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[Ada] Premature finalization of controlled temporaries in case expressions · 2418e231
The compiler was generating finalization of temporary objects used in evaluating case expressions for controlled types in cases where the case statement created by Expand_N_Expression_With_Actions is rewritten as an if statement. This is fixed by inheriting the From_Condition_Expression flag from the rewritten case statement. The test below must generate the following output when executed: $ main Xs(1): 1 ---- package Test is type E is (E1, E2); procedure Test (A : in E); end Test; ---- with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Finalization; package body Test is type T is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record N : Natural := 0; end record; overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out T) is begin X.N := 42; end Finalize; type T_Array is array (Positive range <>) of T; function Make_T (N : Natural) return T is begin return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with N => N); end Make_T; X1 : constant T := Make_T (1); X2 : constant T := Make_T (2); procedure Test (A : in E) is Xs : constant T_Array := (case A is when E1 => (1 => X1), when E2 => (1 => X2)); begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Xs(1):" & Natural'Image (Xs (1).N)); end Test; end Test; ---- with Test; procedure Main is begin Test.Test (Test.E1); end Main; 2019-07-22 Gary Dismukes <dismukes@adacore.com> gcc/ada/ * exp_ch5.adb (Expand_N_Case_Statement): In the case where a case statement is rewritten as an equivalent if statement, inherit the From_Condition_Expression flag from the case statement. From-SVN: r273678
Gary Dismukes committed