We implement [Ariane design with 133 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane133) on the [ASAP7](../../../Enablements/ASAP7) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of Ariane design with 133 macros on ASAP7 using commercial and open-source tools. First, we provide the steps for netlist preparation and then discuss the SP&R flow.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
We implement the Ariane design on the ASAP7 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/asap7). We use the [FakeRAM2.0](https://github.com/ABKGroup/FakeRAM2.0) generator for the ASAP7 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are copied into the [*Enablements/ASAP7*](../../../Enablements/ASAP7/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
We use an unnamed commercial logic synthesis tool to synthesize the Ariane 133-macro version from Verilog RTL. The synthesized gate-level (standard cells and SRAM macros) netlist is available in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the gate-level netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence//mp_config.tcl) is available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows:
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 133 memory macros using the Cadence flow.
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/asap7* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane133* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS. The config file contains the *set_dont_touch* (it is called PRESERVE_CELLS in ORFS) for the memory macros.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/asap7/ariane133/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** for macro placement. To run macro placement using **Triton Macro Placer** use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/asap7/ariane133/config.mk
<!-- Below is a screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 133 memory macros using ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Ariane design with 136 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane136/) on the [ASAP7](../../../Enablements/ASAP7) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of Ariane design with 136 macros on ASAP7 using commercial and open-source tools.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
We implement Ariane design with [136 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane136/) on the ASAP7 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/asap7). We use the [FakeRAM2.0](https://github.com/ABKGroup/FakeRAM2.0) generator for the ASAP7 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/ASAP7*](../../../Enablements/ASAP7/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:**[run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .sv files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl)(changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/ariane.sdc*](./constraints/ariane.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/mp_config.tcl) is available in the *./scripts/cadence/* directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows.
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using Cadence flow.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/asap7* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/asap7/ariane136/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/asap7/ariane136/config.mk
<!-- Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Mempool tile](../../../Testcases/mempool) on the [ASAP7](../../../Enablements/ASAP7) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of MemPool_tile on ASAP7 using commercial and open-source tools. MemPool tile is part of MemPool which is an open-source many-core system targeting image processing applications. It can be downloaded from [mempool](https://github.com/pulp-platform/mempool) GitHub repo.
### **Using Cadence Innovus:**
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
All the required scripts to run P\&R are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
We use an unnamed commercial logic synthesis tool to synthesize the MemPool tile. The synthesized gate-level (standard cells and SRAM macros) netlist is available in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. We use this netlist for the P&R run.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the gate-level netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/mp_config.tcl) is available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows:
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the mempool_tile SP\&R databse.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/mempool_tile.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/mempool_tile.tar.gz) directory to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/asap7* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf mempool_tile.tar.gz* to untar *mempool_tile.tar.gz*. This will generate *mempool_tile* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/asap7/mempool_tile/config.mk
<!-- Below is the screenshot of the mempool_tile SP\&R database.
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla) on the [ASAP7](../../../Enablements/ASAP7) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of NVDLA design with 128 memory macros on ASAP7 using commercial and open-source tools.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla/) on the ASAP7 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/asap7). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the ASAP7 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/ASAP7*](../../../Enablements/ASAP7/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:**[run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .v files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl)(changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc*](./constraints/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the NVDLA SP\&R database with 128 memory macros using Cadence flow.
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Ariane design with 133 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane133) on the [NanGate45](../../../Enablements/NanGate45) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of Ariane design with 133 macros on NanGate45 using commercial and open-source tools. First, we provide the steps for netlist preparation and then discuss the SP&R flow.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
We implement the Ariane design on the NanGate45 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/nangate45). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the NanGate45 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are copied into the [*Enablements/NanGate45*](../../../Enablements/NanGate45/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
We use an unnamed commercial logic synthesis tool to synthesize the Ariane 133-macro version from Verilog RTL. The synthesized gate-level (standard cells and SRAM macros) netlist is available in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the gate-level netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence//mp_config.tcl) is available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows:
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 133 memory macros using the Cadence flow.
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
The screenshot of the design using ORFS on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane133* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS. The config file contains the *set_dont_touch* (it is called PRESERVE_CELLS in ORFS) for the memory macros.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane133/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** for macro placement. To run macro placement using **Triton Macro Placer** use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane133/config.mk
Below is a screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 133 memory macros using ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Ariane design with 136 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane136/) on the [NanGate45](../../../Enablements/NanGate45) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of Ariane design with 136 macros on NanGate45 using commercial and open-source tools.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
We implement Ariane design with [136 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane136/) on the NanGate45 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/nangate45). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the NanGate45 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/NanGate45*](../../../Enablements/NanGate45/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:**[run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .sv files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl)(changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/ariane.sdc*](./constraints/ariane.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/mp_config.tcl) is available in the *./scripts/cadence/* directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows.
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using Cadence flow.
The screenshot of the design using ORFS on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Mempool tile](../../../Testcases/mempool) on the [NanGate45](../../../Enablements/NanGate45) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of MemPool_tile on NanGate45 using commercial and open-source tools. MemPool tile is part of MemPool which is an open-source many-core system targeting image processing applications. It can be downloaded from [mempool](https://github.com/pulp-platform/mempool) GitHub repo.
### **Using Cadence Innovus:**
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
All the required scripts to run P\&R are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
We use an unnamed commercial logic synthesis tool to synthesize the MemPool tile. The synthesized gate-level (standard cells and SRAM macros) netlist is available in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. We use this netlist for the P&R run.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the gate-level netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/mp_config.tcl) is available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows:
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the mempool_tile SP\&R databse.
The screenshot of the design using ORFS on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/mempool_tile.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/mempool_tile.tar.gz) directory to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf mempool_tile.tar.gz* to untar *mempool_tile.tar.gz*. This will generate *mempool_tile* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/mempool_tile/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the mempool_tile SP\&R database.
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla) on the [NanGate45](../../../Enablements/NanGate45) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of NVDLA design with 128 macros on NanGate45 using commercial and open-source tools.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla/) on the NanGate45 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/nangate45). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the NanGate45 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/NanGate45*](../../../Enablements/NanGate45/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:**[run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .v files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl)(changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc*](./constraints/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the NVDLA SP\&R database with 128 memory macros using Cadence flow.
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Ariane design with 133 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane133) on the [SKY130HD](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of Ariane design with 133 macros on SKY130HD using commercial and open-source tools. First, we provide the steps for netlist preparation and then discuss the SP&R flow.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on SKY130HD enablement is shown below
We implement the Ariane design on the SKY130HD platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/sky130hd). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the SKY130HD platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are copied into the [*Enablements/SKY130HD*](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
We use an unnamed commercial logic synthesis tool to synthesize the Ariane 133-macro version from Verilog RTL. The synthesized gate-level (standard cells and SRAM macros) netlist is available in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the gate-level netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence//mp_config.tcl) is available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows:
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 133 memory macros using the Cadence flow.
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane133* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS. The config file contains the *set_dont_touch* (it is called PRESERVE_CELLS in ORFS) for the memory macros.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane133/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** for macro placement. To run macro placement using **Triton Macro Placer** use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane133/config.mk
Below is a screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 133 memory macros using ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Ariane design with 136 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane136) on the [SKY130HD](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of Ariane design with 136 macros on SKY130HD using commercial and open-source tools.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on SKY130HD enablement is shown below
We implement Ariane design with [136 macros](../../../Testcases/ariane136/) on the SKY130HD platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/sky130hd). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the SKY130HD platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/SKY130HD*](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:**[run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .sv files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl)(changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/ariane.sdc*](./constraints/ariane.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using Cadence flow.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
We implement [Mempool tile](../../../Testcases/mempool) on the [SKY130HD](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of MemPool_tile on SKY130HD using commercial and open-source tools. MemPool tile is part of MemPool which is an open-source many-core system targeting image processing applications. It can be downloaded from [mempool](https://github.com/pulp-platform/mempool) GitHub repo.
### **Using Cadence Innovus:**
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on SKY130HD enablement is shown below
All the required scripts to run P\&R are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
We use an unnamed commercial logic synthesis tool to synthesize the MemPool tile. The synthesized gate-level (standard cells and SRAM macros) netlist is available in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. We use this netlist for the P&R run.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the gate-level netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Innovus requires a configuration file to run the macro placement flow. For this we use *proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl* command. The configuration file [*mp_config.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/mp_config.tcl) is available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory. Some details of the configuration files are as follows:
1. Provide the memory hierarchy name under the **SEED** section. If you do not provide the memory hierarchy here, then the macro placement constraints (e.g., cell orientation, spacing, etc.) related to that memory may be overlooked.
2. For each macro, valid orientation and spacing rules can be provided under the **MACRO** section. For example, we set valid macro orientation as *R0* for our run, horizontal spacing as *10um*, and vertical spacing as *5um*. Also, when you provide the cell name (ref name, not instance name) add the *isCell=true* option.
Below is the screenshot of the mempool_tile SP\&R databse.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/mempool_tile.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/mempool_tile.tar.gz) directory to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf mempool_tile.tar.gz* to untar *mempool_tile.tar.gz*. This will generate *mempool_tile* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/mempool_tile/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the mempool_tile SP\&R database.
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla) on the [SKY130HD](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of NVDLA design with 128 macros on SKY130HD using commercial and open-source tools.
The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on SKY130HD enablement is shown below. The 256x64 SRAM memory dimension is weird. This is the memory we have generated using the [bsg_fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) memory compiler.
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla/) on the SKY130HD platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/tree/master/flow/platforms/sky130hd). We use the [fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) generator for the SKY130HD platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/SKY130HD*](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:**[run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .v files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl)(changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc*](./constraints/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:**[run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the NVDLA SP\&R database with 128 memory macros using Cadence flow. The 256x64 SRAM memory dimension is weird. This is the memory we have generated using the [bsg_fakeram](https://github.com/jjcherry56/bsg_fakeram) memory compiler.
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
<!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here](https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow-scripts). To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config_hier.mk
4. config_hier.mk uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/config.mk
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.