Commit 084e3bd1 by Ed Schonberg Committed by Pierre-Marie de Rodat

[Ada] Crash on expression function and tagged types

This patch fixes a compiler abort on an expression function whose
expression includes tagged types that have not been frozen before the
generated body of the function is analyzed, even though that body is
inserted at the end of the current declarative part.

2018-08-21  Ed Schonberg  <>


	* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Helper, Mask_Type):
	Refine the handling of freezing types for expression functions
	that are not completions, when analyzing the generated body for
	the function: the body is inserted at the end of the enclosing
	declarative part, and its analysis may freeze types declared in
	the same scope that have not been frozen yet.


	* gnat.dg/expr_func7.adb, gnat.dg/ New testcase.

From-SVN: r263735
parent 0db1c386
2018-08-21 Ed Schonberg <>
* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Helper, Mask_Type):
Refine the handling of freezing types for expression functions
that are not completions, when analyzing the generated body for
the function: the body is inserted at the end of the enclosing
declarative part, and its analysis may freeze types declared in
the same scope that have not been frozen yet.
2018-08-21 Ed Schonberg <>
* sem_ch6.adb: Remove Freeze_Expr_Types.
*, freeze.adb (Freeze_Expr_Types): Moved from
sem_ch6.adb, and extended to handle other expressions that may
......@@ -3145,8 +3145,12 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
end if;
if not Is_Frozen (Typ) then
Set_Is_Frozen (Typ);
Append_New_Elmt (Typ, Result);
if Scope (Typ) /= Current_Scope then
Set_Is_Frozen (Typ);
Append_New_Elmt (Typ, Result);
Freeze_Before (N, Typ);
end if;
end if;
end Mask_Type;
......@@ -3636,28 +3640,28 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
-- They are necessary in any case to insure order of elaboration
-- in gigi.
if not Is_Frozen (Spec_Id)
if Nkind (N) = N_Subprogram_Body
and then Was_Expression_Function (N)
and then not Has_Completion (Spec_Id)
and then Serious_Errors_Detected = 0
and then (Expander_Active
or else ASIS_Mode
or else (Operating_Mode = Check_Semantics
and then Serious_Errors_Detected = 0))
or else Operating_Mode = Check_Semantics)
-- The body generated for an expression function that is not a
-- completion is a freeze point neither for the profile nor for
-- anything else. That's why, in order to prevent any freezing
-- during analysis, we need to mask types declared outside the
-- expression that are not yet frozen.
-- expression (and in an outer scope) that are not yet frozen.
if Nkind (N) = N_Subprogram_Body
and then Was_Expression_Function (N)
and then not Has_Completion (Spec_Id)
Set_Is_Frozen (Spec_Id);
Mask_Types := Mask_Unfrozen_Types (Spec_Id);
Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (Spec_Id);
Freeze_Before (N, Spec_Id);
end if;
Set_Is_Frozen (Spec_Id);
Mask_Types := Mask_Unfrozen_Types (Spec_Id);
elsif not Is_Frozen (Spec_Id)
and then Serious_Errors_Detected = 0
Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (Spec_Id);
Freeze_Before (N, Spec_Id);
end if;
end if;
2018-08-21 Ed Schonberg <>
* gnat.dg/expr_func7.adb, gnat.dg/ New testcase.
2018-08-21 Ed Schonberg <>
* gnat.dg/expr_func6.adb, gnat.dg/ New testcase.
2018-08-21 Javier Miranda <>
-- { dg-do compile }
package body Expr_Func7 is
procedure Dummy is null;
end Expr_Func7;
package Expr_Func7 is
type Abstract_Food is tagged null record;
type Abstract_Food_Access is access Abstract_Food'Class;
type Fruit is new Abstract_Food with record
Worm : Boolean;
end record;
type Bananas is tagged record
Inside : Abstract_Food_Access;
end record;
function Has_Worm
(B : Bananas) return Boolean is (Fruit (B.Inside.all).Worm);
Cool : Bananas;
procedure Dummy;
end Expr_Func7;
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