As all users of GCC will know, SCO has recently made claims concerningalleged copyright infringement by recent versions of the operatingsystem kernel called Linux. SCO has made irresponsible publicstatements about this supposed copyright infringement withoutreleasing any evidence of the infringement, and has demanded thatusers of Linux, the kernel most often used with the GNU system, payfor a license. This license is incompatible with the GPL, and in theopinion of the Free Software Foundation such a demand unquestionablyviolates the GNU General Public License under which the kernel isdistributed.We have been urged to drop support for SCO Unix from this release ofGCC, as a protest against this irresponsible aggression against freesoftware and GNU/Linux. However, the direct effect of this actionwould fall on users of GCC rather than on SCO. For the moment, wehave decided not to take that action. The Free Software Foundation'soverriding goal is to protect the freedom of the free softwarecommunity, including developers and users, but we also want to serveusers. Protecting the community from an attack sometimes requiressteps that will inconvenience some in the community. Such a step isnot yet necessary, in our view, but we cannot indefinitely continue toignore the aggression against our community taken by a party that haslong profited from the commercial distribution of our programs. Weurge users of SCO Unix to make clear to SCO their disapproval of thecompany's aggression against the free software community. We willhave a further announcement concerning continuing support of SCO Unixby GCC before our next release.