Commit 1e00de1f by Arnaud Charlet

parent_ltd_with-child_full_view.adb: New test.

	* gnat.dg/parent_ltd_with-child_full_view.adb: New test.
	* gnat.dg/rt1.adb: New test.
	* gnat.dg/test_time_stamp.adb: New test.
	* gnat.dg/specs/ New test.
	* gnat.dg/specs/ New test.

From-SVN: r134085
parent ea081ad7
-- { dg-do compile }
package body Parent_Ltd_With.Child_Full_View is
function New_Child_Symbol return Child_Symbol_Access is
Sym : constant Child_Symbol_Access := new Child_Symbol'(Comp => 10);
return Sym;
end New_Child_Symbol;
end Parent_Ltd_With.Child_Full_View;
package Parent_Ltd_With.Child_Full_View is
type Child_Symbol is new Parent_Ltd_With.Symbol with private;
type Child_Symbol_Access is access all Child_Symbol;
function New_Child_Symbol return Child_Symbol_Access;
type Child_Symbol is new Parent_Ltd_With.Symbol with null record;
end Parent_Ltd_With.Child_Full_View;
limited with Parent_Ltd_With.Child_Full_View;
package Parent_Ltd_With is
type Symbol is abstract tagged limited private;
type Symbol_Access is access all Symbol'Class;
type Symbol is abstract tagged limited record
Comp : Integer;
end record;
end Parent_Ltd_With;
-- { dg-do compile }
package body RT1 is
procedure P (S : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is
Val : constant Ptr := Ptr'Input (S);
end P;
end RT1;
with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams;
package RT1 is
pragma Remote_Types;
type Ptr is private;
procedure Read (X : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; V : out Ptr) is null;
procedure Write (X : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; V : Ptr) is null;
for Ptr'Read use Read;
for Ptr'Write use Write;
procedure P (S : access Root_Stream_Type'Class);
type Ptr is not null access all Integer;
end RT1;
-- { dg-do compile }
package aggr1 is
type Buffer_Array is array (1 .. 2 ** 23) of Integer;
type Message is record
Data : Buffer_Array := (others => 0);
end record;
-- { dg-do compile }
pragma Warnings (Off, "*bits of*unused");
package warnstar is
type r is record
a : integer;
end record;
for r use record
a at 0 range 0 .. 1023;
end record;
end warnstar;
-- { dg-do run }
with GNAT.Time_Stamp;
use GNAT.Time_Stamp;
procedure test_time_stamp is
S : constant String := Current_Time;
function NN (S : String) return Boolean is
for J in S'Range loop
if S (J) not in '0' .. '9' then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end NN;
if S'Length /= 22
or else S (5) /= '-'
or else S (8) /= '-'
or else S (11) /= ' '
or else S (14) /= ':'
or else S (17) /= ':'
or else S (20) /= '.'
or else NN (S (1 .. 4))
or else NN (S (6 .. 7))
or else NN (S (9 .. 10))
or else NN (S (12 .. 13))
or else NN (S (15 .. 16))
or else NN (S (18 .. 19))
or else NN (S (21 .. 22))
raise Program_Error;
end if;
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