Commit 19eaa5a3 by Tom Tromey Committed by Tom Tromey

loader.exp (gcj_loader_test_one): Use libjava_prune_warnings.

	* libjava.loader/loader.exp (gcj_loader_test_one): Use
	(gcj_loader_run): Likewise.
	* libjava.mauve/mauve.exp (test_mauve): Use
	(test_mauve_sim): Likewise.
	* libjava.jni/jni.exp (gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so): Use
	(gcj_jni_build_header): Likewise.
	* lib/libjava.exp (libjava_prune_warnings): New proc.
	(gcj_link): Use it.
	(test_libjava_from_source): Likewise.
	(test_libjava_from_javac): Likewise.

From-SVN: r60089
parent dd05b1b4
2002-12-12 Tom Tromey <>
* libjava.loader/loader.exp (gcj_loader_test_one): Use
(gcj_loader_run): Likewise.
* libjava.mauve/mauve.exp (test_mauve): Use
(test_mauve_sim): Likewise.
* libjava.jni/jni.exp (gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so): Use
(gcj_jni_build_header): Likewise.
* lib/libjava.exp (libjava_prune_warnings): New proc.
(gcj_link): Use it.
(test_libjava_from_source): Likewise.
(test_libjava_from_javac): Likewise.
2002-12-08 Tom Tromey <>
Test for PR libgcj/8823:
......@@ -10,6 +10,22 @@ if ![info exists tmpdir] {
set tmpdir "/tmp"
# This is like `prune_warnings', but it also prunes away a warning
# from the bytecode front end that we don't care about.
proc libjava_prune_warnings {text} {
set text [prune_warnings $text]
set tlist [split $text \n]
set len [llength $tlist]
for {set i [expr {$len - 1}]} {$i >= 2} {incr i -1} {
if {[string match "*unreachable bytecode*" [lindex $tlist $i]]} {
# Delete this line and the previous two lines.
set tlist [lreplace $tlist [expr {$i - 2}] $i]
incr i -2
return [join $tlist \n]
# This is like `target_compile' but it does some surgery to work
# around stupid DejaGNU bugs. In particular DejaGNU has very poor
# quoting, so for instance a `$' will be re-evaluated at spawn time.
......@@ -421,8 +437,8 @@ proc gcj_link {program main files {options {}}} {
eval lappend arguments $options
lappend arguments "additional_flags=--main=$main"
set x [prune_warnings [libjava_tcompile $files $program executable \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile $files $program executable $arguments]]
if {$x != ""} {
verbose "link failure: $x" 2
fail "linking $program"
......@@ -569,7 +585,7 @@ proc test_libjava_from_source { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile
set removeList [list $executable]
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile $srcfile "$executable" $target $args]]
if {[info exists opts(xfail-gcj)]} {
setup_xfail *-*-*
......@@ -683,11 +699,11 @@ proc test_libjava_from_javac { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile e
set jvscan [find_jvscan]
verbose "jvscan is $jvscan"
set main_name [string trim \
[prune_warnings \
[libjava_prune_warnings \
[lindex [local_exec "$jvscan --encoding=UTF-8 $srcfile --print-main" "" "" 300] 1]]]
verbose "main name is $main_name"
set class_out [string trim \
[prune_warnings \
[libjava_prune_warnings \
[lindex [local_exec "$jvscan --encoding=UTF-8 $srcfile --list-class" "" "" 300] 1]]]
verbose "class list is $class_out"
......@@ -765,7 +781,7 @@ proc test_libjava_from_javac { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile e
if {$mode == "compile"} {
foreach c_file $class_files {
set executable [file rootname [file tail $c_file]].o
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile $c_file "$executable" $type $args]]
lappend removeList $executable
if {$x != ""} {
......@@ -781,7 +797,7 @@ proc test_libjava_from_javac { options srcfile compile_args inpfile resultfile e
set hack "$hack $stupid"
lappend removeList $executable
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile $hack "$executable" $type $args]]
if {[info exists opts(xfail-byte)]} {
......@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ proc gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so {file {options {}}} {
# Find jni.h.
lappend options "additional_flags=-I$srcdir/../include"
set x [prune_warnings [target_compile $file $soname executable $options]]
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile $file $soname executable $options]]
if {$x != ""} {
verbose "target_compile failed: $x" 2
fail "$name.c compilation"
......@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ proc gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so {file {options {}}} {
proc gcj_jni_build_header {file} {
set gcjh [find_gcjh]
set file [file rootname $file]
set x [string trim [prune_warnings \
set x [string trim [libjava_prune_warnings \
[lindex [local_exec "$gcjh -jni $file" "" "" 300] 1]]]
if {$x != ""} {
verbose "local_exec failed: $x" 2
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ proc gcj_loader_test_one {srcfile} {
set errname [file rootname [file tail $srcfile]]
set args [libjava_arguments link]
lappend args "additional_flags=--main=[file rootname [file tail $srcfile]] $srcdir/$subdir/ $objdir/dummy.o"
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile $srcfile "$executable" executable $args]]
if { $x != "" } {
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ proc gcj_loader_run {} {
set args [libjava_arguments compile]
lappend args "additional_flags=--resource $objdir/dummy.class"
set x [prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile "$objdir/dummy.class" "$objdir/dummy.o" object $args]]
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[libjava_tcompile "$objdir/dummy.class" "$objdir/dummy.o" object $args]]
if { $x != "" } {
verbose "resource compilation failed: $x" 2
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ proc test_mauve {} {
foreach base {DejaGNUTestHarness gnu/testlet/SimpleTestHarness gnu/testlet/TestHarness gnu/testlet/Testlet gnu/testlet/ResourceNotFoundException gnu/testlet/config} {
set file $base.class
set obj $base.o
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile [pwd]/$file $obj object $compile_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
fail "Compile $obj"
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ proc test_mauve {} {
if {! [file exists $obj]} then {
verbose "compiling $obj for test of $class"
set srcfile [file rootname $obj].class
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile [pwd]/$srcfile $obj object $compile_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
fail "Compile $obj for $class"
......@@ -195,8 +195,9 @@ proc test_mauve {} {
set x [prune_warnings [target_compile [concat $uses($file) $objlist] \
$Executable executable $link_args]]
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile [concat $uses($file) $objlist] \
$Executable executable $link_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
set proc_ok 0
fail "Link for $class"
......@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ proc test_mauve_sim {} {
gnu/testlet/config} {
set file $base.class
set obj $base.o
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile [pwd]/$file $obj object $compile_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
fail "Compile $obj"
......@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ proc test_mauve_sim {} {
if {! [file exists $obj]} then {
verbose "compiling $obj for test of $class"
set srcfile [file rootname $obj].class
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile [pwd]/$srcfile $obj object $compile_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
fail "Compile $obj for $class"
......@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ proc test_mauve_sim {} {
return 0
set x [prune_warnings \
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile gnu/testlet/DejaGNUTestHarness.class \
gnu/testlet/DejaGNUTestHarness.o object $compile_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
......@@ -366,8 +367,9 @@ proc test_mauve_sim {} {
set x [prune_warnings [target_compile [concat $uses($file) $objlist] \
$Executable executable $link_args]]
set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
[target_compile [concat $uses($file) $objlist] \
$Executable executable $link_args]]
if {$x != ""} then {
set proc_ok 0
fail "Link for $class"
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