If you think you may have found a bug in GNU CC, pleaseread the Bugs section of the GCC manual for advice on(1) how to tell when to report a bug, (2) where to send your bug report, and(2) how to write a useful bug report and what informationit needs to have.There are three ways to read the Bugs section.(1) In a printed copy of the GCC manual. You can order one from theFree Software Foundation; see the file ORDERS. But if you don't havea copy on hand and you think you have found a bug, you shouldn't waitto get a printed manual; you should read the section right away asdescribed below.(2) With Info. Start Emacs, do C-h i to enter Info,then m gcc RET to get to the GCC manual, then m Bugs RETto get to the section on bugs. Or use standalone Info ina like manner. (Standalone Info is part of the Texinfo distribution.)(3) By hand. Search for the chapter "Reporting Bugs" in gcc.texi, or cat /usr/local/info/gcc* | more "+/^File: emacs, Node: Bugs,"