <>) of aliased Element_Type;
function "=" (L, R : Elements_Array) return Boolean is abstract;
type Elements_Type (Last : Extended_Index) is limited record
EA : Elements_Array (Index_Type'First .. Last);
......@@ -375,14 +377,13 @@ private
type Elements_Access is access all Elements_Type;
use Ada.Finalization;
use Ada.Streams;
use Finalization;
use Streams;
type Vector is new Controlled with record
Elements : Elements_Access := null;
Last : Extended_Index := No_Index;
Busy : Natural := 0;
Lock : Natural := 0;
TC : aliased Tamper_Counts;
end record;
overriding procedure Adjust (Container : in out Vector);
......@@ -420,16 +421,8 @@ private
for Cursor'Write use Write;
type Reference_Control_Type is
new Controlled with record
Container : Vector_Access;
end record;
overriding procedure Adjust (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type);
pragma Inline (Adjust);
overriding procedure Finalize (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type);
pragma Inline (Finalize);
subtype Reference_Control_Type is Implementation.Reference_Control_Type;
-- It is necessary to rename this here, so that the compiler can find it
type Constant_Reference_Type
(Element : not null access constant Element_Type) is
......@@ -477,7 +470,7 @@ private
-- Three operations are used to optimize in the expansion of "for ... of"
-- loops: the Next(Cursor) procedure in the visible part, and the following
-- Pseudo_Reference and Get_Element_Access functions. See Sem_Ch5 for
-- Pseudo_Reference and Get_Element_Access functions. See Exp_Ch5 for
-- details.
function Pseudo_Reference
......@@ -501,4 +494,25 @@ private
-- Count_Type'Last as a universal_integer, so we can compare Index_Type
-- values against this without type conversions that might overflow.
type Iterator is new Limited_Controlled and
Vector_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator with
Container : Vector_Access;
Index : Index_Type'Base;
end record
with Disable_Controlled => not T_Check;
overriding procedure Finalize (Object : in out Iterator);
overriding function First (Object : Iterator) return Cursor;
overriding function Last (Object : Iterator) return Cursor;
overriding function Next
(Object : Iterator;
Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
overriding function Previous
(Object : Iterator;
Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
end Ada.Containers.Vectors;
......@@ -9840,9 +9840,15 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
Component_Bit_Offset (Pcomp) + Esize (Pcomp) - 1);
end if;
-- Skip anonymous types generated for constrained array
-- or record components.
Next_Entity (Pcomp);
end if;
Next_Entity (Pcomp);
end loop;
end if;
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